Anyway, when Peres withdrew most of our forces from Lebanon in 1985, the Arabs could still not be trusted. And so, to soothe our endless paranoia and suspicion, we created that perpetual source of death and crime ironically known as "the Security Zone." It took many years, a lot of blood and Four Mothers—against almost all politicians, generals, and columnists—to finally pull us out of Lebanon. In the long and hard way, we learned that even the Lebanese are human beings whose rights must be respected.
无论如何,当佩雷斯于1985年从黎巴嫩撤出我们的大部分武装力S的时候,我们认为阿拉伯人仍然不可信。于是,为了安抚我们永远无法摆脱的多疑和猜忌,我们创造了一个永无休 止的死亡和犯罪的发源地,并讽刺性地称其为“安全区”。多年以后,我们以鲜血为代价,并借 助四位母亲的运动,与几乎所有的政治家、将军和专栏作家斗争过后,我们才得以最终从黎巴 嫩撤出。在这漫长的艰难岁月里,我们明白了一个道理,即便是黎巴嫩人也是人类,他们的权 利也必须得到尊重。
But not the Palestinians. Because the Palestinians are too painfully close, like a rival sibling, we have singled them out for a special treatment. We have perfected our treatment in this strange no-man's-land created in 1967, and known as the Occupied Territories. There we have created an entirely hallucinatory reality, in which the true humans, members of the Nation of Masters, could move and settle freely and safely, while the sub-humans, the Nation of Slaves, were shoved into the corners, and kept invisible and controlled under our IDF boots.
但巴勒斯坦人另当别论。令人苦恼的是,巴勒斯坦人和我们实在太像了,和我们就像是同室操戈的兄弟,所以我们把他们挑出来予以特殊对待。1967年,在那块被称为“占领区” 的奇怪的无人区里,我们把对待他们的方式发挥到了极致。我们在那里创造了一个完全是幻象的世界。在这个世界里,那些真正的人——自己当家做主的国度里的子民们——可以自由安全地搬过来定居,而那些次等人,那些奴隶的国度的成员,则被赶到角落,在我们国防军铁蹄的控制下,让世界感觉不到他们的存在。