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Passage Two

  If you live in a city in North America or Europe, you have probably never thought much about water. Whenever you need some, you turn on the tap and there it is. Millions of people in other parts of the world are not so lucky. They have trouble getting enough clean water for their basic needs. This situation may soon become common all around the world, scientists believe. In fact, they say that the lack of clean water may be one of the biggest issues in the twenty-first century.

  The reasons for this are clear. On the one hand. people are using more water than ever before. Over the last fifty years, the population of the world has more than doubled. On the other hand, many sources of surface water such as rivers, lakes, and streams are too polluted and unhealthy for use as drinking water.

  This has forced more and more people to drill wells so they can get water form underground. There are enormous amounts of water deep underground in lakes called aquifers. Until recently, scientists believed this underground water was safe from pollution. Then, in the 1980s. people in the United States began to find chemicals in their well water, and scientists took a closer look at what was happening. Weldon Spring, Missouri, for example, was the site of a bomb factory during World War Ⅱ. The factory was destroyed after the war. but poisonous chemicals remained on the ground. Very slowly, these chemicals dripped down through the ground and into the aquifer. Once they did, however, the water form that aquifer was no longer drinkable.

  It probably never will be drinkable again, Underground water is not renewed regularly by the rain, like lake or river water. Thus, if a harmful chemical gets into an aquifer, it will stay there for a very long time. Furthermore, it is nearly imp6ssible to remove all the water in an aquifer and clean out the pollutants.

  Industrial sites like Weldon Spring are one cause of underground water pollution. There are thousands of such sites in the United States alone, and many others around the world. Underground water pollution is also caused by modern farming methods, which require the use of large amounts of chemicals in the fields. And finally, yet another important cause of underground water pollution is waste. That includes solid waste thrown away in dumps and landfills, and also untreated human and animal waste.

  The situation is indeed very serious. Fortunately, there are many aquifers and they are very large. Only a small number have been seriously damaged so far. But if the world does not want to go thirsty in the near future, further pollution must be prevented. Around the world, governments must make real changes in industry, agriculture, and waste disposal.

  57. This passage is mainly about ______.

  A) pollution problems in general

  B) people in North America or Europe are living happier than those in other parts

  C) people drilling wells to check chemicals in well water

  D) underground water pollution

  58. In the first paragraph scientists express the idea that ______.

  A) clean water is no longer available for people in Europe

  B) there will always be enough water for everyone

  C) the water problem will soon be resolved in the twenty-first century

  D) many more people may soon. be without clean water

  59. One reason for water shortage is that ______.

  A) people in Europe don't turn off their taps

  B) people drill too many wells and pollute them

  C) the population has been continuously rising

  D) there is not much underground water

  60. In Weldon Spring, people found ______.

  A) chemicals in well Water B) many sources of surface water

  C) more aquifers than other places D) chemicals in the bomb factory

  61. We can infer from this passage that industry, farming, and waste are ______.

  A) polluting all aquifers in the United States

  B) minor sources of underground water pollution

  C) causing problems in bomb factories

  D) the three main sources of underground water pollution

重点单词   查看全部解释    
pollution [pə'lu:ʃən]


n. 污染,污染物

infer [in'fə:]


vt. 推断,推论,猜测,暗示
vi. 作出推

thirsty ['θə:sti]


adj. 口渴的,渴望的

poisonous ['pɔizənəs]


adj. 有毒的,恶意的

remove [ri'mu:v]


v. 消除,除去,脱掉,搬迁
n. 去除

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

drill [dril]


n. 钻孔机,钻子,反复操练,播种机
v. 钻

unhealthy [ʌn'helθi]


adj. 不健康的,不卫生的,病态的,危险的

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数





