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剑桥雅思报考指南(MP3+字幕) 第49期:OG20 Recording 48(下)

编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Now listen and answer questions 16 to 20.
  • 现在听取录音,回答第十六题至第二十题。
  • So I'd just like to go through who's doing what when the guests arrive and I think we'll make a few changes from the last party held here.
  • 我会讲一遍客人到场后大家的分工,而且我认为我们会对上次派对的分工做些微调。
  • If I remember correctly, it was Olaf who coordinated the task of providing the guests with drinks, or was it Ahmed? Um, I'm not sure, but Gary asked to do it this time, so that will be his job.
  • 如果我没有记错,上次是奥拉夫协调了为客人提供饮品的工作,还是艾哈迈德?我不确定,但盖里提出要做这项工作,所以这次他来负责。
  • There's been no decision yet on what the drinks are going to be but I hope they decide soon in case we need to order something special.
  • 至于为顾客提供的是什么饮品,还没有决定,但我希望他们早点定下来,以防要预定一些特殊的饮品。
  • Now, for receiving the guests' coats and hats, it's important we have someone experienced doing this as we don't want guests losing their belongings.
  • 至于替客人放好外套和帽子,我们必须让有经验的人来负责,因为我们可不希望客人们弄丢了私人物品。
  • And Monica, last time this was your responsibility. Susan, I know you wanted to do this but as the numbers are quite high for this event, I won't make a change here.
  • 莫妮卡,上次是你负责的。苏珊,我知道这次你想负责这项工作,但由于人数非常多,所以我不会做出调整。
  • Right, now last time there was some confusion as to where guests were supposed to go once they had deposited their things and we had guests roaming around the whole hotel.
  • 上一次客人们有些困惑,不知道在存放好个人物品后该去哪里,发生了客人们在整间酒店里四处走动的情况。
  • So, Ahmed and Olaf, I believe you discussed the problems with Susan and thought she would be good at guiding guests after they had arrived, and I'm fine with that.
  • 所以,艾哈迈德和奥拉夫,我想你们已经和苏珊讨论过这个问题了,也认为她能做好引导到场客人的工作,我对此没有意见。
  • Right, and now for some general instructions: once the guests have arrived, they will be in and around the lounge area and then at around 8:30 we need to get them to move to the restaurant for their meal.
  • 下面说一些总体的注意事项:一旦有客人到场,他们会在休息区里面或附近活动,接着到8:30,我们就要把他们带到餐厅用餐。
  • This often proves difficult and can take a long time, so I will ring a bell so that everyone knows it's time to eat! Hopefully this will speed things up a bit.
  • 通常来说,这是很困难的,可能会耗上很长一段时间,所以我届时会响起铃声,让大家知道到用餐时间了!但愿这能加快进程。
  • Also for this event there'll be a seating plan, so the guests won't be able to decide for themselves where to sit - they'll have to sit according to the plan.
  • 这次活动有座位分布表,所以客人们不能自己选择座位——他们得根据分布表来就座。
  • There'll be a plan on each table and I've been thinking about where to put the master plan so everyone can view it before they enter the restaurant.
  • 每张桌子上都会有分布表,我也在想该把总分布表放在哪里,好让每个人在进餐厅前能看看。
  • As they'll be spending quite a while in the lounge, I've decided to also put a plan there. This should speed up the start of the meal.
  • 既然他们会在休息区逗留好一段时间,我决定在那儿也放一份分布表,这应该能让用餐提前一些时间开始。
  • Once the meal starts, you'll all be very busy waiting on the tables and I'm sure I don't need to tell you to be good-humoured and polite to all the guests.
  • 一旦客人开始用餐,你们将因招待客人用餐而忙的不可开交。我想,我也不用告诉你们得保持好脾气,礼貌待客了吧。
  • The organiser of the event will be saying a few words and so will two of his colleagues.
  • 活动组织者和他的两位同事都将会发言。
  • So when the speeches, all activity must stop in the restaurant so that the three people giving them can be heard.
  • 所以发言开始后,餐厅内其余所有活动都要停下,大家才能听见那三位演讲者说话。
  • This shouldn't take long and it should be towards the end of the meal. After that, the guests will move back to the lounge for the entertainment.
  • 这应该不会花太长时间,而且应该会在餐宴尾声举行。在此之后,客人们会回到休息区,等待娱乐活动。
  • So, I think that's it. Any questions? Come and see me later.
  • 我想,这就是所有事情了。有问题的话,晚些时候来找我。
  • That is the end of section 2, you now have half a minute to check your answers.
  • 第二部分结束,你现在有半分钟时间检查答案。


Now listen and answer questions 16 to 20.

So I'd just like to go through who's doing what when the guests arrive and I think we'll make a few changes from the last party held here.
If I remember correctly, it was Olaf who coordinated the task of providing the guests with drinks, or was it Ahmed? Um, I'm not sure, but Gary asked to do it this time, so that will be his job.
There's been no decision yet on what the drinks are going to be but I hope they decide soon in case we need to order something special.
Now, for receiving the guests' coats and hats, it's important we have someone experienced doing this as we don't want guests losing their belongings.
And Monica, last time this was your responsibility. Susan, I know you wanted to do this but as the numbers are quite high for this event, I won't make a change here.
Right, now last time there was some confusion as to where guests were supposed to go once they had deposited their things and we had guests roaming around the whole hotel.
So, Ahmed and Olaf, I believe you discussed the problems with Susan and thought she would be good at guiding guests after they had arrived, and I'm fine with that.
Right, and now for some general instructions: once the guests have arrived, they will be in and around the lounge area and then at around 8:30 we need to get them to move to the restaurant for their meal.
This often proves difficult and can take a long time, so I will ring a bell so that everyone knows it's time to eat! Hopefully this will speed things up a bit.
Also for this event there'll be a seating plan, so the guests won't be able to decide for themselves where to sit - they'll have to sit according to the plan.
There'll be a plan on each table and I've been thinking about where to put the master plan so everyone can view it before they enter the restaurant.
As they'll be spending quite a while in the lounge, I've decided to also put a plan there. This should speed up the start of the meal.
Once the meal starts, you'll all be very busy waiting on the tables and I'm sure I don't need to tell you to be good-humoured and polite to all the guests.
The organiser of the event will be saying a few words and so will two of his colleagues.
So when the speeches, all activity must stop in the restaurant so that the three people giving them can be heard.
This shouldn't take long and it should be towards the end of the meal. After that, the guests will move back to the lounge for the entertainment.
So, I think that's it. Any questions? Come and see me later.
That is the end of section 2, you now have half a minute to check your answers.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

experienced [iks'piəriənst]


adj. 有经验的

entertainment [.entə'teinmənt]


n. 娱乐

confusion [kən'fju:ʒən]


n. 混乱,混淆,不确定状态





