n. 毛皮,软毛,皮衣,毛皮制品
vt. 用毛
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- Unit 18 New Zealand Speaking Work in pairs.
- 第十八单元 新西兰岛 说 两人一组。
- Talk about the birthplaces of your grandparents,parents and yourself.
- 谈论你的祖父母、父母和你自己的诞生地。
- Where is your great-grandfather on your father's side from?
- 你的祖父来自哪里?
- He is from Weihai, a city in northeastern Shandong.
- 他来自威海,山东北部的一个小城。
- Can you explain where that is?
- 你可以解释一下它在哪里吗?
- Weihai lies about 90 kilometres east of Yantai.
- 威海在烟台的东边,距烟台大约有90公里。
- And what about your great- grandmother on your father's side?
- 而你的曾祖母呢?
- She's from western Shandong.
- 她来自山东的西部。
- Which city?
- 哪个城市。
- It's not a city. She's from Shentong,a small village,
- 它不是城市。她来自沈童,一个小村庄
- 30 kilometres south of Jinan.
- 距济南有30公里。
- 阅读 新西兰岛
- New Zealand is an island that lies off the eastern coast of Australia.
- 新西兰岛是奥大利东海岸隔海相望的一个岛屿。
- It is made up of two large islands:North Island and South Island.
- 它由二个岛屿组成:北岛和南岛。
- New Zealand is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean to the north and east,
- 新西兰岛的北部和东部被太平洋围绕着。
- and the Tasman Sea to the south and west.
- 而南部和西部是塔斯曼海。
- It is about the same size as Japan.
- 它大约和日本差不多大。
- Wellington,the capital city,lies on the North Island
- 首都惠灵顿,位于北岛屿。
- Other important cities are Auckland in the north
- 其他的重要城市有北部奥克兰
- Christchurch on the South Island and Queenstown,further to the south.
- 南部克赖斯物彻奇和南方遥远的昆士城。
- New Zealand has a mild sea climate,while the north is subtropical.
- 新西兰是温和的海洋性气候,北部是亚热带气候
- It rains quite a lot.The warmest months are December to February.
- 它是多雨的。最暖和的月份是十二月到二月。
- The coldest months are June to August.
- 最冷的月份是六月到八月。
- The ocean and seas surrounding the islands are deep blue
- 环绕岛屿的大洋大海碧蓝清澈。
- and many of New Zealand's cities lie on a bay
- 新西兰的许多城市位于海湾
- and have a natural deep harbour
- 拥有天然的深水港口。
- The sand beaches in New Zealand are also very clean.
- 新西兰的海滩也是非常干净的。
- New Zealand has a very beautiful natural landscape
- 该国山青水秀。风景如画
- with green hills and mountains.
- 有绿色的山丘、山脉。
- Some of the mountains are dead volcanoes.
- 有些死的火山
- The North Island is famous for an area of hot springs,
- 北岛是著名的温泉胜地。
- some of which throw hot water high into the air.
- 有些温泉的热水能高高地喷向半空。
- Some of this heat near the earth's surface is used to make electricity.
- 靠近地球的表面一些热被用作电。
- There are many plants and animals that only live in New Zealand.
- 有许多植物和动物只在新西兰生长。
- The most famous animal is a little bird that cannot fly.
- 这最有名的动物是不会飞的小鸟。
- It is called a kiwi and it is New Zealand's national bird
- 它被叫做几维鸟,是新西兰的国鸟。
- The Maori were the earliest people to come to New Zealand.
- 毛利人是最早来到新西兰的人。
- When they discovered it about 1,000 years ago,
- 大约1,000年前他们发现了这个地方的时候,
- they called it Aotearoa,which means"Land of the long white cloud".
- 他们称它为奥蒂蜀,意思是"长白云之乡。
- "The Maori came from the island of Polynesia in the Pacific.
- 毛利人来自太平洋的波利尼西亚岛屿。
- It is some 3,500 kilometres from Polynesia to New Zealand
- 从波利尼西亚到新西兰大约有3500公里,
- which they travelled in narrow boats.
- 他们是乘着狭窄的木船过来的。
- They brought dogs,rats and plants with them
- 他们带来狗,鼠和植物,
- and settled mainly on the North Island where the weather was warmer.
- 主要定居在气候较为温暖的北岛。
- Around 1421
- 大约1421年,
- Chinese sailors discovered the islands onone of their voyages around the world.
- 中国的海员发现了这些岛屿全球航行队其中
- The Dutchman Abel Tasman named the islands New Zealand in 1642.
- 1642年荷兰人亚伯。塔斯曼把这些岛屿命名为新西兰。
- More than 120 years later,
- 再过 125 年之后,
- Captain James Cook took possession of the island in 1769
- 船长詹姆斯。库克于1769年占领了该岛。
- and from that time British people started to settle in New Zealand.
- 从那时起,英国人开始陆续在新西兰定居下来。
- By 1840 about 2,000 Europeans,mainly British,
- 到1840年,大约2000名欧洲人,主要是英国人,
- had come to settle in New Zealand
- 来到新西兰定居,
- and the Maori signed an agreement with these settlers.
