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2021年全国大学生英语竞赛试题B类决赛 Section C 新闻

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Section C: In this section, you will hear five short news items. Each item will be read only once.
  • 第三节:在本节中,你将听到五段短新闻。每段新闻只读一遍。
  • After each item, there will be a fifteen-second pause.
  • 每段新闻后有15秒钟的停顿。
  • During the pause, read the question and the four-choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.
  • 在停顿期间,阅读问题和A、B、C、D四个选项,并选出最佳答案。
  • Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.
  • 然后在答题纸上用一条线标出相应的字母,线划在字母的中间。
  • 16. The Online Dating Association in the UK reported that around 2.3 million British citizens used dating apps during the lockdown.
  • 16.英国在线约会协会报告称,在封锁期间,约有230万英国公民使用约会应用。
  • Cyber criminals have taken advantage of this to scam people.
  • 网络犯罪分子利用这一点诈骗他人。
  • A total of $26 million is believed to have been lost in bank transfer fraud.
  • 据信,在银行转账欺诈案中总共损失了2600万美元。
  • The average loss per victim is around $11,000.
  • 每个受害者的平均损失约为11,000美元。
  • According to data from a UK bank, people aged 55 to 64 are the most vulnerable to romance fraud.
  • 根据英国一家银行的数据,55岁至64岁的人最容易受到爱情欺诈的影响。
  • Pauline Smith, a fraud expert, said:
  • 欺诈专家波琳·史密斯说:
  • “Any online platform that allows you to connect with and talk to other people could be targeted by romance fraudsters, so it’s important to remain vigilant.”
  • “任何允许你与他人联系和交流的在线平台都可能成为爱情诈骗者的目标,所以保持警惕是很重要的。”
  • She urged extreme caution if an online love interest requests money for things like medical care.
  • 她呼吁,如果网恋对象要求支付医疗等费用,应格外谨慎。
  • 17.Denmark has come up with a practical idea to help its clean energy needs.
  • 17.丹麦提出了一个实用的想法来满足其清洁能源需求。
  • The Scandinavian nation intends to build an artificial island 80km off its western coast in the North Sea.
  • 这个斯堪的纳维亚国家打算在距离其西海岸80公里的北海建造一座人工岛。
  • It is expected to be in full operation by 2033.
  • 预计到2033年,它将全面投入运营。
  • It hopes the ambitious project will end Denmark’s reliance on fossil fuels within the next three decades.
  • 它希望这个雄心勃勃的项目将在未来30年内结束丹麦对化石燃料的依赖。
  • Denmark is currently Europe’s largest oil-producing country, so a move towards 100 per cent clean energy and the end of oil production will provide a huge boost for its green credentials.
  • 丹麦目前是欧洲最大的产油国,因此转向100%清洁能源和停止石油生产将为其绿色信誉提供巨大提振。
  • Jacob Ostergaard, a professor of electric power and energy, described the project as, “a cornerstone in the green transition which will help facilitate the reduction of Danish CO2 emissions”.
  • 电力和能源教授雅各布·奥斯特加德将该项目描述为“绿色转型的基石,这将有助于促进丹麦二氧化碳排放的减少”。
  • 18.A new study from Stanford University has investigated the effects on our health of extended spells of video-conferencing.
  • 18.斯坦福大学的一项新研究调查了长时间视频会议对我们健康的影响。
  • Researcher and communications expert Jeremy Bailenson dubbed the phenomenon “Zoom fatigue,” but acknowledged the condition is not restricted to just that platform.
  • 研究人员和通讯专家杰里米·拜伦森将这一现象称为“变焦疲劳”,但他承认,这种情况并不局限于该平台。
  • Mr Bailenson outlined several factors that make video-conferencing so fatigue-inducing.
