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攻克雅思超级外教课 第56期:雅思时间管理术 IELTS—How to manage your time(4)

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  • Okay, let's start with the listening section.
  • 首先我们讲讲听力部分。
  • The listening section has 40 questions, about 30 minutes for the entire section. Okay?
  • 听力部分有40个问题,整个部分所用时间大概30分钟。
  • Again, always going to be the same, always 40 questions, always 30 minutes, you got four sections in the listening section.
  • 同样的,这个部分一般都不会有什么变化,一直都是40个问题,时长一般都是30分钟,听力考试总共分为四个部分。
  • Your first section has two speakers, your second section has one speaker, your third section, two speakers, your last section, one speaker. Okay?
  • 第一部分有两个讲话人,第二部分一个讲话人,第三部分两个讲话人,最后一部分一个讲话人。
  • The last section is the most difficult because it's a lecture, it's usually one person speaking the whole time,
  • 最后一部分是难度最大的部分,因为它的内容是个讲座,通常只有一个人从头讲到尾,
  • you're going, answering the questions, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks, etcetera.
  • 你们需要回答问题,做单项选择,填空等等。
  • But just understand it's always going to be like this, so you're always... you know exactly what's coming, how to listen.
  • 不过你们要了解的是,这个部分一直都是这种题型,这样你们就明确知道接下来是什么内容,要怎么去听了。
  • How you listen to two speakers is different from how you listen to one speaker.
  • 听两位讲话人的部分和一个讲话人的部分是不一样的。
  • Two speakers, you have to be aware of the shift, when you're switching from one speaker to another.
  • 听的是有两位讲话人的部分时,你们必须注意从这个讲话人到那个讲话人之间的转变。
  • Man and woman speaking, easy. Two men, two women speaking, not as easy; you have to listen for the cues.
  • 当两位讲话人分别是一男一女时,还是挺简单的;但是如果两位讲话人是同一性别,就没那么简单了。你们必须认真听录音,找到提示。
  • Now, another thing you have to keep very much in mind,
  • 另一件你们必须牢记的事情就是,
  • they're going to give you... each section they give you a little bit of time to look ahead before the recording begins. Okay?
  • 每个听力部分在播放录音之前都会给你们一小段时间阅读材料。
  • Look ahead. Take this time, use it wisely.
  • 提前看材料,好好利用这段时间。
  • Now, what are you looking for? Are you going to read everything?
  • 那么,你们需要寻找什么信息呢?要把所有材料都看完吗?
  • Are you going to try to read everything before the recording starts?
  • 要试着在播放录音之前逐字逐句全部看完吗?
  • Of course not. You don't have time to read everything.
  • 当然不要,你们不需要把所有内容都看完。
  • I think the first section, they give you about a minute to look ahead at the first part. Don't try to read everything.
  • 我记得你们在第一部分会有大概一分钟的时间阅读那个部分的材料,不要试着看完每个字。
  • Read around the blanks. You have blanks to fill in, for example, this is one question type this is the blanks,
  • 把要填的空周围的文字看完就可以了,你们是要填空的,比如说,这是一个问题,这是要填的空,
  • read what's around, look for the words that you're listening to to give you a hint or a cue that the answer is coming.
  • 你们只要把这周围看完就行了,在听到的内容里寻找提示或者线索,这样你们就能知道什么时候会出现答案了。
  • Again, that's why vocabulary is very important, and learning and practicing your skills, paraphrasing skills also very important.
  • 再说一次,这就是为什么词汇、学习和练习你们的释义技巧很重要了。


Okay, let's start with the listening section.

The listening section has 40 questions, about 30 minutes for the entire section. Okay?
Again, always going to be the same, always 40 questions, always 30 minutes, you got four sections in the listening section.
Your first section has two speakers, your second section has one speaker, your third section, two speakers, your last section, one speaker. Okay?
The last section is the most difficult because it's a lecture, it's usually one person speaking the whole time, you're going, answering the questions, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks, etcetera.
But just understand it's always going to be like this, so you're always... you know exactly what's coming, how to listen.
How you listen to two speakers is different from how you listen to one speaker.
Two speakers, you have to be aware of the shift, when you're switching from one speaker to another.
Man and woman speaking, easy. Two men, two women speaking, not as easy; you have to listen for the cues.
Now, another thing you have to keep very much in mind, they're going to give you... each section they give you a little bit of time to look ahead before the recording begins. Okay?
Look ahead. Take this time, use it wisely. Now, what are you looking for? Are you going to read everything? Are you going to try to read everything before the recording starts?
Of course not. You don't have time to read everything.
I think the first section, they give you about a minute to look ahead at the first part. Don't try to read everything.
Read around the blanks. You have blanks to fill in, for example, this is one question type this is the blanks, read what's around, look for the words that you're listening to to give you a hint or a cue that the answer is coming.
Again, that's why vocabulary is very important, and learning and practicing your skills, paraphrasing skills also very important.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

shift [ʃift]


n. 交换,变化,移动,接班者
v. 更替,移

cue [kju:]


n. 暗示,提示,信号
vt. 给 ... 提

hint [hint]


n. 暗示
v. 暗示,示意

recording [ri'kɔ:diŋ]


n. 录音 动词record的现在分词

multiple ['mʌltipl]


adj. 许多,多种多样的
n. 倍数,并联





