And now I've talked to people, one of them is a Navajo Nation member who's also a water policy expert.
And he mentioned to me how he felt like he was more likely to imagine an apocalypse before the change of the Colorado River Compact.
Like, this thing is so set in stone that it's just seems totally immutable.
Beyond even just the law is also, you know, insurance is another often maladaptive reaction.
I've written about the crop insurance in particular, which kind of encourages farmers to repeatedly plant crops that don't produce well, whether, because in Arizona, it's because they're planting things like cotton and hay that require a lot of water, and that are drying up.
But this insurance causes them, so they can still make money off of that. So they just keep doing it.
And it keeps them from adapting has been plenty, plenty of studies that show prove that the existence of crop insurance keeps farmers from investing in other forms of adaptation that might be more sustainable down the road.
Right, and that you alluded to this a little earlier, but I noticed in each of the cases in your book, there was a person or people or some sort of research that sort of, at least hinted at, if not outright, very clearly showed the folly of whatever the adaptation was and how it could lead to the problems that then did happen.
How could listening to those voices actually, help us avoid having maladaptations?
That's a big reason why I wrote this book.
It's not the most uplifting book and I get that.
And I think these days solutions are popular, everybody is getting kind of tired of the doom and gloom and wants a way out. I understand that.
But I really wanted to arm people with the information to recognize when maladaptations are happening at home, when their towns or cities are considering risky decisions that are going to lock them in the future generations into making even worse decisions down the road.
I wanted them to be aware of when this is happening, and to be able to speak up and say, “Well, in my experience living in this place, here's how I think we should handle this.”
Because so often the decisions are made by outsiders, outside experts who come in with what they think is the right idea of how to manage these situations, these hazards.
The section the book focuses on Bangladesh, and the Ganges River Delta became, in a way, a story about colonialism.
And this resistance, like the, the struggle between locals who knew their environment, and outsiders who are coming in to just extract the resources of that environment.
And what gives me hope about that one, at least in the end is that there are people there who are recognizing and giving space for these ideas that might be called indigenous knowledge, although some of the stuff that doesn't necessarily date back as long as we think about that we're here.
But still, what it is, is methods of dealing with, with the Ganges River Delta, that don't involve trying to control it involved trying to just contain its rivers, but actually giving those rivers room to flood and move.