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在老龄化严重的日本, 宠物代替儿童接受祝福

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • A traditional ceremony for children in Japan is growing popular for animals there as well.
  • 在日本,一种为儿童举办的传统仪式也越来越受到动物们的欢迎。
  • Natsuki Aoki recently flew with her two Chihuahua dogs from the western city of Hiroshima to Tokyo, the nation's capital.
  • 最近,青木夏树带着她的两只吉娃娃从日本西部城市广岛飞往日本首都东京。
  • She took the trip so the little dogs could receive a special blessing at the Zama Shrine, a Shinto holy place.
  • 她此行的目的是让小狗们在神道教圣地扎玛神社得到特别的祝福。
  • Aoki noted that few religious centers are open to animals.
  • 青木指出,很少有宗教中心对动物开放。
  • "I think it would be great to see more places like this," the 33-year-old said on Tuesday.
  • 这名33岁的女子周二表示:“我认为能看到更多这样的地方是很棒的。”
  • The Zama Shrine dates back to the 6th century.
  • 扎玛神社的历史可以追溯到6世纪。
  • It is about 25 kilometers southwest of Tokyo.
  • 它位于东京西南约25公里处。
  • The religious center established a prayer area for animals in 2012.
  • 2012年,该宗教中心为动物设立了一个祈祷区。
  • It now hosts Shichi-Go-San ceremonies where animal owners can pray for the health and happiness of their dogs and cats.
  • 如今,这里会举办七五三仪式,动物主人可以为他们的狗和猫的健康和幸福祈祷。
  • The ceremony, which means Seven-Five-Three in Japanese, is traditionally celebrated in mid-November for children reaching those ages.
  • 这个仪式,在日语中的意思是七五三,传统上是在11月中旬为达到七岁、五岁和三岁的孩子举办的。
  • Parents dress their girls and boys in kimonos and bring them to a Shinto holy place for the ceremony.
  • 父母给孩子们穿上和服,带他们去神道教的圣地参加仪式。
  • On Tuesday, several people led their animals up the steps of the Inuneko Jinja, or Dog-Cat Shrine.
  • 周二,一些人牵着他们的宠物走上狗猫神社的台阶。
  • They prayed and received a blessing from a Shinto clergy.
  • 他们祈祷,并得到了一位神道教神职人员的祝福。
  • Six Shiba Inu dogs wearing kimonos lined up for pictures at the event.
  • 六只穿着和服的柴犬在活动现场排队拍照。
  • Japan's birth rate dropped for a seventh straight year in 2022 to a record low, while deaths increased to an all-time high.
  • 2022年,日本的出生率连续第七年下降,创历史新低,而死亡率则创下历史新高。
  • "The number of children is decreasing each year, and as a result, more and more people are pouring their love into their dogs and cats," said Yoshinori Hiraga of the Zama Shrine.
  • 扎玛神社的平贺吉则说:“孩子的数量每年都在减少,因此,越来越多的人把他们的爱倾注在他们的猫狗身上。”
  • "We want to offer the pet owners a place at Zama Shrine for them to thank the gods when their dogs and cats reach the ages of three, five, and seven," said Hiraga.
  • 平贺说:“我们想在扎玛神社为宠物主人提供一个地方,让他们在自己的猫狗长到三岁、五岁和七岁时可以感谢上帝”。
  • The clergy estimated about 120 pets would be brought to the shrine this season.
  • 据神职人员估计,这个季节将会有大约120只宠物被带到神社。
  • Among them was Masayo Tashiro, who brought two dogs, a terrier and a Pomeranian to the center as she made offerings and prayers.
  • Masayo Tashiro就是其中之一,她带着两只狗,一只梗犬和一只博美犬来到中心,供奉和祈祷。
  • "They are very important to me, like my own children," said the 53-year-old caregiver.
  • 这位53岁的看护人说:“它们对我来说非常重要,就像我自己的孩子一样。”
  • "I came here to pray that they will have a safe and healthy life with us together."
  • “我来这里是为了祈祷它们能和我们一起安全健康地生活。”
  • I'm Caty Weaver.
  • 凯蒂·韦弗为您播报。


A traditional ceremony for children in Japan is growing popular for animals there as well.


Natsuki Aoki recently flew with her two Chihuahua dogs from the western city of Hiroshima to Tokyo, the nation's capital.


She took the trip so the little dogs could receive a special blessing at the Zama Shrine, a Shinto holy place.


Aoki noted that few religious centers are open to animals.


"I think it would be great to see more places like this," the 33-year-old said on Tuesday.


The Zama Shrine dates back to the 6th century.


It is about 25 kilometers southwest of Tokyo.


The religious center established a prayer area for animals in 2012.


It now hosts Shichi-Go-San ceremonies where animal owners can pray for the health and happiness of their dogs and cats.


The ceremony, which means Seven-Five-Three in Japanese, is traditionally celebrated in mid-November for children reaching those ages.


Parents dress their girls and boys in kimonos and bring them to a Shinto holy place for the ceremony.


On Tuesday, several people led their animals up the steps of the Inuneko Jinja, or Dog-Cat Shrine.


They prayed and received a blessing from a Shinto clergy.


Six Shiba Inu dogs wearing kimonos lined up for pictures at the event.


Japan's birth rate dropped for a seventh straight year in 2022 to a record low, while deaths increased to an all-time high.


"The number of children is decreasing each year, and as a result, more and more people are pouring their love into their dogs and cats," said Yoshinori Hiraga of the Zama Shrine.


"We want to offer the pet owners a place at Zama Shrine for them to thank the gods when their dogs and cats reach the ages of three, five, and seven," said Hiraga.


The clergy estimated about 120 pets would be brought to the shrine this season.


Among them was Masayo Tashiro, who brought two dogs, a terrier and a Pomeranian to the center as she made offerings and prayers.

Masayo Tashiro就是其中之一,她带着两只狗,一只梗犬和一只博美犬来到中心,供奉和祈祷。

"They are very important to me, like my own children," said the 53-year-old caregiver.


"I came here to pray that they will have a safe and healthy life with us together."


I'm Caty Weaver.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
blessing ['blesiŋ]


n. 祝福,祷告

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

weaver ['wi:və]


n. 织布者,织工

ceremony ['seriməni]


n. 典礼,仪式,礼节,礼仪

prayer [prɛə]


n. 祈祷,祷告,祷文
v. 祷告,祷文

established [is'tæbliʃt]


adj. 已被确认的,确定的,建立的,制定的 动词est

shrine [ʃrain]


n. 圣地,神龛,庙 v. 将 ... 置于神龛内,把

celebrated ['selibreitid]


adj. 著名的,声誉卓著的 动词celebrate的过

traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的





