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攻克雅思超级外教课 第60期:雅思时间管理术 IELTS—How to manage your time(8)

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  • Now, how are you going to use this time? The thing that I want you to practice eventually...
  • 那么,你们要怎么利用这段时间呢?我想让你们慢慢练习的一件事就是......
  • I will show you on another video how to do it, but spend five to seven minutes getting the gist of the reading.
  • 我之后会在另一个视频里告诉你们具体要怎么做,不过现在请花5到7分钟的时间找到阅读材料的主旨。
  • The gist? The overall idea. Get a sense of what the article is about.
  • 什么是主旨呢?就是文章大意,弄清楚整篇文章大概讲了什么。
  • Find the thesis statement for each paragraph, and find the key words.
  • 找到每一段的中心句,找到关键词。
  • Now, why are we doing this? By doing this, you will be able to write a heading, a one sentence, a very short sentence saying: what is this paragraph about?
  • 我们为什么要这么做呢?通过这种方法,你们就可以写出一个标题,一个很简短的句子,用来说明这一段是关于什么内容的。
  • You write that down next to the paragraph.
  • 你们要把这句话写在段落旁边。
  • You do that for every paragraph, if you can do this quickly... And believe me, it takes a lot of practice.
  • 接下来每一段都是如此,如果你们能够快速完成这个......相信我,要做到这一点需要多加练习。
  • If you can do this quickly, then everything else is very easy, once you have the heading, you can answer the heading type questions.
  • 如果你们能快速做到这一点,那么剩下的事情就很简单了,一旦写出了标题,你们就能回答出与标题相关的问题。
  • The summaries you can answer because you know where to begin the summary, and then you just follow along and complete it.
  • 总结类问题也能回答得出来,因为你们知道该从哪里开始总结了,然后只要顺着步骤完成它就可以了。
  • The most important, though, is everybody's favourite question: true, false, not given; yes, no, not given.
  • 不过最重要的还是大家最喜欢的问题类型:正确,错误,文章没有提到;是,否,文章没有提到。
  • Everybody thinks "not given", that's the hardest question. It doesn't have to be. Okay?
  • 大家都觉得“文章没有提到”是最难的问题。但是也不一定。
  • The not given question wastes a lot, a lot of time. Why? Because people try to read the entire article to find an answer that is not there.
  • “文章没有提到”类问题会浪费大把大把的时间。为什么?因为人们会试着把整篇文章从头到尾看一遍,企图找到并不存在的答案。
  • If it is not given, you will not find it. So why spend so much time looking for something that is not there?
  • 如果文章中没有提到的话,你们是找不到它的。那么为什么要花那么多时间去找根本不存在的东西呢?
  • What you should do, if you can do this properly, then whatever the question is, you should understand where it ought to be.
  • 你们应该做的是,如果你们能正确做到这一点,那么无论问题是什么,你们都应该知道它在哪里。
  • This is the question, the answer should be in paragraph three because that's the structure of this article,
  • 比如说你们要回答的是这个问题,答案应该在第三段,因为这就是这篇文章的结构,
  • that's what... this paragraph is talking about this information in the question.
  • 这就是......这一段讨论的就是问题中的信息。
  • So you go to paragraph three, you don't find the answer, you look a little bit at paragraph two, not there,
  • 所以你们要去第三段找,如果在第三段没有找到答案,就看一眼第二段,第二段也没有,
  • you look a little bit at paragraph four, also not there, guess what? It's not given. Circle it, move on.
  • 就看看第四段,还是没有的话,不用想了,这就是文章中没有提到。勾上答案,继续做题。


Now, how are you going to use this time? The thing that I want you to practice eventually... I will show you on another video how to do it, but spend five to seven minutes getting the gist of the reading.

The gist? The overall idea. Get a sense of what the article is about.
Find the thesis statement for each paragraph, and find the key words.
Now, why are we doing this? By doing this, you will be able to write a heading, a one sentence, a very short sentence saying: what is this paragraph about? You write that down next to the paragraph.
You do that for every paragraph, if you can do this quickly... And believe me, it takes a lot of practice.
If you can do this quickly, then everything else is very easy, once you have the heading, you can answer the heading type questions.
The summaries you can answer because you know where to begin the summary, and then you just follow along and complete it.
The most important, though, is everybody's favourite question: true, false, not given; yes, no, not given.
Everybody thinks "not given", that's the hardest question. It doesn't have to be. Okay?
The not given question wastes a lot, a lot of time. Why? Because people try to read the entire article to find an answer that is not there.
If it is not given, you will not find it. So why spend so much time looking for something that is not there?
What you should do, if you can do this properly, then whatever the question is, you should understand where it ought to be.
This is the question, the answer should be in paragraph three because that's the structure of this article, that's what... this paragraph is talking about this information in the question.
So you go to paragraph three, you don't find the answer, you look a little bit at paragraph two, not there, you look a little bit at paragraph four, also not there, guess what? It's not given. Circle it, move on.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

statement ['steitmənt]


n. 声明,陈述

heading ['hediŋ]


n. 标题,题目,航向

summary ['sʌməri]


n. 摘要
adj. 概要的,简略的

circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围

overall [əuvə'rɔ:l]


adj. 全部的,全体的,一切在内的

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

gist [dʒist]


n. 要点,要旨





