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  • Conversation One
  • 对话一
  • Tom, you will be graduating soon, and what are your future plans? What kind of job do you want?
  • 汤姆,你马上就要毕业啦,你未来有什么计划?你想要从事什么职业?
  • Right now, actually, I'm trying to get into Japan Airlines as an international pilot.
  • 其实现在,我想进入日本航空公司做一名国际飞行员。
  • Oh, you want to be a pilot.
  • 哦,你想成为一名飞行员。
  • Yeah, actually, I've already got a private pilot's license and, well...
  • 是的,我早就考下了飞行执照,并且...
  • You can fly a plane?
  • 你能驾驶飞机?
  • I can, but only a single engine plane.
  • 可以,但是只限于单引擎机型。
  • So, why do you like flying?
  • 所以,你喜欢飞行的理由是什么?
  • Well, basically my father was a pilot and I just got interested in that through him.
  • 我父亲是一位飞行员,所以我对驾驶飞机的兴趣源自于我父亲。
  • Oh, that's cool. So how do you become a pilot? Like what do you have to do? What's the process?
  • 哇哦,太酷了。那你是如何成为飞行员的呢?比如说,你需要准备什么?需要什么程序呢?
  • There're different ways of becoming a pilot. First, you can pay for it by yourself.
  • 成为飞行员有多种途径。首先,你需要有一定的经济能力。
  • You have to attend school to gain your commercial license and then you can apply to an airline company.
  • 你需要上课学习获取商业飞机驾驶执照,之后你才能申请航空公司。
  • The second way is for you to go directly into an airline company,
  • 第二种途径就是直接进入一家航空公司,
  • and they will train you and it's all paid for. You will make more money for the airline.
  • 后面的培训都是由航空公司来付钱。你将为公司创造更多利润。
  • Right.
  • 好的。
  • It is a really good deal, yeah, and another way is to get a private pilot's license first,
  • 这是个很不错的交易,还有一种方法是首先考下私人飞机驾驶执照,
  • and try to get in a company and then they'll train you the rest of the way and usually you get a higher salary.
  • 然后进入一家航空公司,之后他们会对你进行剩下的培训,这样你的薪资待遇也会很高。
  • So what way are you doing it?
  • 那你现在是采取的哪一种方法?
  • Well, since I've already got my private pilot's license I'm going to try and get in pretty much half way through it,
  • 因为我已经拿到了私人飞机的驾驶执照,驾驶知识已经掌握了一多半,
  • so I won't need as much training. I'll probably get a better salary.
  • 所以我不需要太多的培训。我应该可以拿一份丰厚的薪水。
  • Well, good luck. I hope it works out.
  • 那就祝你好运。愿你梦想成功。
  • I do, too.
  • 我也是。
  • Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  • 问题8到问题11是基于你刚刚听到的这段对话的
  • Question 8. What can be learned about the man?
  • 问题8 文中主要介绍男士哪些事情?
  • Question 9. Where does the man get his interest in flying?
  • 问题9 男士是如何对驾驶飞机感兴趣的?
  • Question 10. How can a person get a pilot's license without paying any money?
  • 问题10 如何免费获得飞机驾驶执照?
  • Question 11. What special qualifications does the man have?
  • 问题11 男士求职的特殊条件是什么?



Conversation One


W: Tom, you will be graduating soon, and what are your future plans? What kind of job do you want?

M: Right now, actually, (8) I'm trying to get into Japan Airlines as an international pilot.
W: Oh, you want to be a pilot.
M: Yeah, actually, I've already got a private pilot's license and, well...
W: You can fly a plane?
M: I can, but only a single engine plane.
W: So, why do you like flying?
M: (9) Well, basically my father was a pilot and I just got interested in that through him.
W: Oh, that's cool. So how do you become a pilot? Like what do you have to do? What's the process?
M: There're different ways of becoming a pilot. (10) First, you can pay for it by yourself. You have to attend school to gain your commercial license and then you can apply to an airline company. (10) The second way is for you to go directly into an airline company, and they will train you and it's all paid for. You will make more money for the airline.
W: Right.
M: It is a really good deal, yeah, (10) and another way is to get a private pilot's license first, and try to get in a company and then they'll train you the rest of the way and usually you get a higher salary.
W: So what way are you doing it?
M: Well, (11) since I've already got my private pilot's license I'm going to try and get in pretty much half way through it, so I won't need as much training. I'll probably get a better salary.
W: Well, good luck. I hope it works out.
M: I do, too.

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Question 8. What can be learned about the man?
问题8 文中主要介绍男士哪些事情?
Question 9. Where does the man get his interest in flying?
问题9 男士是如何对驾驶飞机感兴趣的?
Question 10. How can a person get a pilot's license without paying any money?
问题10 如何免费获得飞机驾驶执照?
Question 11. What special qualifications does the man have?
问题11 男士求职的特殊条件是什么?


重点单词   查看全部解释    
plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平

commercial [kə'mə:ʃəl]


adj. 商业的
n. 商业广告

pilot ['pailət]


n. 飞行员,领航员,引航员
vt. 领航,驾

license ['laisəns]


n. 执照,许可证,特许
vt. 允许,特许,

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话





