1.inefficient a.效率低的(not efficient);无能的,不称职的(incapable, incompetent)
例:They are inefficient in their locomotion.
派生词:inefficiently( ad.无效率地:缺乏能力地)
2.inequality n.不平等,不平均(the quality of being unequal or uneven);不同(the condition of being variable)
例: A government supports research that analyzes the connection between wage inequality and poverty among single-parent families headed by women.
3.inertia n.惰性(resistance or disinclination to motion, action or change);惯性(a property of matter by which it remains at rest or in uniform motion in the same straight line unless acted upon by some external force)
例:This might help you overcome inertia.
4.inescapable a.不可避免的:逃脱不了的(incapable of being avoided, ignored, or denied)
例:Since there are very few signed works of hers, the conclusion seems inescapable that part of Rodin's enormous production of that period was conceived and executed by Claudet.
5.inevitable a.不可避免的(incapable of being avoided)
例:Death is the inevitable thing of life.
6.inextricably ad.无法分开地(incapable of being disentangled)
词根记忆:来自inextricable, extricable(能逃脱的),inextricable(逃脱不掉的,解不开的)+ly--无法分开地
例:Theory is inextricably tied to action.
7.infancy n.婴儿期(early childhood);初期(a beginning or early period of existence)
例:Infection had occurred during infancy.//The modeling of accretion disks iS still in its infancy.
8.infect v.感染(to contaminate);使恶化(to corrupt)
例:Animals infected with the virus take more than a year to develop symptoms.//Business relations are infected through and through with the disease of short-sighted motives.
9.infectious a.传染性的,易传染的(capable of causing infection, communicable by infection)
例:Typhus cannot be transmitted by ingesting bread or beer contaminated with the infectious agents of this disease.