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编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Tonight we have Mr. Park here. Mr. Park is a famous director in Korea. Welcome, Mr. Park.
  • 今晚我们请到了帕克先生。帕克先生是韩国一位非常有名的导演。欢迎您,帕克先生。
  • Thank you. It's my pleasure to be here to talk with teenagers dreaming of being a star.
  • 谢谢。能来这里跟想要成为明星的年轻人聊一聊我感到很荣幸。
  • I'd like to start today's lecture from the methods of auditioning performing artists.
  • 演讲开始我想谈谈给演员试镜的一些方法。
  • Okay. What's an audition, you may ask?
  • 好,你可能会问,什么是试镜?
  • Well, an audition is a sample performance by an actor, singer, musician, dancer, or other performing artist.
  • 这个嘛,试镜就是演员、歌手、音乐家、舞蹈家或者其他表演者的一种试样表演。
  • It is used in the casting process to demonstrate the level and range of a performer's talent and functions as a,
  • 它是用来让演员扮演某个角色以展现演员天分的过程,
  • well, let's put it this way a job interview for the performing arts.
  • 换句话说,也就是对演职人员进行的工作面试。
  • A typical audition involves the performer displaying his talent through a previously memorized and rehearsed solo piece.
  • 一个典型的视镜包括表演者通过提前记好或排练好的独演作品来展现他的天赋。
  • One example would be a monologue used for actors.
  • 其中一个例子就是演员的独白。
  • For instance, an actor auditioning for Hamlet would have a dramatic Shakespearean monologue ready
  • 比如,试镜《哈姆雷特》的演员需要准备好莎士比亚的戏剧独白,
  • and not perform a monologue from an Oscar Wilde comedy or a contemporary playwright.
  • 而不是准备奥斯卡·王尔德的喜剧或者是现代作家的作品。
  • But for the most part, the most important method of auditioning an actor is through the use of the monologue.
  • 但是多数情况下,面试一位演员最重要的方法是通过运用独白的方式。
  • A monologue is a, um, speech made by one person speaking his or her thoughts aloud or directly addressing a reader, audience, or character.
  • 独白就是由一个人大声说出他或她的想法的演讲,或者是直接给读者、观众或角色的演讲。
  • It is a common feature in drama.
  • 这在戏剧中是很普遍的特点。
  • Monologues are also a feature of opera, recital, or other sung section may carry out a function similar to that of spoken monologues in the theater.
  • 独白也是歌剧、朗诵或其他有同电影院独白相似效果的歌唱部分的特点。
  • Also, comic monologues have become a standard element of entertainment routines on stage and television.
  • 此外,喜剧独白也成为了舞台或电视上娱乐活动的一个标准元素。
  • Well, there's more to this than just doing a monologue.
  • 嗯,除了独白以外还有很多。
  • Some auditions involve cold reading or performing from a script that the actor is not familiar with.
  • 有些试镜是让演员从自己不熟悉的剧本中去冷读或表演。
  • Sight-reading is a much-needed requirement in drama,
  • 即兴朗读对戏剧而言非常重要,
  • where it is often used in conjunction with improvisations to judge a performer's ability to perform new works.
  • 经常用它和即兴创作来评估表演者完成新作品的能力。
  • It is particularly useful during auditions.
  • 这在试镜期间非常有效。
  • A good drama sight reader is able to communicate with fluency and clarity and to project speech rhythms and rhymes well.
  • 一名优秀的戏剧创作者可以清晰顺畅地与人交流,并且擅长设计剧本的节奏和韵律。
  • He or she should also be able to bring out the intent, mood,
  • 他或她也必须能够通过合适的发音和肢体语言将剧本的意图、心情
  • and characterization of a piece through appropriate articulation and body language.
  • 以及特点表达出来。
  • Why do actors have to go through all of this anyways, you may ask?
  • 你可能会问,为什么演员必须要具备这些呢?
  • Well, in the performing arts, casting is a vital pre-production process for selecting a cast of actors, dancers, singers, models,
  • 嗯,在表演行业,选派演员是重要的前期制作过程,这对选择演员、舞蹈者、歌手、模特
  • and other talents for a live or recorded performance.
  • 以及现场表演或录制节目的其他人才而言极为重要。
  • It typically involves a series of auditions before a casting panel,
  • 在分配角色前一般都有一系列的试镜,
  • composed of individuals such as the producer, director, and choreographer.
  • 决定角色分配的团队由制片人、导演和舞蹈教练等个人组成。
  • In the early stages of the process, candidate performers, often may present, um,
  • 在试镜考核的初期,
  • prepared audition pieces such as monologues or songs.
  • 面试者通常会准备独白或歌曲之类的面试作品。
  • Later stages may involve groups of candidates, um, attempting material from the work under consideration in various combinations.
  • 试镜后期,候选人会尝试各种综合考虑的剧本材料。
  • The casting panel considers both the talent of the individual actors and the chemistry of their combination.
  • 决定角色分配的团队会考虑演员的天赋和他们与角色之间的契合度。
  • Question 16. What is an audition according to Mr. Park?
  • 问题16 根据帕克先生,试镜是什么?
  • Question 17. Which is the most important method of auditioning an actor?
  • 问题17 试镜演员最重要的方法是什么?
  • Question 18. What is the aim of using sight-reading and improvisations in an audition?
  • 问题18 试镜中即兴朗读和即兴创作的目的是什么?
  • Question 19. What do candidate performers often present in the early stages of an audition?
  • 问题19 在试镜初期,面试者通常会表演什么?


