1. What types of schools are there?
1. 那里都有些什么类型的学校?
Schools in China are mainly public,mixed-sex, but there are also some private and single-sex schools.
2. What's the difference between single-sex schools and mixed-sex schools?
2. 单一性别的学校和男女混合学校有什么区别?
In single-sex schools, students can learn something which fits boys or girls only, while in mixed-sex schools,students can learn to get along with the opposite sex.
3. What do you think of private schools and public schools?
3. 您怎么看私立学校和公立学校?
I think most public schools are better than private schools either in faculty or in teaching equipment in China. However,there are still few elite private schools though it costs a lot studying there? Private schools are most of the time boarding schools. Students live and study on campus.
4. If you had a child, what kind of schools would you send him or her to?
4. 如果您有一个孩子,您将送他或她去什么样的学校学习?
I want to send him or her to a good public school,where the creativity and communication skills of students will be encouraged.