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  • Conversation Two
  • 对话二
  • Jason, actually I'm going to England this summer.
  • 杰森,今年暑假我去英格兰。
  • Really?
  • 真的吗?
  • Yeah, can you give me some advice about where I should go. I'm going to have about one week.
  • 真的,你可以给我推荐几处游玩的地方吗?我去那游玩大约一周。
  • One week. What I suggest you do first is stay in the suburbs of London for a start, because it's a lot cheaper.
  • 一周。首先,我建议你住伦敦郊区,因为那里房租便宜。
  • If you stay in North London, then you'll spend all your money on rent.
  • 如果你住伦敦北部,你的钱都会花在租房上。
  • And I guess you should go around Central London.
  • 你应该去伦敦中心区逛逛,
  • That's where all the tourist attractions are.
  • 那里旅游景点云集,
  • That's where all the nightlife is.
  • 夜生活很丰富,
  • It's just got everything you need really, but as I said rent is too expensive there.
  • 你的需求会得到满足,但是正如我刚才所说,房租太贵。
  • OK, now I'm thinking of taking a day trip to Oxford or Cambridge or Bath. What would you recommend?
  • 好的,我正考虑花一天时间去牛津大学或是剑桥大学或是巴思。你有什么建议吗?
  • It depends really. I guess Oxford is a lot quieter, but again there is a lot of nightlife there as well.
  • 取决于你。牛津更安静些,但这里的夜生活也很精彩。
  • It really depends on what you want to do, but Bath is good for history, definitely.
  • 看你想要什么了。巴思绝对有助于你学习一下人文历史。
  • OK. What about Cambridge?
  • 剑桥怎么样?
  • Cambridge, I'm not too sure about it. I haven't been there myself.
  • 剑桥的话,我不是很确定。我自己还没去过呢。
  • Oh, really? OK. If I want to go to Oxford or to Bath, how can I get there? Do I have to drive?
  • 是吗?如果我想要去牛津或者巴思,我该怎么去,必须得开车吗?
  • The easiest way is to take a train. It can vary how much you want to pay really.
  • 最简单的方法是乘火车。根据价格有多重选择。
  • It's kind of similar to the trains here.
  • 那里的火车与这里的火车类似。
  • But traveling as far as Cambridge and Bath would be quite expensive, maybe 30 pounds, which is quite a lot of money.
  • 但是乘车到牛津或是巴思费用高昂,大约30英镑,这可是一笔不小的数目。
  • Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  • 问题12到问题15是基于你刚刚听到的这段对话的
  • Question 12. How long will the woman stay at England?
  • 问题12 女士打算在英格兰待多久?
  • Question 13. What does the man advise the woman to do first?
  • 问题13 男士建议女士先做什么?
  • Question 14. What does the man think of Cambridge?
  • 问题14 男士认为剑桥怎么样?
  • Question 15. What does the man say about trains in Britain?
  • 问题15 男士认为英国的火车怎么样?



Conversation Two


W: Jason, actually I'm going to England this summer.

M: Really?
W: Yeah, can you give me some advice about where I should go. I'm going to have about one week.
M: One week. What I suggest you do first is stay in the suburbs of London for a start, because it's a lot cheaper. If you stay in North London, then you'11 spend all your money on rent. And I guess you should go around Central London. That's where all the tourist attractions are. That's where all the nightlife is. It's just got everything you need really, but as I said rent is too expensive there.
W: OK, now I'm thinking of taking a day trip to Oxford or Cambridge or Bath. What would you recommend?
M: It depends really. I guess Oxford is a lot quieter, but again there is a lot of nightlife there as well. It really depends on what you want to do, but Bath is good for history, definitely.
W: OK. What about Cambridge?
M: Cambridge, I'm not too sure about it. I haven't been there myself.
W: Oh, really? OK. If I want to go to Oxford or to Bath, how can I get there? Do I have to drive?
M: The easiest way is to take a train. It can vary how much you want to pay really. It's kind of similar to the trains here. But traveling as far as Cambridge and Bath would be quite expensive, maybe 30 pounds, which is quite a lot of money.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Question 12. How long will the woman stay at England?
问题12 女士打算在英格兰待多久?
Question 13. What does the man advise the woman to do first?
问题13 男士建议女士先做什么?
Question 14. What does the man think of Cambridge?
问题14 男士认为剑桥怎么样?
Question 15. What does the man say about trains in Britain?
问题15 男士认为英国的火车怎么样?


重点单词   查看全部解释    
recommend [.rekə'mend]


vt. 建议,推荐,劝告
vt. 使成为可取,

vary ['vɛəri]


v. 变化,改变,使多样化

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,





