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2022年12月英语六级听力真题(第1套) 录音(1)

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  • Recording One
  • 录音一
  • If you visit the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, chances are: you will remember the roadside or campground bears above all else .
  • 如果你参观大烟山国家公园,你很可能会记得路边或露营地的熊。
  • They are the most popular animals in a number of our national parks and these mountains where the population of bears runs into the hundreds.
  • 最重要的是,在我们的一些国家公园和这些熊数量达到数百只的山区,它们是最受欢迎的动物。
  • Opportunities to observe these large wild animals are plentiful during the summer.
  • 在夏季,观察这些大型野生动物的机会很多。
  • Since national parks are wildlife sanctuaries where no disturbance of the native animals is allowed, years of protection have served to break down the wild bear's fear of humans.
  • 由于国家公园是野生动物保护区,不允许打扰本地动物,多年的保护已经消除了野生熊对人类的恐惧。
  • Now instead of depending on their own resources for a living, many bears, patrol park roads and campgrounds.
  • 现在,许多熊不再依靠自己的资源谋生,而是在公园的道路和露营地巡逻,
  • They give the garbage cans a frequent going over, an occasional offer of food from a park visitor and illegal and dangerous practice makes beggars of them.
  • 它们经常翻垃圾桶,公园游客偶尔提供的食物,非法和危险的行为使它们成为乞丐。
  • Bears are very often hungry, and since they will feed on almost any kind of plant or animal, garbage is quite acceptable.
  • 熊经常很饿,因为它们几乎什么植物或动物都吃,垃圾也是很容易接受的。
  • Feeding them however represents misguided kindness because the bears come to expect such generosity from everyone, and consequently, trouble could lie ahead.
  • 然而,给它们喂食是一种被误导的善意,因为这些熊期望每个人都这么慷慨,因此,麻烦可能离得不远了。
  • Park rules prohibit the feeding of bears.
  • 公园规定禁止喂熊。
  • Violators are arrested.
  • 违规者将被逮捕。
  • Every year, Doctors who have offices near the park treat a number of cases of bear bites and bear scratches.
  • 每年,在公园附近有办公室的医生都会治疗一些熊咬伤和熊抓伤的病例。
  • Some of the accidents have come about in strange ways.
  • 有些事故发生的方式很奇怪。
  • One man was in the process of feeding two small cubs when the mother bear appeared and insisted upon having some of the food.
  • 一名男子正在喂两只小熊,这时熊妈妈出现了,坚持要吃一些食物。
  • Shoving the big bear aside with one hand, The man continued feeding the cubs when suddenly he was struck a fierce blow in the face.
  • 用一只手把大熊推到一边后,这名男子继续喂幼崽,突然他的脸被狠狠地打了一拳。
  • A bear prompted by the food that a lady kept offering to him entered the car where the generous person was sitting.
  • 一只熊受到一位女士不断提供都的食物刺激,进入了这位慷慨的人坐着的汽车。
  • Her efforts to push the bear out of the car resulted in injuries.
  • 她努力把熊推出车外导致自己受伤。
  • A man required medical attention after he applied a lighted cigarette to a bear's noses.
  • 一名男子将点燃的香烟贴在一只熊的鼻子上,随后他需要接受治疗。
  • Another man tried to boost a bear into the front seat of his car so that he might take a picture of a bear sitting beside his wife who was behind the wheel.
  • 另一个男人试图把一只熊放在他汽车的前座上,这样他就可以拍一张坐在他妻子旁边的熊的照片。
  • Because bears prefer roads and campgrounds,
  • 因为熊喜欢道路和露营地,
  • the possibility of a hiker meeting up with a bear along park trails is small, but there's always that chance for a bear seems to know if you are carrying a lunch or a candy bar, he may even insist on taking it.
  • 徒步旅行者在公园小径上遇到熊的可能性很小,但熊似乎总是有可能知道你带了午餐或糖果,它甚至会坚持拿走。
  • Question 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.
  • 请根据你刚听到的录音回答问题15到问题18。
  • Question 16: What does the speaker say about the bears in National Parks now?
  • 问题16:关于国家公园里的熊,叙述者说了什么?
  • question 17: What does the speaker say about visitors feeding bears in national parks?
  • 问题17:关于游客在国家公园喂熊,叙述者说了什么?
  • Question 18: What is the speaker's advice to people who carry some food while hiking on a park trail?
  • 问题18:叙述者对在公园徒步旅行时携带食物的人有什么建议?


Recording One


If you visit the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, chances are: you will remember the roadside or campground bears above all else .


They are the most popular animals in a number of our national parks and these mountains where the population of bears runs into the hundreds.


Opportunities to observe these large wild animals are plentiful during the summer.


Since national parks are wildlife sanctuaries where no disturbance of the native animals is allowed, years of protection have served to break down the wild bear's fear of humans.


Now instead of depending on their own resources for a living, many bears, patrol park roads and campgrounds.


They give the garbage cans a frequent going over, an occasional offer of food from a park visitor and illegal and dangerous practice makes beggars of them.


Bears are very often hungry, and since they will feed on almost any kind of plant or animal, garbage is quite acceptable.


Feeding them however represents misguided kindness because the bears come to expect such generosity from everyone, and consequently, trouble could lie ahead.


Park rules prohibit the feeding of bears.


Violators are arrested.


Every year, Doctors who have offices near the park treat a number of cases of bear bites and bear scratches.


Some of the accidents have come about in strange ways.


One man was in the process of feeding two small cubs when the mother bear appeared and insisted upon having some of the food.


Shoving the big bear aside with one hand, The man continued feeding the cubs when suddenly he was struck a fierce blow in the face.


A bear prompted by the food that a lady kept offering to him entered the car where the generous person was sitting.


Her efforts to push the bear out of the car resulted in injuries.


A man required medical attention after he applied a lighted cigarette to a bear's noses.


Another man tried to boost a bear into the front seat of his car so that he might take a picture of a bear sitting beside his wife who was behind the wheel.


Because bears prefer roads and campgrounds,


the possibility of a hiker meeting up with a bear along park trails is small, but there's always that chance for a bear seems to know if you are carrying a lunch or a candy bar, he may even insist on taking it.


Question 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.


Question 16: What does the speaker say about the bears in National Parks now?


question 17: What does the speaker say about visitors feeding bears in national parks?


Question 18: What is the speaker's advice to people who carry some food while hiking on a park trail?


重点单词   查看全部解释    
observe [əb'zə:v]


v. 观察,遵守,注意到
v. 评论,庆

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数

plentiful ['plentifəl]


adj. 丰富的,多的,充裕的

prohibit [prə'hibit]


vt. 禁止,妨碍

generosity [.dʒenə'rɔsiti]


n. 慷慨,大方

kindness ['kaindnis]


n. 仁慈,好意

illegal [i'li:gəl]


adj. 不合法的,非法的
n. 非法移民

frequent ['fri:kwənt]


adj. 经常的,频繁的
vt. 常到,常去

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

wheel [wi:l]


n. 轮子,车轮,方向盘,周期,旋转





