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2019年06月英语四级(第1套)听力真题 长对话(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Andersen   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Emma, I've got accepted to the University of Leeds. Since you're going to university in England, do you know how much it is for international students to study there?
  • 艾玛,我被利兹大学录取了。既然你要去英国上大学,你知道外国学生在那里学习要花多少钱吗?
  • Congratulations. Yes, I believe for international students, you'll have to pay around 13,000 pounds a year, it's just a bit more than the local students.
  • 恭喜你。是的,我觉得对于外国学生来说,你每年要付大约1.3万英镑,只是比当地学生多一点而已。
  • OK, so that's about 17,000 dollars for the tuition and fees. Anyway, I'm only going to be there for a year, doing my masters. So it's pretty good.
  • 好的,这是大约17,000美元的学费。无论如何,我只会在那里呆一年,进修硕士学位。所以很不错。
  • If I stayed in the U.S., it'd take 2 years, and cost at least 50,000 dollars in tuition alone.
  • 如果我留在美国,就需要2年的时间,而且单是学费就至少需要5万美元。
  • Also, I have a good chance of winning a scholarship at Leeds, which would be pretty awesome, the benefit of being a music genius.
  • 而且,我有很好的机会在利兹获得奖学金,这将是相当了不起的,对于一个音乐天才无疑是有利的。
  • Yeah, I heard you are a talented piano player. So you are doing a post-graduate degree now? I'm still in my last year, graduating next June.
  • 是的,我听说你钢琴弹得很好。那么你现在正在攻读研究生学位?这是我最后一年学习,明年六月毕业。
  • Finally, I'll be done with my studies, and could go on to earning loads of money.
  • 最后,我将完成我的学业,并可以继续赚取大量的钱。
  • Are you still planning on being a teacher? No money at that job then.
  • 你还打算当老师吗?那就没钱做那份工作了。
  • You'd be surprised, I'm still going to be a teacher.
  • 你一定会惊讶的,我还是会当老师的。
  • But the plan is to work at an international school overseas after I get a year or so experience in England.
  • 但我计划在英国有了一年左右的工作经验之后,再在海外的一所国际学校工作。
  • It's better paid, and I get to travel, which reminds me I'm late for my class, and I've got some documents I need to print out first. I've better run.
  • 薪水更高,我可以去旅行,这提醒我上课要迟到了,我还有一些文件需要先打印出来。我还是跑吧。
  • Questions 12—15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  • 请根据刚才所听对话回答12-15题。
  • Question 12 What does the man want to know?
  • 问题12:这位男士想了解什么?
  • Question 13 What is the man going to do?
  • 问题13:这位男士打算干什么?
  • Question 14 What might qualify the man for a scholarship at the Leeds university?
  • 问题14:是什么让这位男士有资格获得利兹大学的奖学金?
  • Question 15 What is the woman planning to do after graduation?
  • 问题15:这位女士计划毕业后干什么?


Emma, I've got accepted to the University of Leeds. Since you're going to university in England, do you know how much it is for international students to study there?

Congratulations. Yes, I believe for international students, you'll have to pay around 13,000 pounds a year, it's just a bit more than the local students.
OK, so that's about 17,000 dollars for the tuition and fees. Anyway, I'm only going to be there for a year, doing my masters. So it's pretty good.
If I stayed in the U.S., it'd take 2 years, and cost at least 50,000 dollars in tuition alone.
Also, I have a good chance of winning a scholarship at Leeds, which would be pretty awesome, the benefit of being a music genius.
Yeah, I heard you are a talented piano player. So you are doing a post-graduate degree now? I'm still in my last year, graduating next June.
Finally, I'll be done with my studies, and could go on to earning loads of money.
Are you still planning on being a teacher? No money at that job then.
You'd be surprised, I'm still going to be a teacher.
But the plan is to work at an international school overseas after I get a year or so experience in England.
It's better paid, and I get to travel, which reminds me I'm late for my class, and I've got some documents I need to print out first. I've better run.
Questions 12—15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Question 12 What does the man want to know?
Question 13 What is the man going to do?
Question 14 What might qualify the man for a scholarship at the Leeds university?
Question 15 What is the woman planning to do after graduation?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
benefit ['benifit]


n. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

talented ['tæləntid]


adj. 有才能的,有天赋的

qualify ['kwɔlifai]


vt. 使合格,限定,描述
vi. 合格,取得

genius ['dʒi:njəs]


n. 天才,天赋





