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来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Russia halted on Monday the U.N. negotiated deal which lets Ukraine export grain through the Black Sea.
  • 周一,俄罗斯终止了联合国谈判达成的允许乌克兰通过黑海出口粮食的协议。
  • Russia ended the deal just hours after Ukraine struck Russia's bridge to Crimea.
  • 就在乌克兰袭击俄罗斯通往克里米亚的大桥几个小时后,俄罗斯终止了这项协议。
  • Russia said two civilians were killed and their child wounded in what Moscow called a terrorist attack on the road bridge.
  • 俄罗斯表示,在莫斯科所称的公路桥恐怖袭击事件中,两名平民丧生,他们的孩子受伤。
  • The bridge carries supplies for Russian troops fighting in Ukraine.
  • 这座桥为在乌克兰作战的俄罗斯军队运送物资。
  • Russia said there was no connection between the attack and its decision to suspend the grain deal.
  • 俄罗斯表示,此次袭击与其暂停粮食协议的决定之间没有任何联系。
  • The Kremlin said there was a failure to meet its demands to put in place a separate agreement easing rules for its own food and fertilizer exports.
  • 克里姆林宫表示,它的要求未能得到满足,即制定一项单独的协议,放宽对俄罗斯食品和化肥出口的规定。
  • Russia's foreign ministry said it would consider rejoining the grain deal if it saw results on its demands.
  • 俄罗斯外交部表示,如果俄罗斯的要求得到满足,它将会考虑重新加入粮食协议。
  • Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Ukraine wants to continue grain exports without Russia's safety guarantees.
  • 乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基说,乌克兰希望在没有俄罗斯安全保证的情况下继续出口粮食。
  • "Even without the Russian Federation, everything must be done so that we can use this Black Sea corridor. We are not afraid," a spokesman for Zelenskyy said.
  • 泽连斯基的一位发言人说:“即使没有俄罗斯联邦,我们也必须尽一切努力以使用这条黑海走廊。我们不害怕。”
  • The explosion on the road bridge to Crimea could seriously affect Russia's ability to supply its troops in southern Ukraine.
  • 通往克里米亚的公路桥发生爆炸,可能会严重影响俄罗斯向驻扎在乌克兰南部的军队提供补给的能力。
  • Images showed part of the road bridge had collapsed and traffic was halted in both directions.
  • 图片显示,部分公路桥已经坍塌,双向交通中断。
  • A parallel railway bridge is still in use.
  • 一座平行的铁路桥仍在使用中。
  • Blasts were reported before sunrise on the 19-kilometer bridge, which Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to be built after Russia seized Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.
  • 据报道,爆炸发生在日出之前,这座19公里长的大桥是俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京在2014年俄罗斯从乌克兰手中夺取克里米亚后下令修建的。
  • Ukraine has long said that the bridge was built illegally, and its use by Russia for military supplies makes it a target.
  • 乌克兰长期以来一直表示,这座大桥是非法建造的,俄罗斯将其用于军事补给,使其成为攻击目标。
  • It was last hit by a large explosion and fire in October.
  • 它上一次遭受大爆炸和火灾是在去年10月。
  • Any delays in exports resulting from Russia's suspension of the Black Sea grain deal could increase food prices across the world.
  • 俄罗斯暂停黑海谷物协议导致的任何出口延迟都可能会导致全球食品价格上涨。
  • That could affect poor countries the most.
  • 这可能会对贫穷国家影响最大。
  • Ukraine and Russia are both major suppliers of grain to developing nations.
  • 乌克兰和俄罗斯都是发展中国家的主要粮食供应国。
  • The grain deal was praised as preventing a global food emergency when it was negotiated by the United Nations and Turkey last year.
  • 去年由联合国和土耳其谈判达成的粮食协议被称赞为防止了全球粮食危机。
  • The deal halted a blockade of Ukrainian ports by Russia.
  • 该协议终止了俄罗斯对乌克兰港口的封锁。
  • The suspension of the deal on Monday led to an increase in wheat prices of about three percent in trading, to $6.81 a bushel, in Chicago.
  • 周一该协议的终止导致芝加哥小麦交易价格上涨了约3%,达到每蒲式耳6.81美元。
  • The price fell later in the day.
  • 当天晚些时候,价格下跌。
  • Experts do not expect more than a temporary increase in global food commodity prices.
  • 专家预计,全球粮食商品价格会出现暂时上涨。
  • Finding suppliers outside Ukraine that are farther away could also raise costs.
  • 在乌克兰以外寻找更远的供应商也可能会增加成本。
  • The grain deal guaranteed that ships would not be attacked entering and leaving Ukrainian ports.
  • 该粮食协议保证了进出乌克兰港口的船只不会受到攻击。
  • A separate agreement permitted the movement of Russian food and fertilizer.
  • 另一项协议允许俄罗斯食品和化肥运输出口。
  • Western sanctions do not apply to Russia's agricultural shipments.
  • 西方的制裁不适用于俄罗斯的农产品运输。
  • But some companies might be unwilling to do business with Russia.
  • 但一些公司可能不愿与俄罗斯做生意。
  • Now it is important to watch if Russia "weaponizes" its wheat exports, said Simon Evenett.
  • 西蒙·埃文奈特说,现在重要的是观察俄罗斯是否将其小麦出口“武器化”。
  • He is professor of international trade and economic development at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland.
  • 他是瑞士圣加伦大学国际贸易和经济发展专业的教授。
  • Being the world's largest wheat supplier, Russia could increase its export taxes.
  • 作为世界上最大的小麦供应国,俄罗斯可能会提高其出口税。
  • That "would raise world grain prices as well as allow Russia to finance more of its military campaign in Ukraine," Evenett said.
  • 埃文奈特说,这“将会提高全球粮食价格,并使俄罗斯能够为其在乌克兰的军事行动提供更多资金”。
  • He noted that Moscow already raised taxes this month.
  • 他指出,莫斯科本月已经提高了税收。
  • The grain deal has faced problems since it was first put in place.
  • 该粮食协议从一开始就面临着问题。
  • Russia pulled out briefly in November before rejoining and extending the deal.
  • 俄罗斯在去年11月短暂退出了该协议,之后重新加入并延长了该协议。
  • In March and May, Russia would only renew the deal for 60 days, instead of 120.
  • 今年3月和5月,俄罗斯只将该协议延长了60天,而不是120天。
  • The amount of grain shipped per month fell from a high of 4.2 million metric tons in October to over 2 million metric tons in June.
  • 每月的粮食出货量从10月份的420万吨下降到6月份的200多万吨。
  • Inspections meant to ensure boats only carry grain and not weapons also have greatly slowed.
  • 旨在确保船只只运载粮食而不是武器的检查也大大放慢了速度。
  • I'm Dan Novak.
  • 丹·诺瓦克为您播报。


