It was an interesting psychological study, to say the least. I would go so far as to say that it indicated how personality or the life of an artist can strongly influence how people view his art. Prior to knowing the names behind the artworks it is safe to say that a few individuals may have enjoyed Adolf Hitler's artworks in the long term while continuing to mock John Lennon's artworks. Once the names were revealed- and thus everything those names represent brought to the table- people changed their criticism of the artworks. It forces me to wonder how often we do this with other artists.
In closing, I'm not going to suggest whether it is acceptable or not to view the artworks based strictly on what we know about an artist's personality and life. That said, knowing such information is obviously an important determinant of how we take in art that is viewed. It leaves me to wonder if the power of art is found in the personality and life choices- both that of the artist and of the viewer- or within the art itself. Perhaps it is a mixture of both? Consider this food for thought.