But what about the existential threat, you may ask? Well, have you not eyes? Don't you see our tanks strolling in Palestinian streets every other day? Don't you see our helicopters hovering over their neighborhoods choosing which window to shoot a missile into? What type of existential need are we answering in trampling the Palestinians?
Prevention of terror, I hear you say. Let me use the words of my friend Ishay Rosen-Zvi: "You are 'fighting against terror'? What a joke. The policies of Occupation have turned the Territories into a greenhouse for growing terror!!!" You know what? When you treat millions of people like sub-humans for so long, some of them will find inhuman strategies to fight back. Isn't that what the Zionists, and other Jewish revolutionaries, argued about a hundred years ago in order to explain the questionable strategies of survival that Jews used in Europe? Didn't our forefathers say, "Let us live like human beings, and see how we'll act just like other human beings"?
我听到你在说,这是为了预防恐怖。请容许我借用我朋友伊沙亚•罗森-兹维的话来说 吧:“你们在’和恐怖作斗争’?太可笑了。占领政策已经把占领区变成了滋生恐怖的温床!!!”你知道吗?当你在这么长时间里把成千上万的人当次等人对待时,他们当中就会有一些人寻求不人道的战略来回击。这难道不是犹太复国主义者和其他犹太革命者在大约100年以前为了解释犹太人在欧洲采用的令人质疑的生存战略而提出的论点吗?我们的先人不是说了吗:”让我们像人那样活着,看看我们是如何像其他人那样行事的”。
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/daxue/201906/586751.shtml