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剑桥雅思报考指南(MP3+字幕) 第34期:OG11 Recording 39

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  • Recording 39
  • 录音39
  • You will hear a telephone conversation between the organiser of a park run and a woman who wishes to take part in the run.
  • 你将听一段电话交谈,一方是公园跑步活动的组织者,另一方是一位希望参加跑步活动的女士。
  • First, you have some times to look at the questions 1 to 6.
  • 首先,你有些时间看看第一题至第六题。
  • Good morning. Dave Smith speaking. Hi, could I speak to the organiser of the Preston Park Run?
  • 早上好,我是戴夫·史密斯。你好,我能与普雷斯顿公园跑步活动的组织者通话吗?
  • Yes, that's me. Great! Um... I was talking to some friends of mine about the run and they suggested I contact you to get some more details
  • 好的,就是我。太好了!嗯,我和一些朋友说起这场跑步活动,他们建议我联系你以咨询更多细节。
  • Sure, what would you like to know? Well, they said it takes place every Saturday, is that right?
  • 当然,你想知道些什么?他们说每周六都有跑步活动,对吗?
  • Yes, it does. 0K. Great!
  • 是的。好的,太好了!
  • Do you know where the park is? Oh yes, I've been there before. But it's quite big and I'm not sure where to go.
  • 你知道公园在哪里吗?噢,我知道,我之前去过。但这个公园很大,我不确定该去哪儿。
  • Well, there's a circular track that goes right around the park. The run starts at the cafe, goes past the tennis courts then twice around the lake and finishes back where it started. OK, and what time is the run?
  • 跑步路线是环形的,正好围绕公园跑一周。从咖啡厅开始跑,经过网球场,绕路两周,最后回到开始的地方结束。好的,那跑步活动几点开始?
  • Well, the actual run begins at 9 am but the runners start arriving at about 8.45. OK, so I need to get up early Saturday morning then. And how long is the run?
  • 跑步活动实际上于上午九点开始,但跑步者在八点四十五分开始陆续到达场地。好的,看来我要在周六早上早起了。跑步活动全程有多长?
  • Well, it used to be three kilometres but most people wanted to do a bit more than that so we lengthened it to five kilometres. We now go round the lake twice and that adds an extra two kilometres. Right... Not sure I've ever run that far, so I'd better start doing a bit of training.
  • 以前是三公里,但大多数人希望跑更多里程,所以我们加长到五公里了。我们现在绕湖两周,这就增加了两公里。好吧...我不确定我有没有试过跑这么远,我最好开始训练一下了。
  • That's a good idea. But it's not a race, it's really just for fun and the best thing would be to take it easy the first few times you do it and then see if you can gradually improve your time.
  • 这主意不错。但这不是比赛,这只是为了娱乐,而且最好在前几次你参加跑步的时候放松心态,接着再看你是否能逐渐提高(减少时间)。
  • Is the run timed then? How do I know how well I've done?
  • 跑步计时吗?我们怎么得知自己的成绩呢?
  • When you cross the finish line, you'll be given a bar code and you take this to one of the run volunteers, who will scan it. Then you can get your time online when you go home. Oh, I see. You collect all the results.
  • 当你越过终点线,有人会给你一个条形码,你拿着条形码去找跑步活动的志愿者,他们能为你扫描,然后你回家就能上网查看你的时间了。噢,我明白了,你收集了所有的结果。
  • Exactly. I see... That's great. So how do I register?
  • 没错。我明白了,这真不错。我怎么报名呢?
  • Well, there are several ways. I could take your details over the phone but it's much easier if you do it using the website.
  • 有好几种报名方式。我可以通过电话登记你的信息,但如果你能在网站上报名,就简单多了。
