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  • Today, class, I am going to speak to you about the Industrial Revolution.
  • 同学们,今天我要讲的是工业革命。
  • The term "industrial revolution" refers to the technological, social, economic, and cultural changes that occurred in England in the late eighteenth century.
  • “工业革命”这个词指的是18世纪末出现在英国的科技、社会、经济和文化等领域的变革。
  • This change eventually spread around the world, creating many big cities.
  • 这一变革最终蔓延到了世界各地,催生了很多大城市。
  • Before the Industrial Revolution, the production and harvesting of products was completed through manual labor.
  • 工业革命前,生产和收获完全是通过人力劳动完成的,
  • The Industrial Revolution replaced this manpower with machine power.
  • 而工业革命用机械动力取代了人力。
  • One of the first, and perhaps most important, developments of the Industrial Revolution was the steam engine.
  • 工业革命中第一批,或许也是最重要的发明之一是蒸汽机。
  • This advance in transportation allowed for the faster delivery of manufactured goods.
  • 在交通运输上的这一进步使得生产出来的产品更快被送往各地。
  • However, the steam engine wasn't only used for transportation
  • 然而,蒸汽机并没有只应用到了运输业,
  • but instead for the construction of machine engines that made faster production possible.
  • 它也被用到了在机器引擎制造中,从而加速了生产。
  • For example, before the Industrial Revolution,
  • 比如,工业革命以前,
  • most tasks were done by either wind or water power or by the strength of man or horse.
  • 大部分工作由风能、水能、人力或马匹完成。
  • But, in 1698, a man by the name of Thomas Savery constructed the first steam-powered engine in London.
  • 但是,1698年,托马斯·萨弗里制造出了伦敦第一个蒸汽发动机。
  • Thomas Savery, an engineer and inventor,
  • 托马斯·萨弗里是一位工程师和发明家。
  • patented a machine that could effectively draw water from flooded mines using steam pressure.
  • 他把这个可以利用蒸汽压力高效率地从水井中抽水的机器注册了专利。
  • The development of the steam engine caused a host of other changes technologically, socially, and economically within British culture.
  • 蒸汽引擎的发明给英国文化的各个方面,包括科技、社会和经济,带来了很多其他的变化。
  • Steam engine technology led to the development of factories,
  • 蒸汽引擎技术导致了工厂的产生,
  • where products were turned out in the hundreds or even thousands.
  • 工厂是批量生产商品的地方。
  • The factory industry eventually gave rise to what we now know as the modern city.
  • 而工业最终导致了我们现在所说的现代城市的产生。
  • Manchester, for example, due to its cotton mills,
  • 曼彻斯特棉花厂林立,
  • became known as Cottonopolis because there were so many factories producing textiles.
  • 是众多纺织厂的所在地,故被称为“棉都”。
  • However, these early cities were not as clean or well kept as the ones we are familiar with today.
  • 然而,这些城市早期并不像现在我们所熟悉的它们一样清洁而有秩序。
  • Along with the growth of industry came the increase of sometimes hard or dirty living conditions.
  • 随着工业的发展,出现了生存环境的恶化。
  • Children were forced to work long hours in factories until the Factory Act of 1833 came into effect,
  • 直到1833年《工厂法》生效以前,儿童被迫在工厂中长时间工作。
  • which stated that children under nine were not allowed to work
  • 《工厂法》规定9岁以下儿童不允许在工厂中工作;
  • and children over nine were not to work at night or for more than twelve-hour shifts.
  • 9岁以上儿童不允许上夜班或轮班超过12个小时。
  • Trade unions were also born out of the Industrial Revolution,
  • 工会也在工业革命期间诞生,
  • giving workers rights and freedoms that they had not had in the past.
  • 给予了工人以往不曾有过的权利和自由。
  • Before the Industrial Revolution, working conditions for British workers was not favorable.
  • 工业革命以前,英国工人工作环境恶劣。
  • Men, women, and children worked long hours for little money.
  • 男性、女性以及儿童长时间工作,报酬却很少。
  • The poor conditions of the working class caused many educated British historians and authors
  • 工人阶级所处的恶劣环境让英国受过高等教育的历史学家和作家们
  • to write manifestos expressing great sorrow for the working class.
  • 不禁写文章抒发他们对工人阶层的无比怜悯之情。
  • And even those that were not British, such as Friedrich Engels, a German political philosopher,
  • 甚至一些非英国人士,例如德国政治哲学家弗里德里希·恩格斯
  • used England as a model for change when he wrote The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844.
  • 在1844年创作《英国工人阶级状况》一书时将英国作为变革的模板。
  • Within this text, Engels spoke of the Industrial Revolution and how it was to change the whole fabric of society.
  • 在书中,恩格斯阐述了工业革命以及它将如何改变整个社会。
  • Question 16. What changes did the Industrial Revolution bring about in agriculture?
  • 问题16 工业革命给农业带来了什么变化?
  • Question 17. What was the first steam-powered engine used for?
  • 问题17 第一台蒸汽发动机的用途是什么?
  • Question 18. Why was Manchester also called Cottonopolis?
  • 问题18 曼彻斯特为什么被称为“棉都”?
  • Question 19. What was the function of trade unions in Britain at that time?
  • 问题19 工业革命时期英国工会的职能是什么?


