[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:服刑对家庭的影响
The effects of mass incarceration in this country are felt by many more people than those convicted of crimes.2020-12-14 编辑:Wendy 标签:
[PBS访谈娱乐系列] PBS高端访谈:致敬伟人的新方式
Now to honoring a civil rights legend in a new way.2020-12-09 编辑:Vicki 标签:
[PBS访谈健康系列] PBS高端访谈:疾病教会人们如何坚持
When Beth Papanastasiou's daughter Bella was born, she was diagnosed with a rare degenerative genetic disorder and given 18 months to live.2020-12-08 编辑:Wendy 标签:
[PBS访谈娱乐系列] PBS高端访谈:华裔创业天才离世
The retired CEO of the online shoe store Zappos, Tony Hsieh, died on Friday from injuries suffered in a fire.2020-12-02 编辑:Vicki 标签:
[PBS访谈健康系列] PBS高端访谈:不一样的感恩节
As we reported, public health officials are concerned too many people traveled this holiday week to be with loved ones.2020-12-01 编辑:Wendy 标签:
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:特朗普威胁到美国民主
And we continue our look at the president's actions and state of the Republican Party with former Arizona GOP Senator Jeff Flake.2020-11-25 编辑:Vicki 标签:
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:蓬佩奥探访戈兰高地和西岸定居点
Today, in the Middle East, Mike Pompeo became the first secretary of state to visit the Golan Heights and a settlement in the West Bank.2020-11-23 编辑:Wendy 标签:
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:脸书和推特受到质疑和批评
Social media under fire. Top executives of tech giants faced off with U.S. lawmakers today. Amna Nawaz reports.2020-11-18 编辑:Vicki 标签:
[PBS访谈教育系列] PBS高端访谈:我们如何记录2020年
I started keeping a journal in 11th grade. It was an assignment for English class. But once I got going,2020-11-17 编辑:Wendy 标签:
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:缅怀塞布·埃雷卡特
This morning in Jerusalem, senior Palestinian official Saeb Erekat died after a month-long battle with COVID-19.2020-11-13 编辑:Wendy 标签:
[PBS访谈健康系列] PBS高端访谈:新冠疫苗要在零下90度配送
For more perspective on this news, I'm joined now by Miles O'Brien, our science correspondent.2020-11-12 编辑:Vicki 标签:
[PBS访谈教育系列] PBS高端访谈:如何打破回声室效应
Real friendship means a willingness to listen carefully, and have your views challenged, because your Black friend doesn't see the world the same way you do.2020-11-04 编辑:Wendy 标签:
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:为何今年很多美国人放弃投票
Both presidential candidates agree this is the most important election in modern history.2020-11-04 编辑:Vicki 标签:
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:有关美国大选的假新闻
Let's dive deeper into concerns around spreading misinformation, its consequences, and securing our votes.2020-10-30 编辑:Vicki 标签:
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:费城的黑人枪击案
That was an unjustified shooting. I think you saw it as well. We all saw it. It was an unjustified shooting.2020-10-28 编辑:Wendy 标签:
世界卫生组织(简称WHO)警告称,到2050年,全球25%的人口(即25 -
联合国认为,全球每年约有17%的粮食被浪费。这相当于家庭、商店和食品公司 - 3
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