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E英语教程(智慧版)第二册:Unit4 Reading A(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "We're not certain.
  • “我们不确定。
  • They seem to be metal particles that move along certain paths.
  • 它们似乎是沿着特定路径运动的金属颗粒。
  • They give off gases, make noise, and keep crashing into each other.
  • 它们释放气体,制造噪音,并不断地相互碰撞。
  • There are so many of these paths and so many metal particles that they are quite likely to get smashed when we land a flying saucer."
  • 那里有很多这样的通道,很多这样的金属微粒,飞碟在那里着陆的话,很可能把那些金属微粒撞毁。”
  • "What are those pointed objects sticking up?"
  • “那些笔直竖立的凸出物是什么?
  • "They are tall buildings that give off light at night.
  • “它们是在晚上发光的高楼。
  • Professor Glom has named them skyscrapers
  • 格洛姆教授把它们命名为摩天大楼,
  • since they seem to be scraping the skies."
  • 因为它们似乎触到了天空。”
  • "If all you say is true, won't this set back the flying saucer program several years?"
  • “如果你说的是真的,这不会把飞碟计划推迟好几年吗?“
  • "Yes, but we shall proceed as soon as the Grubstake gives us the added funds."
  • “是的,但只要格鲁伯特银行给我们增加资金,我们就会着手进行。“
  • "Professor Zog, why are we spending billions and billions of Venusian dollars to land a flying saucer on Earth when there is no life there?"
  • “佐格教授,既然地球上没有生命,我们为什么要花费几十亿金星人的钱来把飞碟降落到地球上呢?”
  • "Because if we Venusians can learn to breathe in the Earth's atmosphere,
  • “因为如果我们金星人能学会在地球的大气层中呼吸,
  • then we can surely live anywhere in the universe."
  • 那我们就可以在任何地方生存了。”


"We're not certain. They seem to be metal particles that move along certain paths. They give off gases, make noise, and keep crashing into each other. There are so many of these paths and so many metal particles that they are quite likely to get smashed when we land a flying saucer."

"What are those pointed objects sticking up?”
"They are tall buildings that give off light at night. Professor Glom has named them skyscrapers since they seem to be scraping the skies."
"If all you say is true, won't this set back the flying saucer program several years?"
"Yes, but we shall proceed as soon as the Grubstake gives us the added funds.”
"Professor Zog, why are we spending billions and billions of Venusian dollars to land a flying saucer on Earth when there is no life there?”
"Because if we Venusians can learn to breathe in the Earth's atmosphere, then we can surely live anywhere in the universe."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
universe ['ju:nivə:s]


n. 宇宙,万物,世界

proceed [prə'si:d]


vi. 继续进行,开始,着手



n. 基金;资金,现金(fund的复数) v. 提供资金

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的





