I can recall a project that I was involved in while taking a college-level psychology class that explored this issue. We showed a group of people images of art without saying who the artists were. And we made sure that the people involved did not recognize the artists' works. The two artists that stick out in memory happened to be Adolf Hitler and John Lennon- two names that need no introduction for very different reasons. The goal was simply to see how people changed their art criticism after finding out who created the art.
Those who observed Adolf Hitler's artworks before knowing he was behind the creation of those images were impressed by them- noting a strong sense of architecture and space. Those who observed John Lennon's artworks before knowing he was the creator of those images were not impressed at all- most asking if they were drawings by a child. In fact, I recall that a few individuals doodled quick sketches laughing at the examples of Lennon's art that were shown. At that point they were not aware of who created the images.
After showing the works and recording the views that everyone had, we revealed the artists' names in connection to the examples of images shown. We then followed up on the study a week later. This time when Adolf Hitler's artworks were shown, people tended to mock them and regard them as technically flawed and mediocre at best… completely the opposite of what they had said before. When John Lennon's artworks were shown again, people tended to suggest that his works displayed a strong use of line and mastery of gesture drawing. Lennon went from being viewed as a "bad artist" to being viewed as highly creative just because his name, and thus all that is attributed to it was revealed. Those who forgot the names of the artists after a week tended to stick with their original criticism concerning the images.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/daxue/202010/619150.shtml