  • OK, good. Um, I think that's probably all I need to know for now. Oh yes, does it cost anything to register or do you collect money each week?
  • 好的。我认为这些大概就是目前我需要了解的所有信息了。噢,对了,报名需要收费吗,或者说你们每周都收费吗?
  • Well, it doesn't cost anything to register but we do charge for the run. In fact, we have just increased the charge to 1.50.
  • 报名不需要任何费用,但我们对跑步活动收费。事实上,我们刚刚将费用上调至1.5英镑。
  • It used to be a pound but because we were making a bit of a loss, we have had to increase it by 50p. OK, thanks. I think I have enough information on taking part in the run.
  • 以前是1英镑,但因为我们正在亏损中,所以不得不上调了50便士。好的,谢谢你。我想,关于参加跑步活动,我已经得到足够的信息了。
  • Before you hear the rest of the conversation, you will have some time to look at the question 7 to 10.
  • 在听剩下的对话内容之前,你有些时间看看第七题至第十题。
  • Um... You mentioned volunteers. I have a friend who is interested in helping out. Can you give me some details so I can pass them on to her? Sure.
  • 嗯,你提到了志愿者。我有个朋友很有兴趣帮忙。你能告诉我一些具体细节,我就能转告给她吗?
  • Well, you need to ask your friend to contact Pete Maughan. He manages all the volunteers.
  • 当然。你需要让你的朋友联系皮特·莫恩,他管理所有的志愿者。
  • OK. I didn't quite catch his surname.... Was it Morn - M-O-R-N? No, just a bit more complicated - it's M-A-U-G-H-A-N.
  • 好的,我没听清他的姓,是“Morn” - M-O-R-N吗?不,稍微更复杂些。是M-A-U-G-H-A-N。
  • Right. Thanks. And could you give me his phone number? Yes, just a moment. It's here somewhere... let me just find it.
  • 好的,谢谢你。你能告诉我他的电话号码吗?好的,稍等。就在这儿的…让我找找。
  • Ah, I've two numbers for him. I think the one that begins 0—1—2—7—3 is an old one so use this one:it's O— I--4— double 4—7—3—2—9—double zero.
  • 我这儿有两个号码能找到他。我想01273开头的是旧号码,所以用这个吧:01444732900。
  • OK, got that. Can you tell me anything about the volunteering? Like what kind of activities it involves? Sure. Well, we need volunteers for basic stuff like setting up the course. We have to do that before all the runners arrive.
  • 好的,记下了。你能告诉我一些关于志愿者的事儿吗?比如都包括什么活动?当然。我们需要志愿者做些基本的工作,比如布置好路线。我们需要在所有跑步者到达前完成这项工作。
  • OK, so that's a really early start! Yes, that's right.
  • 好吧,这项工作开始得非常早!没错。
  • But if your friend would prefer to arrive a bit later, she can also help with guiding the runners so they don't go the wrong way.
  • 但是,假如你的朋友想晚点再来,她也能帮忙引导跑步者,他们就不会跑错路线了。
  • I see. I believe you do a report on some of the races. Yes, that's right. In fact, we do a weekly report on each race and we always try to illustrate it.
  • 我明白了。我想你也会报导其中一些赛事吧。对。实际上,我们每周都会报导所有赛制,我们也总是尽量配上图片。
  • OK. Well, my friend really likes taking photographs. She's just bought a new camera. Actually, that would be great.
  • 好的。我的朋友很喜欢拍照。她刚买了台新相机。事实上这真是个好消息。
  • I don't know whether Pete has anyone to take photographs this week.
  • 我不知道皮特找到人这周负责拍照没有。
  • Oh, I'll let her know. OK, good. Could you ask your friend to phone Pete and let him know? Yes, I will.
  • 噢,我会转告她的。好的。你能让你的朋友打电话给皮特告诉他吗?我会的。
  • OK, thanks. Goodbye. Goodbye.
  • 好的,谢谢。再见。再见。
  • That is the end of section 1, you now have half a minute to check your answers.
  • 第一部分结束,你现在有半分钟时间检查你的答案。


