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经典900句突击雅思口语高分 常考话题1-35:礼物(2)

编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • 6.What gifts are popular for adults?
  • 6.成人间流行的礼物是什么?
  • It depends. Normally, women like flowers or cosmetics,while men prefer books as gifts.
  • 这说不定。通常地,女人喜欢花和化妆品,而男人喜欢书作为礼物。
  • 7.How do people send gifts to each other?
  • 7.人们是怎么给别人送礼物的?
  • They usually pack their gifts elegantly and write their names on a card.
  • 他们通常会精心包装礼物并且在卡片上写上他们的名字。
  • Then they send the gifts and card to the receiver. People can send them in the post office.
  • 然后他们会把礼物和卡片一起送给别人。人们也可以通过邮局送。
  • Or if their friends live close, they can deliver the gifts in person.
  • 或者如果他们的朋友住得近,他们会亲自把礼物送出去。
  • 8.What gifts did people send to each other ten years ago?
  • 8.10年前大家送礼物都送什么?
  • In the past,people usually sent pens to each other.
  • 过去大家经常会送钢笔。
  • People were not rich at that time, and maybe pens were useful and they could afford them.
  • 在当时大家都不富裕,而且可能钢笔实用而且他们能买得起。
  • 9.Have you ever received gifts from foreigners?
  • 9.你曾经接受过外国人送你的礼物吗?
  • Yes. I have many friends from various countries. They give me gifts like snacks,books or some small gadgets.
  • 是的,我有很多来自不同国家的朋友。他们会送我一些礼物像零食,书或者小玩意儿。
  • 10.Is the brand name important when you are choosing gifts?
  • 10.当你选择礼物的时候品牌重要吗?
  • If this person is your best friend,brand is not important. You will buy what your friends really like.
  • 如果那人是你最好的朋友,我觉得牌子并不重要。你应该买你朋友真正喜欢的东西。


6. What gifts are popular for adults?

6. 成人间流行的礼物是什么
It depends. Normally, women like flowers or cosmetics,while men prefer books as gifts.
7. How do people send gifts to each other?
7. 人们是怎么给别人送礼物的
They usually pack their gifts elegantly and write their names on a card. Then they send the gifts and card to the receiver. People can send them in the post office. Or if their friends live close, they can deliver the gifts in person.
8. What gifts did people send to each other ten years ago?
8. 10年前大家送礼物都送什么
In the past,people usually sent pens to each other. People were not rich at that time, and maybe pens were useful and they could afford them.
9. Have you ever received gifts from foreigners?
9. 你曾经接受过外国人送你的礼物吗
Yes. I have many friends from various countries. They give me gifts like snacks,books or some small gadgets.
10. Is the brand name important when you are choosing gifts?
10. 当你选择礼物的时候品牌重要吗?
If this person is your best friend,brand is not important. You will buy what your friends really like.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

gadgets [gæ,dʒets]


n. 小配件;小工具(gadget的复数)

brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,





