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2021年全国大学生英语竞赛试题B类决赛 Section D 短文

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Section D: In this section, you will hear two short passages.
  • 第四节:在本节中,你将听到两段短文。
  • The passages will be read only once.
  • 每段短文只读一遍。
  • After each passage, there will be a one-minute pause.
  • 每段短文后有1分钟的停顿。
  • During the pause, write the answers on the answer sheet.
  • 在停顿期间,把答案写在答题纸上。
  • Dictation
  • 听写
  • Listen to the passage.
  • 听短文。
  • For questions 21—25, fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear.
  • 用你听到的单词或短语完成第21~25题。
  • When you write assignments, you have to do research, which means reading widely, using a variety of sources, including, nowadays, the Internet.
  • 当你写作业时,你必须做研究,这意味着要广泛阅读,使用各种来源,包括现在的互联网。
  • It does not mean just checking out Wikipedia and quote it word for word.
  • 这并不意味着仅仅查看维基百科并逐字引用它。
  • When students did all their research in the library, it was easy to find authoritative sources because they could see the difference between a popular magazine and an academic journal.
  • 当学生们在图书馆里做所有的研究时,很容易找到权威的来源,因为他们可以看到流行杂志和学术期刊的区别。
  • On the web, you need to check who the writer is, who he/she is writing for, and whether the article provides just an overview or detailed research.
  • 在网络上,你需要检查作者是谁,他/她为谁写作,以及文章是否只提供了一个概述或详细的研究。
  • You need to validate all ‘facts’ on the web because many writers of web articles are biased in favour of or against their topic.
  • 你需要验证网络上所有的“事实”,因为许多网络文章的作者对他们的主题是有偏见的。
  • For example, people are often ethnocentric and think their own culture is always right.
  • 例如,人们往往是种族中心主义者,认为自己的文化总是正确的。
  • Sometimes they state their bias.
  • 有时,他们会陈述自己的偏见。
  • They say clearly ‘In my opinion...’.
  • 他们清楚地说‘在我看来……’。
  • Sometimes, though they are not so direct, they use extreme words, particularly adjectives, like stupid and disgusting, or brilliant and delicious.
  • 有时,虽然不是那么直接,但他们会使用极端的词,特别是形容词,比如愚蠢和恶心,或者灿烂和美味。
  • Sometimes, they only imply things—in other words, you have to work out the opinion of the writer from the kind of evidence they give.
  • 有时,它们只是暗示一些事情--换句话说,你必须从他们提供的证据中得出作者的观点。
  • So you must critically evaluate any information you read on a website.
  • 因此,你必须批判性地评估你在网站上读到的任何信息。
  • Keep thinking: what does the writer think about this point?
  • 继续思考:作者是如何看待这一点的?
  • Summary
  • 摘要
  • Listen to the passage.
  • 听短文。
  • For questions 26—30, complete the notes using no more than three words for each blank.
  • 完成26~30题的笔记,每个空格不超过3个单词。
  • I’d like to tell you about the giant panda, which is a bear that’s native to China, and one of the world’s best-loved and most easily recognized animals.
  • 我想告诉你们关于大熊猫的事情,这是中国土生土长的一种熊,也是世界上最受欢迎和最容易识别的动物之一。
  • The giant panda is a national emblem of China, and over history the Chinese have given it more than twenty different names.
  • 大熊猫是中国的国徽,在历史上,中国人给它起了二十多个不同的名字。
  • Among them are names such as ‘spotted bear’—describing its black and white body, ‘bamboo bear’—referring to its diet and, ‘white leopard’, possibly because of its tree-climbing abilities.
  • 在这些名字中,有“斑点熊”--形容它的黑白相间的身体,“竹子熊”--指的是它的饮食,还有“白豹”,可能是因为它的爬树能力。
  • Then there’s the current, most frequently used term, ‘cat bear’, which is also echoed in the scientific Latin name for the species.
  • 然后是目前使用频率最高的术语“猫熊”,这个词也出现在该物种的拉丁文学名中。
  • There’s been much debate about how to classify the giant panda, although recent molecular studies seem to confirm that it is actually a bear.
  • 尽管最近的分子研究似乎证实了大熊猫实际上是熊,但关于如何将大熊猫归类的争论很多。
  • However, the species differentiated early in history from all other bears, making it the only member of an otherwise extinct branch of the family.
  • 然而,该物种在历史上很早就与所有其他熊区分开来,使其成为该科原本已灭绝的分支中唯一的成员。
  • For that reason, it is considered by certain experts to be a living fossil.
  • 因此,某些专家认为它是一块活化石。
  • The animal known as the red panda, which shares its habitat, is in fact only a very distant relative.
  • 被称为小熊猫的动物,分享了它的栖息地,实际上只是一个非常遥远的亲戚。
  • The giant panda is a solitary creature with relatively poor vision but an acute sense of smell, and so relies principally on scent to communicate with other individuals.
  • 大熊猫是一种独居生物,视力相对较差,但嗅觉敏锐,因此主要依靠气味与其他个体交流。
  • It secretes a strong-smelling substance from its glands, which it rubs onto trees and stones on the edges of its territory.
  • 它从腺体中分泌一种气味强烈的物质,然后将这些物质摩擦到其领土边缘的树木和石头上。
  • These scent markings convey an enormous amount of information, not only about the animal’s gender, state of health and even their mood, but also how long ago the ‘message’ was left.
  • 这些气味标记传达了大量的信息,不仅涉及动物的性别、健康状况,甚至它们的情绪,还包括这些信息是在多长时间前留下的。
  • Unlike some other animals, the giant panda can’t communicate via facial expression, or even ear or tail position.
  • 与其他一些动物不同,大熊猫不能通过面部表情交流,甚至无法通过耳朵或尾巴的位置进行交流。
  • But it does produce a surprising range of vocalisations, including a honking sound to indicate distress, a barking sound to convey hostility to enemies.
  • 但它确实产生了令人惊讶的发声范围,包括表示求救的喇叭声,向敌人传达敌意的犬吠声。
  • The giant panda used to live in a vast forest area, but, due to extensive farming and deforestation, much of its habitat has been destroyed, leaving only small populations in a handful of mountain areas in the country.
  • 大熊猫过去生活在广阔的林区,但由于大规模耕种和砍伐森林,它的大部分栖息地已经被破坏,只剩下该国少数山区的少数种群。
  • Current estimates of numbers remaining in the wild range between only one and two thousand individuals.
  • 目前对野生大熊猫数量的估计只有1000到2000只。


