In the year that he's been with us he has taught me many things. He reminds me to take time to play, to go out in the fresh air and walk (or in his case, run like the wind). He reminds me when I've been working too many hours in a row that it's time to take a break. He shows me by example that one must drink a lot- and I mean a lot- of water. He eats only when hungry, a few mouthfuls at a time and then goes on to something else. He gets so excited when something wonderful is coming his way. Even the routine of a morning walk gets him so excited. He jumps, twirls, and is very excited to go for a morning walk- while I am barely awake. And he goes for a walk not only because he “should” but because he “has to”. What a difference in attitude.
Angel demonstrates an attractive vitality of life, and he has a great capacity for joy, for excitement, and for pleasure. He has demonstrated to me, day after day, the importance of loving life and living life to the fullest. When we go out for walks- me to walk, him to run, to watch him run back and forth is such a pleasure as he puts "his all" into it. He runs for the pure joy of it, not because he needs the exercise, or because his doctor told him he "should". He runs for the pleasure of running, for the sense of freedom, and for the adrenaline that fills his body. He runs to discover new trails, and he runs on the old trails as well. He doesn't care whether they are old or new; he's just excited to be alive.