Richard Branson, founder and chairman, The Virgin Group
"The number one thing that matters, especially if you're going to be manager at Virgin, is how good you are with people. If you're good with people and you really, genuinely care about people hen I'm sure we could find a job for you at Virgin. I think that the companies that look after their people are the companies that do really well. I'm sure we'd like a few other attributes, but that would be the most important one."
Howard Schultz, chairman and CEO, Starbucks
“We want people to join Starbucks who have like-minded values. We need happy people—we’re a people company that serves coffee, not the other way around. If you don’t believe we can do this, or you don’t believe in me, this isn’t going to work—we’re going to have to have a private conversation.”
John Chambers, chairman CEO, Cisco
First, all of us have had mistakes and failures. And it’s surprising how many people say, 'Well, I can’t think of one.' That immediately loses credibility. It’s the ability to be very candid on what mistakes they’ve made, and then the question is, what would you do differently this time?
Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO, Amazon
"When they wake up and are thinking in the shower in the morning, they're thinking about customers, and thinking about how to invent on behalf of customers, and they find that fun. And if you get here, and you find that you get your motivation from having a more competitive-focused culture, you might find our culture dull. We don't. We find a culture intensely fun.
Kenneth Chenault, chairman and CEO, American Express
What I look for first, what I try to assess is integrity. For me integrity is the consistency of words and actions.
Lloyd Blankfein, chairman and CEO, Goldman Sachs
I look for two things that may sound a bit inconsistent, but they’re reconcilable. I look for people who are willing and able to get very deeply involved in something. And at the same time I like people with broad interests, so that they’re well-rounded and interesting people, and are interested in a lot of different things.
我寻找的两样东西可能听起来有点儿矛盾,但是它们是协调的。我寻找愿意并能够深度参与专注到某件事情中的人。同时我喜欢有着广泛兴趣的人,这样的人是全面发展的、有趣的, 并对很多不同的事情都感兴趣。
Alan Mullally, president and CEO, Ford
"Your résumé tells a lot about what you’ve done. I would want to know what you’ve enjoyed about what you’ve done, what areas you feel comfortable in making a contribution right away, what areas have you struggled with, what do you really want to do, and, especially, whatare your strengths? And between what you’ve done and the way you communicate, I can just look in your eyes and tell a lot."
“你的简历上写了很多你做过的事情。我想知道你有多喜欢你所做过的事情,你在哪些领域做贡献时会觉得比较舒服, 你在哪些领域遇到过困难,你真正想做什么,尤其是你的优势是什么?通过你所做过的事情和你交流的方式,我看着你就可以知道大量的信息。
Eric Schmidt, executive chairman, Google
“We spent more time—and pretty ruthlessly—on academic qualifications, intelligence, intellectual creativity, passion and commitment. What bothers me about management books, they all say these things generically, but nobody does it.”
Jeff Weiner, CEO, LinkedIn
"Today, the question I'm asked most often by students and interns is how best to achieve their career goals. As simple as it sounds, the short version of my response is that you have to know what it is you ultimately want to accomplish (optimizing for both passion and skill, and not one at the exclusion of the other). As soon as you do, you'll begin manifesting it in both explicit and implicit ways."
Robert Iger, chairman and CEO, The Walt Disney Company
罗伯特•伊格尔, 华特迪士尼公司的董事长兼首席执行官
"You’ve got to be an optimist. You can’t be a pessimist. When you come to work, you’ve got to show enthusiasm and spirit. You can’t let people see you brought down by the experience of failure. You don’t have that luxury. I believe in taking big risks creatively. If you fail, don’t do it with mediocrity—do it with something that was truly original,truly a risk.
“一定要乐观。不能做悲观主义者。当你工作时,要显示出热情和活力。你不能让别人看到自己被失败打败,也没必要这样做 。我相信创造性的冒险。如果你可能失败 ,不要平平庸庸地去做——要有独创性,真正地去冒险。