  • 拜伦森列举了导致视频会议如此令人疲惫的几个因素。
  • He said it is not just tiredness and eye-strain from staring at a computer screen for hours and hours.
  • 他说,这不仅仅是因为长时间盯着电脑屏幕而感到疲倦和眼睛疲劳。
  • It is also brought about by “cognitive overload” and feeling pressure to be perpetually switched on.
  • 它也是由“认知过载”和感受到的压力所带来的,需要不断地开启。
  • We constantly feel we need to be in touch with friends or available for bosses, customers or students.
  • 我们经常觉得我们需要与朋友保持联系,或者需要与老板、客户或学生保持联系。
  • Bailenson cautioned this leads to stress and can heighten your chance of developing moderate to severe depression.
  • 拜伦森警告说,这会导致压力,并可能增加你患上中度至重度抑郁症的机会。
  • He said this anxiety can adversely affect your self-confidence.
  • 他说,这种焦虑会对你的自信心造成负面影响。
  • This is because of the large number of faces staring at you in meetings.
  • 这是因为在会议上有很多面孔盯着你看。
  • 19.Staff at the Australian National University(ANU) in Canberra have been requested to avoid the use of certain words related to gender.
  • 19.堪培拉澳大利亚国立大学(ANU)的工作人员被要求避免使用某些与性别有关的词语。
  • ANU’s Gender Institute issued a list of replacement terms for everyday words like ‘mother’ and ‘father’.
  • 澳大利亚国立大学性别研究所发布了一份替代常用词的清单,比如“母亲”和“父亲”。
  • The switch in vocabulary is part of an initiative to encourage more gender-neutral language.
  • 词汇量的改变是鼓励更多中性语言的倡议的一部分。
  • Staff are being asked to use the term ‘gestational parent’ instead of ‘mother,’ and ‘non-birthing-parent’ in place of ‘father’.
  • 工作人员被要求用“妊娠期父母”代替“母亲”,用“非生育父母”代替“父亲”。
  • The institute’s gender handbook claims the words ‘mother’ and ‘father’ exclude non-binary people.
  • 该研究所的性别手册声称,“母亲”和“父亲”这两个词不包括非双性恋的人。
  • These are people who identify as being neither male nor female.
  • 这些人认为自己既不是男性,也不是女性。
  • Non-binary people feel unrepresented in society because of words that refer to males and females.
  • 非二元结构的人觉得自己在社会上没有代表性,因为这些词指的是男性和女性。
  • 20.A huge protest has taken place in India in what could be the largest demonstration in human history.
  • 20.印度发生了一场规模巨大的抗议活动,这可能是人类历史上规模最大的示威活动。
  • Tens of thousands of farmers descended on the capital New Delhi to voice concerns about new farming legislation.
  • 数以万计的农民聚集在首都新德里,表达了对新农业立法的担忧。
  • This number is nothing out of the ordinary for a demonstration.
  • 这个数字对于一个示威活动来说并不是什么不寻常的事情。
  • However, history was made when up to 250 million people from a broad cross-section of the subcontinent joined in a 24-hour general strike.
  • 然而,历史创造了,来自次大陆广泛地区的多达2.5亿人参加了一场24小时的总罢工。
  • The protesters came from all walks of life to show solidarity with the farmers.
  • 抗议者来自各行各业,以示对农民的声援。
  • The scale of the protest forced the government to meet the protesters face-to-face.
  • 抗议活动的规模迫使政府与抗议者面对面会面。
  • The numbers made the government change its tactics somewhat, as marches are usually met with a show of force from the police.
  • 这些数字让政府在一定程度上改变了策略,因为游行通常会遭到警方的武力展示。
  • India’s farmers are up in arms about the enactment of three laws to “reform” the country’s agriculture industry.
  • 印度农民对颁布三项法律“改革”该国农业感到愤怒。