Today, class, I am going to speak to you about the Industrial Revolution.

The term "industrial revolution" refers to the technological, social, economic, and cultural changes that occurred in England in the late eighteenth century.
This change eventually spread around the world, creating many big cities.
Before the Industrial Revolution, the production and harvesting of products was completed through manual labor.
The Industrial Revolution replaced this manpower with machine power.
One of the first, and perhaps most important, developments of the Industrial Revolution was the steam engine.
This advance in transportation allowed for the faster delivery of manufactured goods.
However, the steam engine wasn't only used for transportation
but instead for the construction of machine engines that made faster production possible.
For example, before the Industrial Revolution,
most tasks were done by either wind or water power or by the strength of man or horse.
But, in 1698, a man by the name of Thomas Savery constructed the first steam-powered engine in London.
Thomas Savery, an engineer and inventor,
patented a machine that could effectively draw water from flooded mines using steam pressure.
The development of the steam engine caused a host of other changes technologically, socially, and economically within British culture.
Steam engine technology led to the development of factories,
where products were turned out in the hundreds or even thousands.
The factory industry eventually gave rise to what we now know as the modern city.
Manchester, for example, due to its cotton mills,
became known as Cottonopolis because there were so many factories producing textiles.
However, these early cities were not as clean or well kept as the ones we are familiar with today.
Along with the growth of industry came the increase of sometimes hard or dirty living conditions.
Children were forced to work long hours in factories until the Factory Act of 1833 came into effect,
which stated that children under nine were not allowed to work
and children over nine were not to work at night or for more than twelve-hour shifts.
Trade unions were also born out of the Industrial Revolution,
giving workers rights and freedoms that they had not had in the past.
Before the Industrial Revolution, working conditions for British workers was not favorable.
Men, women, and children worked long hours for little money.
The poor conditions of the working class caused many educated British historians and authors
to write manifestos expressing great sorrow for the working class.
And even those that were not British, such as Friedrich Engels, a German political philosopher,
used England as a model for change when he wrote The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844.
Within this text, Engels spoke of the Industrial Revolution and how it was to change the whole fabric of society.

Question 16. What changes did the Industrial Revolution bring about in agriculture?

问题16 工业革命给农业带来了什么变化?
Question 17. What was the first steam-powered engine used for?
问题17 第一台蒸汽发动机的用途是什么?
Question 18. Why was Manchester also called Cottonopolis?
问题18 曼彻斯特为什么被称为“棉都”?
Question 19. What was the function of trade unions in Britain at that time?
问题19 工业革命时期英国工会的职能是什么?


重点单词   查看全部解释    
social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

spread [spred]


v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒

function ['fʌŋkʃən]


n. 功能,函数,职务,重大聚会
vi. 运行

transportation [.trænspə'teiʃən]


n. 运输,运输系统,运输工具

fabric ['fæbrik]


n. 织物,结构,构造
vt. 构筑

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

delivery [di'livəri]


n. 递送,交付,分娩

favorable ['feivərəbl]


adj. 有利的,赞许的,良好的,顺利的,偏袒的

revolution [.revə'lu:ʃən]


n. 革命,旋转,转数





