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2019年06月英语四级(第1套)听力真题 新闻报道(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Andersen   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Everyone loves a good house party, but the cleaning up the next morning isn't as enjoyable.
  • 每个人都喜欢一个很棒的家庭聚会,但第二天早上的打扫清洁并不那么让人愉快。
  • Now, however, a New Zealand based startup company aims to bring messy homes and even splitting headaches back to normal.
  • 然而现在,一家总部位于新西兰的创业公司针对凌乱的家庭卫生状况等头疼的问题,使其恢复到原始的整洁状态。
  • The properly named startup Morning After Maids was launched about 1 month ago in Auckland by room-maids Rebecca Folly and Catherine Ashers.
  • 大约一个月前,由客房服务员丽贝卡·弗利和凯瑟琳·阿什尔斯在奥克兰创办了这个的公司,它叫Morning After Maids,该公司的命名符合其创立初衷。
  • Aside from cleaning up, the two will also cook breakfast and even get coffee and painkillers for recovering merrymakers.
  • 除了打扫卫生,他们两人还会做早餐,甚至还会为康复中的寻欢作乐者买咖啡和止痛药。
  • Although they are both gainfully employed, they did cleaning jobs into their nights and weekends which is when their service is in most demand anyway.
  • 虽然他们都是有偿工作,他们晚上和周末时间都用来做清洁,无论怎么说,他们的服务是最抢手的,需求量很大。
  • Besides being flatted with request from across the country, Folly and Ashers have also received request from the U. S. and Canada to provide the services there,
  • 弗利和阿什尔斯除了处理了来自全国各地的服务订单请求外,还收到了美国和加拿大需要提供服务的请求,
  • they are reportedly meeting with lawyers to see how best to take the business forward.
  • 据报道,他们正在与律师会面,看如何最好地推动公司业务向前发展。
  • Question 5—7 are based on the news report you have just heard.
  • 请依据刚才所听到的新闻报道回答5-7题。
  • Question 5 What is the news report mainly about?
  • 问题5:这篇新闻报道主要是关于什么的?
  • Question 6 What is a common problem with the house party?
  • 问题6:家庭聚会后带来的的常见问题是什么?
  • Question 7 What are Rebecca Folly and Catherine Ashers planning to do?
  • 问题7:丽贝卡·弗利和凯瑟琳·阿什尔斯打算做什么?


Everyone loves a good house party, but the cleaning up the next morning isn't as enjoyable. Now, however, a New Zealand based startup company aims to bring messy homes and even splitting headaches back to normal. The properly named startup Morning After Maids was launched about 1 month ago in Auckland by room-maids Rebecca Folly and Catherine Ashers. Aside from cleaning up, the two will also cook breakfast and even get coffee and painkillers for recovering merrymakers. Although they are both gainfully employed, they did cleaning jobs into their nights and weekends which is when their service is in most demand anyway. Besides being flatted with request from across the country, Folly and Ashers have also received request from the U. S. and Canada to provide the services there, they are reportedly meeting with lawyers to see how best to take the business forward.

每个人都喜欢一个很棒的家庭聚会,但第二天早上的打扫清洁并不那么让人愉快。然而现在,一家总部位于新西兰的创业公司针对凌乱的家庭卫生状况等头疼的问题,使其恢复到原始的整洁状态。大约一个月前,由客房服务员丽贝卡·弗利和凯瑟琳·阿什尔斯在奥克兰创办了这个的公司,它叫Morning After Maids,该公司的命名符合其创立初衷。除了打扫卫生,他们两人还会做早餐,甚至还会为康复中的寻欢作乐者买咖啡和止痛药。虽然他们都是有偿工作,他们晚上和周末时间都用来做清洁,无论怎么说,他们的服务是最抢手的,需求量很大。弗利和阿什尔斯除了处理了来自全国各地的服务订单请求外,还收到了美国和加拿大需要提供服务的请求,据报道,他们正在与律师会面,看如何最好地推动公司业务向前发展。

Question 5—7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

Question 5 What is the news report mainly about?
Question 6 What is a common problem with the house party?
Question 7 What are Rebecca Folly and Catherine Ashers planning to do?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
folly ['fɔli]


n. 愚蠢,荒唐事 (复)follies: 轻松歌舞剧

request [ri'kwest]


n. 要求,请求
vt. 请求,要求





