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剑桥雅思报考指南(MP3+字幕) 第36期:OG13 Recording 41

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  • Recording 41
  • 录音41
  • You will hear a conversation between an admission officer and a manager from university technology department.
  • 你将听到一段招生员和大学技术部主管的对话。
  • First, you have some time to look at the questions 21 to 26.
  • 首先,你有些时间看看第二十一题至第二十六题。
  • Hello. I'm Randhir Ghotra from the technologies department. Ah, yes. Good. I'm Dave Hadley. Thanks for coming to see me.
  • 你好,我是兰迪尔·戈察,来自技术部。啊,没错。我是戴夫·哈德利。谢谢你来和我见面。
  • That's OK. I believe you want us to do some work for you? Yes, that's right. Um, I'm responsible for student admissions to the college and I use a computer system to help process student enrollments and to do the timetabling.
  • 没事。我想你有些工作希望我们做?对。我负责学校的招生事物,我用一个计算机系统来帮助处理学生注册和制作时间表。
  • But it really doesn't suit the way we work these days.
  • 但这个系统已经不适合我们现在的工作了。
  • It is over ten years old and although it was fine when it was first introduced, it is just not good enough now. OK. What problems are you experiencing?
  • 这个系统已经用了超过十年了,尽管刚引入时没出现问题,但现在来说已经不够好了。好的。你现在面临什么问题?
  • Well, 20 years ago, the college was quite small and we didn't have the numbers of students or tutors that we have now. So the system can't handle the increasing volumes.
  • 二十年前,学校规模很小,也没有像现在这么多学生和教师。所以现在系统已经无法处理增加的人数了。
  • Well, there's a lot more data now and it sometimes seems the system has crashed, but in fact, it just takes ages to go from one screen to the next. Right.
  • 现在数据量比以前大多了,而且有时候系统看上去好像崩溃了,但事实上,只是系统从一个页面跳转到另一个页面花的时间太长而已。好的。
  • Is that the only problem?
  • 只有这一个问题吗?
  • Well, that's the main one, but there are others.
  • 主要是这个问题,但还有其它的。
  • In the past, doing the timetabling was quite simple, but now we have a lot more courses and what's made it complicated is that many of them have options. Right, but the system should allow you to include those.
  • 以前制作时间表很简单,但现在我们多了很多课程,而且很多课程都有不同的选择,这就使情况更复杂了。好,但是这个系统应该能让你把不同的选择包括在内。
  • Well, no, it doesn't. It was supposed to, and a few years ago we did ask someone from the technologies department to fix it, but they never seemed to have the time.
  • 不,它不能。它本应具备这项功能,几年前我们就向技术部门的人提出要求要把系统修好,但他们好像一直都没时间。
  • Hmm...are there any other issues with the system?
  • 这个系统还有其它问题吗?
  • Well, I've been given extra responsibilities and so I have even less time to do the timetabling.
  • 我还有其它任务在身,所以我制作时间表的时间就更少了。
  • If there was anything you could do, Randhir, to make the process more efficient, that would be really helpful.
  • 兰迪尔,如果你能做些什么,提高整个过程的效率,那就帮上大忙了。
  • Well, it sounds like you could do with an assistant but that's obviously not possible, so what about having an online system that students can use to do their scheduling?
  • 听起来你需要一位助手,当然这不可能,那建一个网上系统,学生能用来自己做时间表,怎么样?
  • How would that work? Well, it may mean less choice for students but we could create a fixed schedule of all the courses and options and they could then view what was available.
  • 这要怎么办到呢?这对学生来说可能意味着选择少了,但我们可以创建一个固定的时间表,涵盖所有的课程和选项,他们就能查看哪些可选择的了。
  • ...and work it out for themselves. That sounds great. OK,'ll need to decide whether or not to improve the existing system or to build a completely new system.
  • 然后自己解决。这听起来不过。好的,那么……我们需要决定是改进现有的系统还是创立一个全新的。
  • Well, I'd much prefer to have a new system. Quite frankly, I've had enough of the old one.
  • 我更希望能有个新系统。坦白说,我已经受够了这个旧的了。
  • OK. That will probably take longer, although it may save you money in the long run. When were you hoping to have this in place?
  • 好的。这很可能要花更长的时间,尽管长远来说更省钱。你希望这个系统在什么时间准备就绪呢?
  • Well, it's January now and the new intake of students will be in September. We need to start processing admissions in the next few weeks really.
  • 现在是一月,九月份会招收新生。我们要在接下来几周开始处理录取事项了。
  • Well, it will take more than a few weeks, I'm afraid.
  • 我恐怕这要花的时间可不止几周。
  • As an initial estimate, I think we'll be looking at April or May to improve the existing system, but for a new system, it would take at least nine months. That would be October at the earliest.
  • 初步估计,我认为我们应该在四月或五月才能改进现有的系统,但对于一个新系统,至少要九个月。最早也要十月份。
  • Now listen and answer the question 27 to 30.
  • 现在听录音,回答第二十七题到第三十题。
  • What are the next steps if we are to have a new system? Well, the first question is: do you have support from your senior management?
  • 那如果要建一个新系统,下面要做什么呢?第一个问题是:你的上级支持你吗?
  • Yes, I've already discussed it with them and they're also keen to get this work done.
  • 支持,我已经和他们讨论过了,他们也很想把这件事解决掉。
  • OK, because I was going to say that's the first thing you need to do and without that we can't go ahead.
  • 好,因为我就要说这是你第一件需要做的事,否则我们无法继续下去。
  • Yes, I've done that. That's good.
  • 好的,我已经做到了。很好。
  • Actually, they mentioned that there's probably a form I need to complete to formally start the project. Yes, that's the next thing you need to do.
  • 事实上,他们提到了我可能需要填个表格,正式启动这个项目。对,这是你下一件要做的是。
  • I'll send you an email with a link so you can fill it in online. It called a 'project request form'.
  • 我会通过电子邮件发链接给你,你就能在网上填好了。它叫“项目申请表”。
  • OK, great. And then what happens? Well, I have a list of things, but I think the third thing you should do is see Samir.
  • 好。接下来会发生什么?我知道还有一连串事情要做,但我认为你要做的第三件事是与萨米尔见面。
  • He's our analyst who will look at the system and identify what needs to be done.
  • 他是我们的分析师,会检查系统,确定要做些什么。
  • OK, can you send me his contact details? And I'll set up a meeting with him.
  • 好,你能发一些他的联系方式给我吗?接着我会安排与他会面。
  • OK, that's good, so we should soon be able to get a team together to start the work.
  • 好的。我们应该很快就能组织到一只队伍开始工作了。
  • Some members of our team work in different locations, so it's not easy to have face-to-face meetings.
  • 我们团队中的一些成员在其它地方工作,所以要想面对面开会可不容易。
  • That's OK. I'm used to having conference calls providing they are not late at night. Right.
  • 这没问题。我以前也开过电话会议,前提是不是在深夜。
  • So I'll send you details of the team and if you could set up a call that would be great.
  • 好的,我会把团队的资料发给你,如果你能安排一次电话(会议)就最好不过了。
  • OK. I'll do that. Thanks.
  • 好的,我会的。谢谢。
  • That is the end of section 3, you now have half a minute to check your answers.Now turn to section 4.
  • 第三部分结束,你现在有半分钟时间检查答案。进入第四部分。