Section D: In this section, you will hear two short passages.


The passages will be read only once.


After each passage, there will be a one-minute pause.


During the pause, write the answers on the answer sheet.




Listen to the passage.


For questions 21—25, fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear.


When you write assignments, you have to do research, which means reading widely, using a variety of sources, including, nowadays, the Internet.


It does not mean just checking out Wikipedia and quote it word for word.


When students did all their research in the library, it was easy to find authoritative sources because they could see the difference between a popular magazine and an academic journal.


On the web, you need to check who the writer is, who he/she is writing for, and whether the article provides just an overview or detailed research.


You need to validate all ‘facts’ on the web because many writers of web articles are biased in favour of or against their topic.


For example, people are often ethnocentric and think their own culture is always right.


Sometimes they state their bias.


They say clearly ‘In my opinion...’.


Sometimes, though they are not so direct, they use extreme words, particularly adjectives, like stupid and disgusting, or brilliant and delicious.


Sometimes, they only imply things—in other words, you have to work out the opinion of the writer from the kind of evidence they give.


So you must critically evaluate any information you read on a website.


Keep thinking: what does the writer think about this point?




Listen to the passage.


For questions 26—30, complete the notes using no more than three words for each blank.


I’d like to tell you about the giant panda, which is a bear that’s native to China, and one of the world’s best-loved and most easily recognized animals.


The giant panda is a national emblem of China, and over history the Chinese have given it more than twenty different names.


Among them are names such as ‘spotted bear’—describing its black and white body, ‘bamboo bear’—referring to its diet and, ‘white leopard’, possibly because of its tree-climbing abilities.


Then there’s the current, most frequently used term, ‘cat bear’, which is also echoed in the scientific Latin name for the species.


There’s been much debate about how to classify the giant panda, although recent molecular studies seem to confirm that it is actually a bear.


However, the species differentiated early in history from all other bears, making it the only member of an otherwise extinct branch of the family.


For that reason, it is considered by certain experts to be a living fossil.


The animal known as the red panda, which shares its habitat, is in fact only a very distant relative.


The giant panda is a solitary creature with relatively poor vision but an acute sense of smell, and so relies principally on scent to communicate with other individuals.


It secretes a strong-smelling substance from its glands, which it rubs onto trees and stones on the edges of its territory.


These scent markings convey an enormous amount of information, not only about the animal’s gender, state of health and even their mood, but also how long ago the ‘message’ was left.


Unlike some other animals, the giant panda can’t communicate via facial expression, or even ear or tail position.


But it does produce a surprising range of vocalisations, including a honking sound to indicate distress, a barking sound to convey hostility to enemies.


The giant panda used to live in a vast forest area, but, due to extensive farming and deforestation, much of its habitat has been destroyed, leaving only small populations in a handful of mountain areas in the country.


Current estimates of numbers remaining in the wild range between only one and two thousand individuals.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
scent [sent]


n. 气味,香味,痕迹
vt. 闻出,发觉,使

detailed [di'teild]


adj. 详细的

current ['kʌrənt]


n. (水、气、电)流,趋势
adj. 流通的

variety [və'raiəti]


n. 多样,种类,杂耍

species ['spi:ʃiz]


n. (单复同)物种,种类

quote [kwəut]


n. 引用
v. 引述,举证,报价

vast [vɑ:st]


adj. 巨大的,广阔的
n. 浩瀚的太

debate [di'beit]


n. 辩论,讨论
vt. 争论,思考

evidence ['evidəns]


n. 根据,证据
v. 证实,证明

classify ['klæsifai]


vt. 分类,归类