- 毛利人与他们签订了一份协议。
- That day is still celebrated as a national holiday.
- 至今,那一天仍然作为国家定假日来庆祝。
- It is every year on the sixth of February
- 它是每年2月的第6天。
- Today there are still many people in New Zealand who call England
- 今天,在新西兰,仍有许多人把英国叫做自己的
- "the home country ",although it is a place where most of them have never been
- """祖国"",尽管那是一个他们大多数人从未到过的地方。"
- 综合技术
- Reading and Writing
- 读,写
- Life in New Zealand
- 新西兰的生活
- New Zealand has a population of about 3.8 million people,
- 新西兰大约有三百八十万人口,
- of which about fourteen percent are Maori
- 其中百分之十四的是毛利人。
- Since the mid-1980s growing numbers of Asians have settled in New Zealand,
- 自二十世纪八十年代中期以来,越来越多的亚洲人在新西兰定居
- and they make up about six percent of the total population
- 他们约占总人口数的百分之六。
- The majority of the people speak English.
- 大多数人都是讲英语。
- However,Maori,which is the native language of the Maori people,
- 然而,毛利语,毛利人的母语
- is also an official language.
- 也是官方语言。
- All street signs,names of cities and places
- 所有的路标和城市名,地
- must be written in both languages.
- 都必须用种语言写。
- They also have Maori newspapers,radio and TV programmes.
- 他们也有毛利语的报纸广播和电视节目。
- The common meeting place for Maori is on the marae,
- 毛利人聚会的地点通常是在露天会场内。
- an area of land with a meeting house,where all important events take place.
- 这是一个会议堂馆前面的一块开阔地,一切重大的活动都在这儿举行
- Maori children are taught at an early age
- 毛利儿童很小就被教会
- what to do when they come to the marae.
- 来到露天会场时该做什么。
- Special days for the Maori are called huis.
- 毛利人的特殊节日叫作"会"
- A hui may be a wedding,burial or conference
- 一个"会"可以是婚礼葬礼或者会议,
- The happier events are marked with speeches,singing and dancing
- 比较欢快的活动则常有演说,唱歌和跳舞等节目
- When someone dies,all the relations,old and young,
- 当有人去世时,所有亲戚年老的、年轻的
- come to the marae for the Maori burial service.
- 都来到会堂举行毛利人的葬礼。
- Maori people believe that the spirit stays with the body for three days,
- 毛利人认为灵魂在身体里要只三天。
- so during this time someone always stays with the dead person.
- 因此,在这期间,总有人守在去世人的身边。
- Many people will sleep and eat on the marae during these three days
- 这三天里,许多人吃睡都在会堂。
- and share their memories of the dead person.
- 共同悼念死者。
- New Zealand is an important agricultural country,
- 新西兰是个重要的农业国。
- with cattle farming on the North Island ,
- 北岛以养牛业为主,
- while the hilly South Island has more sheep farms.
- 多山的南岛则放牧羊群。
- The main exports of the country are wool lamb,beef,butter,
- 这个国家的主要出口商品有羊毛、羊羔、奶酪、
- forest products,fruit and vegetables.
- 林产品,水果和蔬菜。
- Some farmers have turned to keeping deer,
- 有些农场主已转而养鹿
- and there are now about 4,500 deer farms in the country.
- 这个国家现在约有4500个养鹿场。
- The deer are farmed for their meat and fur,
- 养鹿是为了肉和毛皮,
- which are then shipped to many other countries.
- 这些产品被往其他的国家。
- New Zealand wine is of high quality and is sold all over the world.
- 新西兰的葡萄酒质量高,销往世界各地。
- Living in a country with plenty of space and a good climate,
- 居住在一个幅员辽阔,气候宜人的国家。
- New Zealanders love all kinds of sports and outdoor activities.
- 新西兰人喜爱各种各样的运动和户外活动。
- In summer,people like to go sailing,swimming,
- 夏天,人们喜欢去航海,游泳,
- horse-riding and rock-climbing in the mountains.
- 骑马和攀登崖壁。
- The main school holidays are from mid-December till early February
- 学校主要假期是从十二月中旬到二月初。
- when the days are long and warm.
- 这时候白天长了,而且暖和了。
- Many families spend this time at a cottage by the seaside
- 许多家庭在海滨的小屋里度假,
- or go camping in the hills or on the coast.
- 或者到山里或海滨露营
- New Zealand,with its natural beauty,mountains,
- 新西兰有它的自然美,有山、
- rivers and national parks,also attracts tourists from all over the world.
- 有河还有国家公园。也吸引着世界各地的旅游者。
- Work book Unit 18 New Zealand
- 练习册 第十八单元 新西兰
- Integrating skills Reading Gung ho!
- 综合技能 阅读 同心协力!
- New Zealand is only a young country and lies very far away from China.
- 新西兰只是早期的国家距中国非常远。
- From the southern parts of China,
- 从中国的南部,
- it takes more than 9,000 kilometres across Southeast Asia to reach New Zealand.
- 它超过9,000公里。穿过亚洲东南部到达新西兰。
- Despite the fact that New Zealand is so far away,
- 不管新西兰是在如此遥远的事实,
- ties have existed between the two nations from early on.
