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1.The driver wanted________his car near the roadside but was asked by the police not to.

A. park B. parked C. to park D. parking

2.—_____do you go to the sports club?

—At least once a week.

A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How far

3.If we sit by window of the train, we'll have better view.

A. / ; the B, / ; a C. the; a D. the; the

4.The bag was very good, and she 30 percent down for it.

A. paid B. cost C. bought D. spent

5.The castle stands in a quiet place the main road at the far end of the river.

A. to B. for C. off D. out

6.—I’ll do the washing-up. Jack, would you please do the floors?

—Why______? Susan is sitting there doing nothing.

A. her B. she C. I D. me

7. —Do you think grandpa and grandma_________late?

—No, the train is usually on time.

A. were B. will be C. was D. have been

8. —May I take this magazine out of the reading room?

—No, you_________. You read it in here.

A. mightn't B. won’t C. needn’t D. mustn't

9.Read this article, you will understand that not everything can be bought with


A. or B. and C. but D. so

10.This work needs close teamwork.________will be achieved unless we work well together.

A. Nothing B. Anything C. Something D. Everything

11._______role she played in the movie! That’s why she has a lot of fans.

A. How interesting B. How an interesting

What interesting D. What an interesting

12.—The picture is, I have to say, not a bit beautiful.

—Why? It’s________than the pictures I have ever seen.

far more beautiful B. much less beautiful

C. no more beautiful D. any less beautiful

13.The park is far away from here indeed it’s about_______walk

A. Three hour B. a three hour’s C.a three-hours D.a three-hour

14.—I don’t understand_________.

—I’m sorry. But I was doing my homework.

A.why you didn’t watch the football match

B.why didn’t you watch the football match

C.why you don’t watch the football match

D.why don't you watch the football match

15.—Shall we go fishing at six o'clock tomorrow morning?

—______.Will seven o’clock be OK?

A.Sure, it’s up to you B. Sure, no problem

C.Sorry, I can’t make it D. Sorry, I’m not available




How would you use a radio or a telephone if you had no electricity or batteries? These 16 bothered(使烦恼) British inventor Trevor Baylis. So in 1996 he 17 a wind-up(装有发条的)radio. It doesn't need electricity or batteries. You wind it up 18 hand. It plays for about an hour. Then, you wind it up 19 .Today it's made in South Africa.

Then in 1999, Baylis invented a mobile telephone that is powered by 20 The shoescontain (含有)a small battery that is powered when you 21 . This battery is connected to a mobile phone. These two simple inventions can bring modern 22 to all parts of the world.

Baylis doesn't have a university degree in engineering. In 23 ,he left high school before graduating(毕业).He just loves 24 things to help people. He never knows 25 ideas will come to him. The idea for the telephone came to him in a dream.

16. A. dreams B. problems C. winders D.wishes

17. A.invented B. improved C. borrowed D.copied

18. B. at C.on

19. A.then B. slowly C. again D.finally

20. A. sun B. shoes C.caps D.wind

21. A. sleep B.walk C. rest

22. A. communications B. exhibitions C.suggestions D.instructions

23. A.fact B. order C. need D. time

24. A.buying B. selling C. making D. collecting

25. A.while B. because C. unless D. when




Chris Rock was born in the state of South Carolina in the United States. When he was a child, his family moved, and he grew up in a poor area in Brooklyn, New York.

As a teenager, Rock left high school and started telling jokes in comedy clubs in New York City, Even at age 18, Chris Rock was very funny. He told jokes about his family (his parents were very strict) , and about growing up in Brooklyn in the 1980s. Many of his jokes were also about high school, which Rock says was terrible.

Famous comedians (喜剧演员)went to see Rock’s performances. One comedian (Eddie Murphy) helped him get work on television and in the movies. Chris Rock still acts in movies, but he does not want to be a serious actor. For him, comedy is more important. It makes people laugh, but it can also make people think.

Today,Chris Rock still does live comedy shows around the world. He also created a TV show called "Everybody Hates Chris. " It is about his teenage years growing up and going to school in Brooklyn. In 2006, it was considered as one of the best comedy shows on American television.

26.What is this passage mainly about?

A.How to tell a good joke,

B.Where the best comedy clubs are.

C.One comedian's life,

D.The funniest people in the United States,

27.Chris Rock tells a lot of jokes about_________.

A.South Carolina


C.Los Angeles


28.Which sentence about Chris Rock is true?

A.As a teenager, he was not funny.

B.He started working in clubs after he graduated from college.

C.He loved going to high school.

D.A famous comedian helped him get work on TV and in the movies.

29.Today, what does Chris Rock say is the most important?

A.Being a serious actor.

B.Making people laugh.

C.Helping teenagers.

D.Having his own club.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

strict [strikt]


adj. 严格的,精确的,完全的

weakness ['wi:knis]


n. 软弱

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,

smooth [smu:ð]


adj. 平稳的,流畅的,安祥的,圆滑的,搅拌均匀的,可

cow [kau]


n. 母牛,母兽
vt. 恐吓

recipe ['resipi]


n. 食谱,秘诀,药方

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

disaster [di'zɑ:stə]


n. 灾难





