Edward Edelson
"Finagle" is not a word that most people associate with science. One reason why science is sorespected these days is that the image of the scientist is of one who collects data in an impartial search for truth. In any debate - over intelligence, schooling, bias, energy - the phrase "science says" usually crushes the opposition.
But scientists have long acknowledged the existence of a "finagle factor" - a tendency by manyscientists to give a helpful touch to the data to produce desired results. The latest example of the finagle factor comes from Stephen Jay Gould, a Harvard biologist, who has examined the important 19th century work of Dr. Samuel George Morton.
Morton was famous in his time not only for gathering a huge collection of skulls but also for analyzing the brain size as a measure of intelligence. He concluded that whites had the largest brains, that the brains of Indians and Blacks were smaller, and therefore, that whites make up a superior race.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/daxue/201609/463194.shtml