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剑桥雅思报考指南(MP3+字幕) 第46期:OG19 Recording 47(上)

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  • Recording 47
  • 录音47
  • You will hear a conversation between an assistant at a health club and a man wants to join the club.
  • 你将听到一段对话,双方分别是一位健身俱乐部的助理和一位想成为会员的男士。
  • First, you have some time to look at the questions 1 to 5.
  • 首先,你有时间看看第一题至第五题。
  • Hi, can I help you? Hello. Yes, um, is your club taking on new members at the moment?
  • 你好,我有什么可以帮到你?你好。你们俱乐部目前还招收新会员吗?
  • Oh yes, we're always interested in taking on new members. Just give me a moment and I'll get an application form. Right, here we are. So, let's start with your name. It's Harry.
  • 噢,当然,我们一直对吸收新会员很感兴趣。请等一下,我找找申请表。好了,找到了。我们先从名字开始吧。哈利。
  • OK, and your surname? It's Symonds.
  • 好的,你的姓氏是?西蒙斯。
  • Is that like Simon with an "s"? No. um, it's S-Y-M-O-N-D-S. Most people find it rather difficult to spell.
  • 是“Simon”后加“s”吗?不,是S-Y-M-O-N-D-S。很多人都觉得挺难拼出来的。
  • I see, it has a silent D. I guess a lot of people miss that. Now let me see, can you tell me when you were born? Yes, certainly, the 11th of December.
  • 我明白了,有个不发音的字母D。我想很多人都会漏掉。你能告诉我出生日期吗?当然,12月11日。
  • Thanks. And the year? 1996.
  • 谢谢。年份?1996年。
  • OK, good. Now, are you thinking of becoming a full-time member? Er, probably not. What kind of memberships do you have?
  • 好的。你打算成为全日制会员吗?应该不会。你们都有哪些会员制?
  • Well, we also have off-peak membership which is between 9 and 12 in the morning and 2 and 5 in the afternoon, and then we do have a weekend membership.
  • 我们还有非高峰时期会员制,在早上的九至十二点和下午的二至五点。然后我们还有周末制会员。
  • So a weekend membership is just Saturday and Sunday? Yes, that's right.
  • 那周末制会员就只能在周六周日活动吗?没错。
  • OK. Well, that's not going to work for me. It looks like I'll have to be full-time. I'm afraid off-peak membership won't do as I'm not free at those times and I don't just want to be restricted to weekends.
  • 好吧,这对我来说可行不同。看上起我还得选全日制。我恐怕不能选非高峰期会员,在那些时间段我都走不开,而且我也不想仅仅限于周末活动。
  • OK. I'll make a note of that. Right, we have several facilities at the club including a gym, a swimming pool, tennis and squash courts. What activities are you planning on doing?
  • 好的,我记下了。我们俱乐部里有好几种设施,包括健身房、游泳池、网球场和壁球场。你打算参加哪些活动?
  • Well, do you have badminton? Yes, we do.
  • 你们有羽毛球活动吗?有。
  • And table tennis? I'm afraid not. Well, not at the moment anyway.
  • 乒乓球呢?恐怕没有,至少目前还没有。
  • Oh, OK. Well, I'm also very keen on swimming, so I'm glad you have a pool. I'll certainly be doing a lot of that.
  • 噢,好吧,我也很喜欢游泳,所以我很高兴你们有游泳池。我肯定会经常游泳的。
  • OK, I've got that. Will you be using the gym? No, I'm not interested in that.
  • 好的,我知道了。你会用健身房吗?不,我对此不太感兴趣。
  • OK. So just let me work out what the cost will be... Yes, that comes to £450 for the year. You can choose to pay annually for the full year or monthly. It's up to you.
  • 好的,让我算一下费用是多少……好了,算下来是一年450英镑。你可以选择每年付一次,付清全年费用,或每月付钱,由你决定。
  • Oh. I'd prefer to pay regularly in small amounts, rather than have a large amount to pay in one go, if that's OK? Sure, that's fine. Right, I've got the most important details for now.
  • 噢,我更希望能定期小笔付款,而不是一次性付一大笔钱,这样可以吗?当然没问题。好了,我已经收集到最重要的信息了。


Recording 47

You will hear a conversation between an assistant at a health club and a man wants to join the club.
First, you have some time to look at the questions 1 to 5.
Hi, can I help you? Hello. Yes, um, is your club taking on new members at the moment?
Oh yes, we're always interested in taking on new members. Just give me a moment and I'll get an application form. Right, here we are. So, let's start with your name. It's Harry.
OK, and your surname? It's Symonds.
Is that like Simon with an "s"? No. um, it's S-Y-M-O-N-D-S. Most people find it rather difficult to spell.
I see, it has a silent D. I guess a lot of people miss that. Now let me see, can you tell me when you were born? Yes, certainly, the 11th of December.
Thanks. And the year? 1996.
OK, good. Now, are you thinking of becoming a full-time member? Er, probably not. What kind of memberships do you have?
Well, we also have off-peak membership which is between 9 and 12 in the morning and 2 and 5 in the afternoon, and then we do have a weekend membership.
So a weekend membership is just Saturday and Sunday? Yes, that's right.
OK. Well, that's not going to work for me. It looks like I'll have to be full-time. I'm afraid off-peak membership won't do as I'm not free at those times and I don't just want to be restricted to weekends.
OK. I'll make a note of that. Right, we have several facilities at the club including a gym, a swimming pool, tennis and squash courts. What activities are you planning on doing?
Well, do you have badminton? Yes, we do.
And table tennis? I'm afraid not. Well, not at the moment anyway.
Oh, OK. Well, I'm also very keen on swimming, so I'm glad you have a pool. I'll certainly be doing a lot of that.
OK, I've got that. Will you be using the gym? No, I'm not interested in that.
OK. So just let me work out what the cost will be... Yes, that comes to £450 for the year. You can choose to pay annually for the full year or monthly. It's up to you.
Oh. I'd prefer to pay regularly in small amounts, rather than have a large amount to pay in one go, if that's OK? Sure, that's fine. Right, I've got the most important details for now.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
recording [ri'kɔ:diŋ]


n. 录音 动词record的现在分词

keen [ki:n]


adj. 锋利的,敏锐的,强烈的,精明的,热衷的 <

application [.æpli'keiʃən]


n. 应用; 申请; 专心
n. 应用软件程序

restricted [ris'triktid]


vt. 限制,约束 adj. 受限制的,有限的,保密的

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话





