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攻克雅思超级外教课 第59期:雅思时间管理术 IELTS—How to manage your time(7)

编辑:ivy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Now, and I can't stress this last point enough, spelling counts on the IELTS.
  • 最后一点我已经强调了很多次了,在雅思考试中,拼写错误是要扣分的。
  • A lot of students, they try to... they worry about the spelling here, they're trying to write the word perfectly.
  • 很多学生担心试卷上的单词拼写,他们试着把单词写得分毫不差。
  • Remember, at the end of the section, they're going to give you time to write the answers on the answer sheet, that is when you should worry about spelling.
  • 但是请记住,在听力部分结束的时候,你们会有时间把答案誊写到答题卡上的,那时候你们才该担心拼写问题。
  • Here, just get the answer down.
  • 在试卷上,你们只要把答案写下来就可以了。
  • If anything, use your note taking skills to write it quick and short,
  • 有必要的话,你们还可以运用做笔记的技巧把答案写下来,要写得又快又简短,
  • but enough that you understand it, and worry about writing it perfectly later on the answer sheet.
  • 但是又要能认出来写的是什么,稍后把答案誊写到答题卡上的时候,才是你们要注意把单词规规整整写下来的时候。
  • Use abbreviations, shorten the words.
  • 使用一些缩写形式,把单词缩短。
  • Use your little codes, "B4", for example, you don't need to write the full word,
  • 用一些你们的小“密码”,比如B4(before),不需要把单词完整地写下来,
  • you need to write enough that you understand what the answer is, worry about spelling later, don't worry about it here,
  • 只要写到能认出来的程度就可以了,在这里不要担心拼写问题,稍后再注意。
  • because as you're thinking about this, you're missing the next question. Okay?
  • 因为在你们思考拼写问题的时候,下一个问题都快结束了。
  • So it's all about keeping up with the recording and staying ahead of the recording.
  • 总的来说就是,紧跟着录音答题,要在播放录音之前阅读材料。
  • Okay, that's it for the listening section.
  • 好了,听力部分要说的就这些。
  • Let's look at the reading section.
  • 下面我们来讲讲阅读部分。
  • Okay, so now let's look at the reading section, which again, same structure every time, get to know it.
  • 现在我们来看看阅读部分,同样的,阅读部分的试题结构也是每次都一样,请提前了解一下。
  • You have 40 questions, you have 60 minutes.
  • 阅读部分一共有40个问题,答题时间60分钟。
  • Basically the breakdown is 13 questions, 13 questions, 14 questions, or any combination there are,
  • 基本上试题分布都是13个问题,13个问题和14个问题,或者任何这样的组合,
  • could be 13, 14, 13, doesn't matter, but more or less, that's the way it is.
  • 也有可能是13、14、13,这都不重要,你们只要知道大致分布是怎样的就可以了。
  • Now, most people think that you should do 20 minutes for each reading section. Don't do that.
  • 大部分人都觉得在阅读部分的每篇文章上都应该花20分钟的时间。千万别这么做。
  • Break it down like this: first reading, 15 minutes; second reading, 20 minutes; third reading, 25 minutes.
  • 请按下面这样分配时间:第一篇阅读,15分钟;第二篇,20分钟;第三篇,25分钟。
  • Now you're asking me: why? Okay. Two reasons.
  • 你们也许要问我为什么?好吧,有两个原因。
  • One, and the most obvious one, reading number two is harder than reading number one, so you need more time.
  • 第一点,也是最明显的一点,第二篇文章比第一篇难,所以你们需要更多时间。
  • Reading number three is harder than reading number two.
  • 第三篇比第二篇难。
  • The readings get harder as you go along. Okay? You want more time as you go along, that's one.
  • 阅读材料的难度会逐渐加大,所以越到后面需要的时间越多。这是第一个原因。
  • Two, you've just finished a 30-minute listening section, by the time you get here, you've just done 40 minutes or so, 35 minutes of reading.
  • 第二个原因,你们在这之前刚完成了一个30分钟的听力部分,等你们做到最后一篇阅读理解的时候,可能已经做了40分钟或者35分钟的阅读了。
  • Your brain is tired. It's English. You're frustrated, you're angry, you're...
  • 你们的大脑此时会很疲惫,因为全都是英语,你们会感到沮丧、愤怒......
  • Maybe you're hungry because you didn't eat in the morning like I told you to.
  • 也许还会觉得肚子饿,因为你们早上没有按照我说的那样好好吃早餐。
  • Here, you need more time. Why? You're tired, it's harder. Simple as that.
  • 在这个部分,你们需要更多时间。为什么?因为你们很累,题目更难。就这么简单。


Now, and I can't stress this last point enough, spelling counts on the IELTS.

A lot of students, they try to... they worry about the spelling here, they're trying to write the word perfectly.
Remember, at the end of the section, they're going to give you time to write the answers on the answer sheet, that is when you should worry about spelling.
Here, just get the answer down.
If anything, use your note taking skills to write it quick and short, but enough that you understand it, and worry about writing it perfectly later on the answer sheet.
Use abbreviations, shorten the words.
Use your little codes, "B4", for example, you don't need to write the full word, you need to write enough that you understand what the answer is, worry about spelling later, don't worry about it here, because as you're thinking about this, you're missing the next question. Okay?
So it's all about keeping up with the recording and staying ahead of the recording. Okay, that's it for the listening section.
Let's look at the reading section.
Okay, so now let's look at the reading section, which again, same structure every time, get to know it.
You have 40 questions, you have 60 minutes.
Basically the breakdown is 13 questions, 13 questions, 14 questions, or any combination there are, could be 13, 14, 13, doesn't matter, but more or less, that's the way it is.
Now, most people think that you should do 20 minutes for each reading section. Don't do that.
Break it down like this: first reading, 15 minutes; second reading, 20 minutes; third reading, 25 minutes. Now you're asking me: why? Okay. Two reasons.
One, and the most obvious one, reading number two is harder than reading number one, so you need more time.
Reading number three is harder than reading number two. The readings get harder as you go along. Okay? You want more time as you go along, that's one.
Two, you've just finished a 30-minute listening section, by the time you get here, you've just done 40 minutes or so, 35 minutes of reading.
Your brain is tired. It's English. You're frustrated, you're angry, you're... Maybe you're hungry because you didn't eat in the morning like I told you to.
Here, you need more time. Why? You're tired, it's harder. Simple as that.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

obvious ['ɔbviəs]


adj. 明显的,显然的

stress [stres]


n. 紧张,压力
v. 强调,着重

combination [.kɔmbi'neiʃən]


n. 结合,联合,联合体

shorten ['ʃɔ:tn]


v. 弄短,变短

recording [ri'kɔ:diŋ]


n. 录音 动词record的现在分词