Recording 39

You will hear a telephone conversation between the organiser of a park run and a woman who wishes to take part in the run.
First, you have some times to look at the questions 1 to 6.
Good morning. Dave Smith speaking. Hi, could I speak to the organiser of the Preston Park Run?
Yes, that's me. Great! Um... I was talking to some friends of mine about the run and they suggested I contact you to get some more details
Sure, what would you like to know? Well, they said it takes place every Saturday, is that right?
Yes, it does. 0K. Great!
Do you know where the park is? Oh yes, I've been there before. But it's quite big and I'm not sure where to go.
Well, there's a circular track that goes right around the park. The run starts at the cafe, goes past the tennis courts then twice around the lake and finishes back where it started. OK, and what time is the run?
Well, the actual run begins at 9 am but the runners start arriving at about 8.45. OK, so I need to get up early Saturday morning then. And how long is the run?
Well, it used to be three kilometres but most people wanted to do a bit more than that so we lengthened it to five kilometres. We now go round the lake twice and that adds an extra two kilometres. Right... Not sure I've ever run that far, so I'd better start doing a bit of training.
That's a good idea. But it's not a race, it's really just for fun and the best thing would be to take it easy the first few times you do it and then see if you can gradually improve your time.
Is the run timed then? How do I know how well I've done?
When you cross the finish line, you'll be given a bar code and you take this to one of the run volunteers, who will scan it. Then you can get your time online when you go home. Oh, I see. You collect all the results.
Exactly. I see... That's great. So how do I register?
Well, there are several ways. I could take your details over the phone but it's much easier if you do it using the website.
OK, good. Um, I think that's probably all I need to know for now. Oh yes, does it cost anything to register or do you collect money each week?
Well, it doesn't cost anything to register but we do charge for the run. In fact, we have just increased the charge to 1.50.
It used to be a pound but because we were making a bit of a loss, we have had to increase it by 50p. OK, thanks. I think I have enough information on taking part in the run.
Before you hear the rest of the conversation, you will have some time to look at the question 7 to 10.
Now answer question 7 to 10.
Um... You mentioned volunteers. I have a friend who is interested in helping out. Can you give me some details so I can pass them on to her? Sure.
Well, you need to ask your friend to contact Pete Maughan. He manages all the volunteers.
OK. I didn't quite catch his surname.... Was it Morn - M-O-R-N? No, just a bit more complicated - it's M-A-U-G-H-A-N.
好的,我没听清他的姓,是“Morn” - M-O-R-N吗?不,稍微更复杂些。是M-A-U-G-H-A-N。
Right. Thanks. And could you give me his phone number? Yes, just a moment. It's here somewhere... let me just find it.
Ah, I've two numbers for him. I think the one that begins 0—1—2—7—3 is an old one so use this one:it's O— I--4— double 4—7—3—2—9—double zero.
OK, got that. Can you tell me anything about the volunteering? Like what kind of activities it involves? Sure. Well, we need volunteers for basic stuff like setting up the course. We have to do that before all the runners arrive.
OK, so that's a really early start! Yes, that's right.
But if your friend would prefer to arrive a bit later, she can also help with guiding the runners so they don't go the wrong way.
I see. I believe you do a report on some of the races. Yes, that's right. In fact, we do a weekly report on each race and we always try to illustrate it.
OK. Well, my friend really likes taking photographs. She's just bought a new camera. Actually, that would be great.
I don't know whether Pete has anyone to take photographs this week.
Oh, I'll let her know. OK, good. Could you ask your friend to phone Pete and let him know? Yes, I will.
OK, thanks. Goodbye. Goodbye.
That is the end of section 1, you now have half a minute to check your answers.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
track [træk]


n. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲
v. 跟踪

recording [ri'kɔ:diŋ]


n. 录音 动词record的现在分词

collect [kə'lekt]


v. 收集,聚集
v. 推论

register ['redʒistə]


v. 记录,登记,注册,挂号
n. 暂存器,记

code [kəud]


n. 码,密码,法规,准则
vt. 把 ...

circular ['sə:kjulə]


adj. 循环的,圆形的
n. 传单,通报

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

illustrate ['iləstreit]


v. 举例说明,(为书)作插图,图解

complicated ['kɔmplikeitid]


adj. 复杂的,难懂的

setting ['setiŋ]


n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲





