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摩洛哥强震死亡人数上升, 搜救行动持续进行中

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Rescue workers continue to search the wreckage of a large earthquake that struck Morocco Friday.
  • 继周五摩洛哥发生大地震之后,救援人员继续在废墟中搜索。
  • Officials say almost 2,500 were killed in the quake, but that they expect that number will rise.
  • 官员们表示,近2500人在地震中丧生,但他们预计死亡人数还会上升。
  • On Monday, Morocco's state news agency reported almost 2,500 others are injured.
  • 周一,摩洛哥国家通讯社报道称,另有近2500人受伤。
  • And, it reported more injured people continue to arrive at hospitals.
  • 据报道,越来越多的伤者陆续被送往医院。
  • Moroccan soldiers, doctors and other aid teams are still making their way to the Al Haouz area high in the Atlas mountains, the epicenter of the earthquake.
  • 摩洛哥士兵、医生和其他救援队仍在前往阿特拉斯山脉高处的豪兹区,那里是地震的震中。
  • The area is about 70 kilometers from the city of Marrakech.
  • 该地区距离马拉喀什市约70公里。
  • The United Nations said the magnitude 6.8 earthquake affected 300,000 people.
  • 联合国表示,这场6.8级地震影响了30万人。
  • The damage was great because the starting point of the shaking was not far below the ground.
  • 这次地震造成的破坏很大,因为震源点离地面不远。
  • The U.S. Geological Survey said it was the strongest quake to strike the North African nation since 1900.
  • 美国地质调查局表示,这是自1900年以来袭击这个北非国家的最强烈地震。
  • And, it is reported to be country's deadliest since 1960, when at least 12,000 people were killed in and near the city of Agadir.
  • 据报道,这是自1960年以来该国死亡人数最多的一次,当时阿加迪尔市及其附近至少有1.2万人遇难。
  • So far, Morocco has accepted assistance from four countries – Spain, Qatar, Great Britain and the United Arab Emirates.
  • 到目前为止,摩洛哥已经接受了西班牙、卡塔尔、英国和阿联酋四个国家的援助。
  • Other nations have offered help, as well.
  • 其他国家也提供了帮助。
  • But, the Moroccan government says it wants to avoid a "counterproductive" lack of coordination by accepting help from too many countries.
  • 但是,摩洛哥政府表示,它希望通过接受太多国家的帮助来避免缺乏协调性的“适得其反”的局面。
  • One survivor, Salah Ancheu, called the earthquake "a catastrophe" even as a truckload of soldiers arrived in Amizmiz to help.
  • 幸存者Salah Ancheu称此次地震是“一场灾难”,尽管大量士兵已经抵达阿米兹米兹进行救援。
  • "We don't know what the future is. The aid remains insufficient," the 28-year-old said.
  • 这名28岁的男子说:“我们不知道未来会怎样。援助仍然不够”。
  • Mountainside homes and the tower of the local mosque fell down.
  • 山坡上的房屋和当地清真寺的塔楼倒塌了。
  • Groups from the Moroccan army left Monday from Amizmiz to move into the small mountain villages.
  • 摩洛哥军队星期一从阿米兹米兹出发,进入小山村。
  • Heavy equipment was sent to clear the roads and both visitors and residents lined up to give blood.
  • 重型设备被派去清理道路,游客和居民都排队献血。
  • Some news reports said villagers wept as they saw dead bodies being carried through the streets.
  • 一些新闻报道称,村民们在看到尸体被抬过街道时流下了眼泪。
  • A number of nations said they were ready, but not yet permitted to send help.
  • 一些国家表示,他们已经做好了准备,但尚未被允许提供帮助。
  • The group Rescuers Without Borders said about 100 teams, totaling 3,500 rescuers, are prepared to help.
  • 无国界救援组织表示,大约100支队伍,总计3500名救援人员,准备好提供帮助。
  • France said four of its citizens died.
  • 法国表示,有四名法国公民死亡。
  • It has offered assistance but has not been given permission to send rescuers.
  • 法国已经提供了援助,但尚未获准派遣救援人员。
  • In the Czech Republic, 70 rescuers are waiting at an airport for permission to enter Morocco.
  • 在捷克共和国,70名救援人员正在机场等待进入摩洛哥的许可。
  • In Germany, a rescue team of 50 was sent home after waiting at an airport.
  • 在德国,一支由50人组成的救援队在机场等待后被送回家。
  • A spokesperson from the German foreign ministry said Morocco's refusal of aid from some nations should not be seen as political.
  • 德国外交部发言人表示,摩洛哥拒绝一些国家的援助不应该被视为政治行为。
  • "I'm sure they have thought very carefully about which forces can be deployed and how they can get there," the spokesperson said.
  • 这位发言人说:“我相信他们已经非常仔细地考虑了可以部署哪些部队以及他们如何到达那里。”
  • French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna said France has offered more than $5 million in support.
  • 法国外长凯瑟琳·科隆纳说,法国已经提供了500多万美元的援助。
  • She said Morocco's decision on that offer is its own to make and "must be respected."
  • 她说,摩洛哥对这一提议的决定是它自己做出的,“必须被尊重”。
  • Many people continue to sleep outside, fearing smaller earthquakes that often follow a major one.
  • 许多人因为担心大地震之后会发生较小的地震选择继续睡在户外。
  • In the village of Imgdal, women and children gathered outside and some kept warm around an open fire on Monday morning.
  • 周一上午,在Imgdal村,妇女和儿童聚集在外面,一些人围着明火取暖。
  • In another village, Tafeghaghte, Hamid ben Henna said his 8-year-old son died in the quake.
  • 在另一个村庄Tafeghaghte村,哈米德·本·赫纳说,他8岁的儿子在地震中丧生。
  • He had gone to another room while the family was sharing a meal Friday.
  • 周五一家人一起吃饭时,他去了另一个房间。
  • The rest of the family survived.
  • 其余的家庭成员都幸免于难。
  • On a road near the town of Adassil, close to the center of the quake, one rescue worker was trying to clear the rocks that were preventing vehicles from getting by.
  • 在靠近地震中心的阿达西尔镇附近的一条道路上,一名救援人员正在试图清除阻碍车辆通行的岩石。
  • He said other roads were in bad shape.
  • 他说,其他道路状况不佳。
  • "We're trying to open them, too," said Ayman Koait.
  • 艾曼·科伊特说:“我们也在试着疏通它们。”
  • People said they dug through the rubble of their homes looking for relatives.
  • 人们说,他们在自家房屋的瓦砾中挖掘寻找亲人。
  • They also moved rocks and walls looking for important items.
  • 他们还移动石头和墙,寻找重要的物品。
  • Many of the homes are made from wood, rock, and mud, which made them fall easily when the ground started shaking.
  • 许多房屋是用木头、岩石和泥土建造的,这使得它们在地面开始震动时很容易倒塌。
  • One military worker said "it is difficult to pull people out alive" because the walls turned to rubble and did not leave any space for air.
  • 一名军人说,“很难把人活着拉出来”,因为墙壁变成了瓦砾,没有留下任何有空气的空间。
  • UNESCO, the United Nations cultural organization, said many historic buildings in both Marrakech and the areas closer to the center of the earthquake were damaged.
  • 联合国教科文组织表示,马拉喀什和靠近地震中心地区的许多历史建筑物都被毁坏了。
  • I'm Dan Friedell.
  • 丹·弗里德尔为您播报。


Rescue workers continue to search the wreckage of a large earthquake that struck Morocco Friday.


Officials say almost 2,500 were killed in the quake, but that they expect that number will rise.


On Monday, Morocco's state news agency reported almost 2,500 others are injured.


And, it reported more injured people continue to arrive at hospitals.


Moroccan soldiers, doctors and other aid teams are still making their way to the Al Haouz area high in the Atlas mountains, the epicenter of the earthquake.


The area is about 70 kilometers from the city of Marrakech.


The United Nations said the magnitude 6.8 earthquake affected 300,000 people.


The damage was great because the starting point of the shaking was not far below the ground.


The U.S. Geological Survey said it was the strongest quake to strike the North African nation since 1900.


And, it is reported to be country's deadliest since 1960, when at least 12,000 people were killed in and near the city of Agadir.


So far, Morocco has accepted assistance from four countries – Spain, Qatar, Great Britain and the United Arab Emirates.


Other nations have offered help, as well.


But, the Moroccan government says it wants to avoid a "counterproductive" lack of coordination by accepting help from too many countries.


One survivor, Salah Ancheu, called the earthquake "a catastrophe" even as a truckload of soldiers arrived in Amizmiz to help.

幸存者Salah Ancheu称此次地震是“一场灾难”,尽管大量士兵已经抵达阿米兹米兹进行救援。

"We don't know what the future is. The aid remains insufficient," the 28-year-old said.


Mountainside homes and the tower of the local mosque fell down.


Groups from the Moroccan army left Monday from Amizmiz to move into the small mountain villages.


Heavy equipment was sent to clear the roads and both visitors and residents lined up to give blood.


Some news reports said villagers wept as they saw dead bodies being carried through the streets.


A number of nations said they were ready, but not yet permitted to send help.


The group Rescuers Without Borders said about 100 teams, totaling 3,500 rescuers, are prepared to help.


France said four of its citizens died.


It has offered assistance but has not been given permission to send rescuers.


In the Czech Republic, 70 rescuers are waiting at an airport for permission to enter Morocco.


In Germany, a rescue team of 50 was sent home after waiting at an airport.


A spokesperson from the German foreign ministry said Morocco's refusal of aid from some nations should not be seen as political.


"I'm sure they have thought very carefully about which forces can be deployed and how they can get there," the spokesperson said.


French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna said France has offered more than $5 million in support.


She said Morocco's decision on that offer is its own to make and "must be respected."


Many people continue to sleep outside, fearing smaller earthquakes that often follow a major one.


In the village of Imgdal, women and children gathered outside and some kept warm around an open fire on Monday morning.


In another village, Tafeghaghte, Hamid ben Henna said his 8-year-old son died in the quake.


He had gone to another room while the family was sharing a meal Friday.


The rest of the family survived.


On a road near the town of Adassil, close to the center of the quake, one rescue worker was trying to clear the rocks that were preventing vehicles from getting by.


He said other roads were in bad shape.


"We're trying to open them, too," said Ayman Koait.


People said they dug through the rubble of their homes looking for relatives.


They also moved rocks and walls looking for important items.


Many of the homes are made from wood, rock, and mud, which made them fall easily when the ground started shaking.


One military worker said "it is difficult to pull people out alive" because the walls turned to rubble and did not leave any space for air.


UNESCO, the United Nations cultural organization, said many historic buildings in both Marrakech and the areas closer to the center of the earthquake were damaged.


I'm Dan Friedell.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
earthquake ['ə:θkweik]


n. 地震

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避

magnitude ['mægnitju:d]


n. 大小,重要,光度,(地震)级数,(星星)等级

assistance [ə'sistəns]


n. 帮助,援助

coordination [kəu'ɔ:di'neiʃən]


n. 协调

insufficient [.insə'fiʃənt]


adj. 不足的



adj. 被允许的 v. 允许(permit的过去分词)

catastrophe [kə'tæstrəfi]


n. 大灾难,大祸,彻底失败

respected [ri'spektid]


adj. 受尊敬的 v. 尊敬;重视(respect的过