- 自很早以前这两个国家一直有着联系。
- The first wave of Chinese settlers
- 中国的第一批移民者
- arrived around the middle of the nineteenth century.
- 十九世纪中期到达
- Most of them came from southern China.
- 他们大部分都来自中国的南方。
- They came to try their luck to find gold.
- 他们来试他们的运气寻找黄金。
- Gold was discovered in New Zealand in the 1850s.
- 1850年在新西兰发现了黄金。
- This attracted many pioneers
- 这吸引了许多先锋。
- who hoped to become rich through the gold business.
- 他们希望通过黄金交易变得富有。
- In later years,
- 几年过后,
- many of these Chinese people became successful as market gardeners,
- 许多在市场上交易的中国人成为了成功的园丁。
- growing and selling vegetables,while others set up small factories.
- 种植和出售蔬菜,同时另一些人建立了小工厂。
- Among the first settlers,
- 在第一批移民者当中,
- the Chinese were more skilled at setting up and running businesses.
- 华人更熟练建立流动的生意。
- During World War Two many New Zealanders came to China.
- 在第二次世界大战其间,许多新西兰人来到中国
- Writers,such as James Bertram from Wellington,travelled through China.
- 例如,作家James Bertram 是来自惠灵顿,他旅行通过中国。
- Just like Edgar Snow,he interviewed Mao Zedong and wrote books about China.
- 正如 Edgar Snow,他接见了毛泽东而且写了有关中国的书。
- In Hebei Province,Kathleen Hall,
- 在河北省,Kathleen Hall,
- Kathleen Hall,known to Chinese people as "Nurse Ho"ran a small hospital.
- 经营这家小医院以"模范护士"而出名。
- She often worked together with Doctor Norman Bethune,
- 她经常和Norman Bethune医生一起工作,
- whose International Peace Hospital was nearby.
- 国际和平医院就在她们的附近。
- The most famous"kiwi"in China was Rewi Alley.
- 在中国最出名的是新西兰人是
- Rewi AlleyHe lived in China for more than 60 years of his life.
- 他的一生在中国生活超过60年。
- In wartime China,
- 中国战争时期,
- he helped to keep the Chinese economy going and build New China.
- 他有助于维持中国的经济而且建立新的中国。
- He came to China in the 1920s and first worked in Shanghai
- 1920年,他来到中国并首先在上海工作。
- where he worked on creating better working conditions in factories.
- 他在工厂都能创造更好工作环境
- From 1938 he travelled all over China
- 自1938年走遍中国
- to help workers set up Gung Ho Industrial Cooperatives.
- 去帮助工人建立同心协力的工业合作。
- Organising Gung Ho and in that way helping the Chinese economy
- 组织同心协力那样的方法来帮助中国的经济。
- to keep going was important if China was to win the war against Japan.
- 中国同日本的战争是否能赢,维持经济是很重要的
- In the 1940s
- 在1940年
- he opened the Shandan Technical School in northern Gansu Province.
- 在北方的甘萧省,他创办山丹技术学校。
- The school developed a new way of teaching skills.
- 这个学校发明一种新的教学方法。
- Half of the time,students worked,
- 学生半天时间工作,
- while they still spent half days at school.
- 他们仍然花半天在学习。
- This kind of school was just what China needed at that time.
- 在那时中国恰好需要这种教学方法。
- During his life,Rewi Alley wrote and translated many books.
- 他的一生中,
- In 1977 the Chinese government honoured him for his work
- 在1977年,中国政府给予他荣誉
- helping the Chinese people for more than 50 years.
- 帮助是中国人民超过50年。
- Over the past 10-15 years,
- 10-15年过后,
- large numbers of Chinese students have travelled to New Zealand
- 大多数学生都到新西兰去旅行
- to study at university there.
- 到那里的大学学习。
- Their time in New Zealand is an unforgettable experience,
- 他们在新西兰的那段时间,是令人难忘的经历,
- which builds strong bridges of friendship between the two countries.
- 两国之间建立了坚固的友谊桥梁。

Unit 18 New Zealand Speaking Work in pairs。
第十八单元 新西兰岛 说 两人一组。
Talk about the birthplaces of your grandparents,parents and yourself.
A:Where is your great-grandfather on your father's side from?
B:He is from Weihai, a city in northeastern Shandong.
A:Can you explain where that is?
B:Weihai lies about 90 kilometres east of Yantai.
A:And what about your great- grandmother on your father's side?
B:She's from western Shandong.
A:Which city?
B:It's not a city. She's from Shentong,a small village,
30 kilometres south of Jinan.
重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
fur | [fə:] | |||
population | [.pɔpju'leiʃən] | 联想记忆 | ||
cattle | ['kætl] | |||
burial | ['beriəl] | |||
technical | ['teknikəl] | |||
wool | [wul] | |||
conference | ['kɔnfərəns] | 联想记忆 | ||
pacific | [pə'sifik] | 联想记忆 | ||
lamb | [læm] | |||
celebrated | ['selibreitid] | 联想记忆 |

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