Recording 41

You will hear a conversation between an admission officer and a manager from university technology department.
First, you have some time to look at the questions 21 to 26.
Hello. I'm Randhir Ghotra from the technologies department. Ah, yes. Good. I'm Dave Hadley. Thanks for coming to see me.
That's OK. I believe you want us to do some work for you? Yes, that's right. Um, I'm responsible for student admissions to the college and I use a computer system to help process student enrollments and to do the timetabling.
But it really doesn't suit the way we work these days.
It is over ten years old and although it was fine when it was first introduced, it is just not good enough now. OK. What problems are you experiencing?
Well, 20 years ago, the college was quite small and we didn't have the numbers of students or tutors that we have now. So the system can't handle the increasing volumes.
Well, there's a lot more data now and it sometimes seems the system has crashed, but in fact, it just takes ages to go from one screen to the next. Right.
Is that the only problem?
Well, that's the main one, but there are others.
In the past, doing the timetabling was quite simple, but now we have a lot more courses and what's made it complicated is that many of them have options. Right, but the system should allow you to include those.
Well, no, it doesn't. It was supposed to, and a few years ago we did ask someone from the technologies department to fix it, but they never seemed to have the time.
Hmm...are there any other issues with the system?
Well, I've been given extra responsibilities and so I have even less time to do the timetabling.
If there was anything you could do, Randhir, to make the process more efficient, that would be really helpful.
Well, it sounds like you could do with an assistant but that's obviously not possible, so what about having an online system that students can use to do their scheduling?
How would that work? Well, it may mean less choice for students but we could create a fixed schedule of all the courses and options and they could then view what was available.
...and work it out for themselves. That sounds great. OK,'ll need to decide whether or not to improve the existing system or to build a completely new system.
Well, I'd much prefer to have a new system. Quite frankly, I've had enough of the old one.
OK. That will probably take longer, although it may save you money in the long run. When were you hoping to have this in place?
Well, it's January now and the new intake of students will be in September. We need to start processing admissions in the next few weeks really.
Well, it will take more than a few weeks, I'm afraid.
As an initial estimate, I think we'll be looking at April or May to improve the existing system, but for a new system, it would take at least nine months. That would be October at the earliest.
Now listen and answer the question 27 to 30.
What are the next steps if we are to have a new system? Well, the first question is: do you have support from your senior management?
Yes, I've already discussed it with them and they're also keen to get this work done.
OK, because I was going to say that's the first thing you need to do and without that we can't go ahead.
Yes, I've done that. That's good.
Actually, they mentioned that there's probably a form I need to complete to formally start the project. Yes, that's the next thing you need to do.
I'll send you an email with a link so you can fill it in online. It called a 'project request form'.
OK, great. And then what happens? Well, I have a list of things, but I think the third thing you should do is see Samir.
He's our analyst who will look at the system and identify what needs to be done.
OK, can you send me his contact details? And I'll set up a meeting with him.
OK, that's good, so we should soon be able to get a team together to start the work.
Some members of our team work in different locations, so it's not easy to have face-to-face meetings.
That's OK. I'm used to having conference calls providing they are not late at night. Right.
So I'll send you details of the team and if you could set up a call that would be great.
OK. I'll do that. Thanks.
That is the end of section 3, you now have half a minute to check your answers.
Now turn to section 4.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
handle ['hændl]


n. 柄,把手
v. 买卖,处理,操作,驾驭

identify [ai'dentifai]


vt. 识别,认明,鉴定
vi. 认同,感同身

complicated ['kɔmplikeitid]


adj. 复杂的,难懂的

efficient [i'fiʃənt]


adj. 效率高的,胜任的

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

keen [ki:n]


adj. 锋利的,敏锐的,强烈的,精明的,热衷的 <

senior ['si:njə]


adj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

recording [ri'kɔ:diŋ]


n. 录音 动词record的现在分词

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案