Section C: In this section, you will hear five short news items. Each item will be read only once.


After each item, there will be a fifteen-second pause.


During the pause, read the question and the four-choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.


Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.


16. The Online Dating Association in the UK reported that around 2.3 million British citizens used dating apps during the lockdown.


Cyber criminals have taken advantage of this to scam people.


A total of $26 million is believed to have been lost in bank transfer fraud.


The average loss per victim is around $11,000.


According to data from a UK bank, people aged 55 to 64 are the most vulnerable to romance fraud.


Pauline Smith, a fraud expert, said:


“Any online platform that allows you to connect with and talk to other people could be targeted by romance fraudsters, so it’s important to remain vigilant.”


She urged extreme caution if an online love interest requests money for things like medical care.


17.Denmark has come up with a practical idea to help its clean energy needs.


The Scandinavian nation intends to build an artificial island 80km off its western coast in the North Sea.


It is expected to be in full operation by 2033.


It hopes the ambitious project will end Denmark’s reliance on fossil fuels within the next three decades.


Denmark is currently Europe’s largest oil-producing country, so a move towards 100 per cent clean energy and the end of oil production will provide a huge boost for its green credentials.


Jacob Ostergaard, a professor of electric power and energy, described the project as, “a cornerstone in the green transition which will help facilitate the reduction of Danish CO2 emissions”.


18.A new study from Stanford University has investigated the effects on our health of extended spells of video-conferencing.


Researcher and communications expert Jeremy Bailenson dubbed the phenomenon “Zoom fatigue,” but acknowledged the condition is not restricted to just that platform.


Mr Bailenson outlined several factors that make video-conferencing so fatigue-inducing.


He said it is not just tiredness and eye-strain from staring at a computer screen for hours and hours.


It is also brought about by “cognitive overload” and feeling pressure to be perpetually switched on.


We constantly feel we need to be in touch with friends or available for bosses, customers or students.


Bailenson cautioned this leads to stress and can heighten your chance of developing moderate to severe depression.


He said this anxiety can adversely affect your self-confidence.


This is because of the large number of faces staring at you in meetings.


19.Staff at the Australian National University(ANU) in Canberra have been requested to avoid the use of certain words related to gender.


ANU’s Gender Institute issued a list of replacement terms for everyday words like ‘mother’ and ‘father’.


The switch in vocabulary is part of an initiative to encourage more gender-neutral language.


Staff are being asked to use the term ‘gestational parent’ instead of ‘mother,’ and ‘non-birthing-parent’ in place of ‘father’.


The institute’s gender handbook claims the words ‘mother’ and ‘father’ exclude non-binary people.


These are people who identify as being neither male nor female.


Non-binary people feel unrepresented in society because of words that refer to males and females.


20.A huge protest has taken place in India in what could be the largest demonstration in human history.


Tens of thousands of farmers descended on the capital New Delhi to voice concerns about new farming legislation.


This number is nothing out of the ordinary for a demonstration.


However, history was made when up to 250 million people from a broad cross-section of the subcontinent joined in a 24-hour general strike.


The protesters came from all walks of life to show solidarity with the farmers.


The scale of the protest forced the government to meet the protesters face-to-face.


The numbers made the government change its tactics somewhat, as marches are usually met with a show of force from the police.


India’s farmers are up in arms about the enactment of three laws to “reform” the country’s agriculture industry.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
facilitate [fə'siliteit]


vt. 帮助,使 ... 容易,促进

strike [straik]


n. 罢工,打击,殴打
v. 打,撞,罢工,划

initiative [i'niʃətiv]


adj. 创始的,初步的,自发的
n. 第一步

reliance [ri'laiəns]


n. 信赖,所信赖的人或物

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

fraud [frɔ:d]


n. 骗子,欺骗,诈欺

vigilant ['vidʒilənt]


adj. 警醒的,警戒著的,警惕的

legislation [.ledʒis'leiʃən]


n. 立法,法律

protest [prə'test]


n. 抗议,反对,声明
v. 抗议,反对,申明

exclude [iks'klu:d]


vt. 除外,排除,拒绝