Tonight we have Mr. Park here. Mr. Park is a famous director in Korea. Welcome, Mr. Park.

Thank you. It's my pleasure to be here to talk with teenagers dreaming of being a star. I'd like to start today's lecture from the methods of auditioning performing artists. Okay. What's an audition, you may ask? Well, an audition is a sample performance by an actor, singer, musician, dancer, or other performing artist. It is used in the casting process to demonstrate the level and range of a performer's talent and functions as a, well, let's put it this way a job interview for the performing arts. A typical audition involves the performer displaying his talent through a previously memorized and rehearsed solo piece. One example would be a monologue used for actors. For instance, an actor auditioning for Hamlet would have a dramatic Shakespearean monologue ready and not perform a monologue from an Oscar Wilde comedy or a contemporary playwright.
But for the most part, the most important method of auditioning an actor is through the use of the monologue. A monologue is a, um, speech made by one person speaking his or her thoughts aloud or directly addressing a reader, audience, or character. It is a common feature in drama. Monologues are also a feature of opera, recital, or other sung section may carry out a function similar to that of spoken monologues in the theater. Also, comic monologues have become a standard element of entertainment routines on stage and television.
Well, there's more to this than just doing a monologue. Some auditions involve cold reading or performing from a script that the actor is not familiar with. Sight-reading is a much-needed requirement in drama, where it is often used in conjunction with improvisations to judge a performer's ability to perform new works. It is particularly useful during auditions. A good drama sight reader is able to communicate with fluency and clarity and to project speech rhythms and rhymes well. He or she should also be able to bring out the intent, mood, and characterization of a piece through appropriate articulation and body language.
Why do actors have to go through all of this anyways, you may ask? Well, in the performing arts, casting is a vital pre-production process for selecting a cast of actors, dancers, singers, models, and other talents for a live or recorded performance. It typically involves a series of auditions before a casting panel, composed of individuals such as the producer, director, and choreographer.
In the early stages of the process, candidate performers, often may present, um, prepared audition pieces such as monologues or songs. Later stages may involve groups of candidates, um, attempting material from the work under consideration in various combinations. The casting panel considers both the talent of the individual actors and the chemistry of their combination.
Question 16. What is an audition according to Mr. Park?
问题16 根据帕克先生,试镜是什么?
Question 17. Which is the most important method of auditioning an actor?
问题17 试镜演员最重要的方法是什么?
Question 18. What is the aim of using sight-reading and improvisations in an audition?
问题18 试镜中即兴朗读和即兴创作的目的是什么?
Question 19. What do candidate performers often present in the early stages of an audition?
问题19 在试镜初期,面试者通常会表演什么?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
entertainment [.entə'teinmənt]


n. 娱乐

previously ['pri:vju:sli]


adv. 先前,在此之前

musician [mju:'ziʃən]


n. 音乐家,作曲家

perform [pə'fɔ:m]


v. 执行,运转,举行,表演

communicate [kə'mju:nikeit]


v. 交流,传达,沟通

interview ['intəvju:]


n. 接见,会见,面试,面谈
vt. 接见,采

element ['elimənt]


n. 元素,成分,组成部分,(复数)恶劣天气

vital ['vaitl]


adj. 至关重要的,生死攸关的,有活力的,致命的

intent [in'tent]


n. 意图,目的,意向,含义 adj. 专心的,决心的,

script [skript]


n. 手稿,脚本,手迹
vt. 为...





