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经典900句突击雅思口语高分 常考话题1-40:购物中心

编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • 1.How often do you go shopping?
  • 1.你多长时间购物一次?
  • I go shopping once a week to buy some vegetables and fruits.
  • 我大概一个星期去买一些蔬菜和水果。
  • 2.Do you like going shopping?
  • 2.你喜欢逛街吗?
  • Not very much. I seldom buy other things except the necessities?
  • 不是很喜欢,我除了买那些必需品几乎不去逛。
  • 3.What do you think of the living standard in China now?
  • 3.你认为当今中国的居住条件怎么样?
  • Well,there has been great improvement in our living standard.Many people can afford cars and apartments. Their salary is high.
  • 居住条件改善了好多,很多人有车有房而且他们的工资也很高。
  • 4.What's the monthly expense for a family in your hometown?
  • 4.在你的家乡一个家庭的月薪大概有多少?
  • It depends. Normally, the expense for a family of three is about 800 Yuan every month. The goods are cheap in my hometown.
  • 这个不一定,一般情况下,三口之家的月薪大概是800元,我们家那边物价便宜。
  • 5.What are the differences between small stores and big supermarkets?
  • 5.小商店和大超市的区别是什么?
  • Supermarkets provide us with cheaper goods and the quality of goods is satisfactory.
  • 超市提供给我们更便宜的产品,而且产品质量也让我满意。
  • We can serve ourselves by choosing the goods freely.
  • 我们可以自由选择产品。
  • Some people like the traditional grocer's or corner shops because they appreciate what's called the "personal touch" there.
  • 有些人喜欢传统杂货店便利店,因为他们喜欢那里所谓的“亲自接触”。
  • In those small family-owned shops they get individual attention from the shop assistants.
  • 在这些小型夫妻店,他 们可以得到店主个人的关注。但
  • But I suspect small shops won't be able to survive for much longer. The competition from the supermarkets is too great.
  • 但是我猜这些小店经营不会坚持很久,因为来自超市的竞争太激烈了。
  • 6.What changes has happened in people's buying habit?
  • 6.人们购物的习惯有什么变化?
  • First,the payment method has changed. In the past,people paid the bill or bought goods in cash,they now use credit cards more.
  • 首先,支付方式方式改变了,过去人们用现金支付,现在他 们更多的是用信用卡。
  • With the development of the Internet,shopping online has become more and more popular.
  • 由于因特网的发展,网购变得越来越流行。
  • People can order the products they want without going out.
  • 人们可以不出门在网上订购他们想要的东西,
  • But the disadvantage of shopping on-line is that, I think, the delivery system is not perfect. And sometimes there is cheating on line.
  • 但我觉得网购的缺点是邮递系统还不是很完善,有时在网上也会作假。


Shopping center

1. How often do you go shopping?
1. 你多长时间购物一次
I go shopping once a week to buy some vegetables and fruits.
2. Do you like going shopping?
2. 你喜欢逛街吗
Not very much. I seldom buy other things except the necessities?
3. What do you think of the living standard in China now?
3. 你认为当今中国的居住条件怎么样
Well,there has been great improvement in our living standard.Many people can afford cars and apartments. Their salary is high.
4. What's the monthly expense for a family in your hometown?
4. 在你的家乡一个家庭的月薪大概有多少
It depends. Normally, the expense for a family of three is about 800 Yuan every month. The goods are cheap in my hometown.
5. What are the differences between small stores and big supermarkets?
5. 小商店和大超市的区别是什么
Supermarkets provide us with cheaper goods and the quality of goods is satisfactory. We can serve ourselves by choosing the goods freely. Some people like the traditional grocer's or corner shops because they appreciate what's called the "personal touch" there. In those small family-owned shops they get individual attention from the shop assistants. But I suspect small shops won't be able to survive for much longer. The competition from the supermarkets is too great.
6. What changes has happened in people's buying habit?
6. 人们购物的习惯有什么变化
First,the payment method has changed. In the past,people paid the bill or bought goods in cash,they now use credit cards more. With the development of the Internet,shopping online has become more and more popular. People can order the products they want without going out. But the disadvantage of shopping on-line is that, I think,the delivery system is not perfect. And sometimes there is cheating on line.
首先,支付方式方式改变了,过去人们用现金支付,现在他 们更多的是用信用卡。由于因特网的发展,网购变得越来越流行。人们可以不出门在网上订购他们想要的东西,但我觉得网购的缺点是邮递系统还不是很完善,有时在网上也会作假。

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appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意

survive [sə'vaiv]


vt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过

payment ['peimənt]


n. 支付,付款,报偿,报应

traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

disadvantage [.disəd'væntidʒ]


n. 不利,不利条件,损害,损失

delivery [di'livəri]


n. 递送,交付,分娩

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

competition [kɔmpi'tiʃən]


n. 比赛,竞争,竞赛

improvement [im'pru:vmənt]


n. 改进,改善





