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编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The impact of climate change is so great that it could undermine the last 50 years of gains in global health, according to the Lancet Commission report.
  • 根据《柳叶刀》杂志委员会,气候变化非常严重,可能破坏过去50年我们在全球健康问题上取得的成就。
  • Weather extremes made worse by climate change are potentially destructive and unacceptable, says Commission's project leader Nicolas Watts.
  • 委员会的项目领导尼古拉斯·瓦特说,气候变化导致的极端天气可能是毁灭性的和无法承受的。
  • "In terms of drought, we often see corresponding decreases in agricultural productivity,
  • “干旱会导致农业生产力降低,
  • which then in turn has a profound impact on malnutrition, particularly for children."
  • 而农业生产力下降反过来又会对营养不良问题产生重大影响,尤其是儿童营养不良。”
  • Increasingly, it's just hotter, which can be deadly.
  • 天气渐渐越来越热,这可能会致命。
  • An extreme heat wave in 2003 left 70,000 people dead across Europe.
  • 2003年的极端热浪天气导致欧洲7万人死亡。
  • And those sorts of events are expected to increase in intensity and severity as time goes on.
  • 未来这些情况可能会越来越频发,越来越严重。
  • The World Health Organization warns that unless dramatic action is taken to reduce global warming emissions by 2030,
  • 世界卫生组织警告,若不在2030年以前快速采取行动减少全球温室气体的排放,
  • approximately 250,000 people will die each year from the effects of climate change.
  • 每年将会有约25万人死于气候变化的影响。
  • Outdoor air pollution is linked to some three million deaths worldwide.
  • 全球有 300 万人的死亡与户外空气污染有关。
  • Watts says a shift from coal-fired power plants to renewable energy can greatly reduce that danger.
  • 瓦特认为从燃煤发电转向可再生能源可以有效降低这一危险。
  • "We see immediate declines in hospital admissions and in health care costs, which reduces the burden of already struggling health budgets.
  • “我们看到入院立即减少,医疗花费立马降低,这会减轻垂死针扎的医疗预算负担。
  • But there are also benefits to be found outside of the energy sector, you can decrease the reliance on cars and motor vehicles,
  • 但是除能源部门之外,还有其他好处,你可以减少对汽车和机动车辆的依赖,
  • and try to encourage active transport like cycling and walking, you reduce the carbon emission from that sector,
  • 去尝试诸如骑自行车和步行之类的主动活动,这样可以减少碳排放,
  • but you also decrease the rates of diabetes and obesity." he said.
  • 还能降低患糖尿病和肥胖症的几率。”他说。
  • Among its recommendations, the Commission supports a phase-out of coal power plants, expansion of renewable energy,
  • 在这些建议中,委员会支持逐渐淘汰煤矿发电厂、扩大使用可再生能源、
  • investment in health systems and a commitment to a strong global climate treaty.
  • 投资健康系统并遵守全球气候条约。
  • Watts says public health is at the core of a new global agreement.
  • 瓦特认为公众健康是新的全球协议的核心。
  • "Most of what you want to do to respond to climate change is good for public health, and it is actually a much brighter future."
  • “为了回应气候变化,你想做的多数事都对公共健康有益,这其实意味着一个更加美好的未来。”
  • Watts says health care professionals can be advocates in the battle against climate change,
  • 瓦特说保健专业人员在对抗气候变化的斗争中可以充当提倡者的角色,
  • he says what is good for the planet is good for patient care.
  • 他说对地球有益的事情同样对照顾病人有益。
  • Question 23. What's the impact of drought according to Watts?
  • 问题23 根据瓦特,干旱有什么影响?
  • Question 24. What can reduce the deaths linked to air pollution according to Watts?
  • 问题24 根据瓦特,什么可以减少与空气污染有关的死亡?
  • Question 25. What is at the core of a new global agreement?
  • 问题25 新的全球协议的核心是什么?


The impact of climate change is so great that it could undermine the last 50 years of gains in global health, according to the Lancet Commission report.

Weather extremes made worse by climate change are potentially destructive and unacceptable, says Commission's project leader Nicolas Watts.
"In terms of drought, we often see corresponding decreases in agricultural productivity, which then in turn has a profound impact on malnutrition, particularly for children."
Increasingly, it's just hotter, which can be deadly. An extreme heat wave in 2003 left 70,000 people dead across Europe. And those sorts of events are expected to increase in intensity and severity as time goes on.
The World Health Organization warns that unless dramatic action is taken to reduce global warming emissions by 2030, approximately 250,000 people will die each year from the effects of climate change.
Outdoor air pollution is linked to some three million deaths worldwide. Watts says a shift from coal-fired power plants to renewable energy can greatly reduce that danger. "We see immediate declines in hospital admissions and in health care costs, which reduces the burden of already struggling health budgets. But there are also benefits to be found outside of the energy sector, you can decrease the reliance on cars and motor vehicles, and try to encourage active transport like cycling and walking, you reduce the carbon emission from that sector, but you also decrease the rates of diabetes and obesity." he said.
全球有 300 万人的死亡与户外空气污染有关。瓦特认为从燃煤发电转向可再生能源可以有效降低这一危险。“我们看到入院立即减少,医疗花费立马降低,这会减轻垂死针扎的医疗预算负担。但是除能源部门之外,还有其他好处,你可以减少对汽车和机动车辆的依赖,去尝试诸如骑自行车和步行之类的主动活动,这样可以减少碳排放,还能降低患糖尿病和肥胖症的几率。”他说。
Among its recommendations, the Commission supports a phase-out of coal power plants, expansion of renewable energy, investment in health systems and a commitment to a strong global climate treaty. Watts says public health is at the core of a new global agreement.
"Most of what you want to do to respond to climate change is good for public health, and it is actually a much brighter future." Watts says health care professionals can be advocates in the battle against climate change, he says what is good for the planet is good for patient care.
Question 23. What's the impact of drought according to Watts?
问题23 根据瓦特,干旱有什么影响?
Question 24. What can reduce the deaths linked to air pollution according to Watts?
问题24 根据瓦特,什么可以减少与空气污染有关的死亡?
Question 25. What is at the core of a new global agreement?
问题25 新的全球协议的核心是什么?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
transport [træns'pɔ:t]


n. 运输、运输工具;(常用复数)强烈的情绪(狂喜或狂怒

core [kɔ:]


n. 果心,核心,要点
vt. 挖去果核

treaty ['tri:ti]


n. 条约,协定

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

profound [prə'faund]


adj. 深奥的,深邃的,意义深远的

expansion [iks'pænʃən]


n. 扩大,膨胀,扩充

diabetes [.daiə'bi:ti:z]


n. 糖尿病

commitment [kə'mitmənt]


n. 承诺,保证; 确定,实行

unacceptable ['ʌnək'septəbl]


adj. 不能接受的,不受欢迎的

intensity [in'tensiti]


n. 强烈,强度