Russia halted on Monday the U.N. negotiated deal which lets Ukraine export grain through the Black Sea.


Russia ended the deal just hours after Ukraine struck Russia's bridge to Crimea.


Russia said two civilians were killed and their child wounded in what Moscow called a terrorist attack on the road bridge.


The bridge carries supplies for Russian troops fighting in Ukraine.


Russia said there was no connection between the attack and its decision to suspend the grain deal.


The Kremlin said there was a failure to meet its demands to put in place a separate agreement easing rules for its own food and fertilizer exports.


Russia's foreign ministry said it would consider rejoining the grain deal if it saw results on its demands.


Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Ukraine wants to continue grain exports without Russia's safety guarantees.


"Even without the Russian Federation, everything must be done so that we can use this Black Sea corridor. We are not afraid," a spokesman for Zelenskyy said.


The explosion on the road bridge to Crimea could seriously affect Russia's ability to supply its troops in southern Ukraine.


Images showed part of the road bridge had collapsed and traffic was halted in both directions.


A parallel railway bridge is still in use.


Blasts were reported before sunrise on the 19-kilometer bridge, which Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to be built after Russia seized Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.


Ukraine has long said that the bridge was built illegally, and its use by Russia for military supplies makes it a target.


It was last hit by a large explosion and fire in October.


Any delays in exports resulting from Russia's suspension of the Black Sea grain deal could increase food prices across the world.


That could affect poor countries the most.


Ukraine and Russia are both major suppliers of grain to developing nations.


The grain deal was praised as preventing a global food emergency when it was negotiated by the United Nations and Turkey last year.


The deal halted a blockade of Ukrainian ports by Russia.


The suspension of the deal on Monday led to an increase in wheat prices of about three percent in trading, to $6.81 a bushel, in Chicago.


The price fell later in the day.


Experts do not expect more than a temporary increase in global food commodity prices.


Finding suppliers outside Ukraine that are farther away could also raise costs.


The grain deal guaranteed that ships would not be attacked entering and leaving Ukrainian ports.


A separate agreement permitted the movement of Russian food and fertilizer.


Western sanctions do not apply to Russia's agricultural shipments.


But some companies might be unwilling to do business with Russia.


Now it is important to watch if Russia "weaponizes" its wheat exports, said Simon Evenett.


He is professor of international trade and economic development at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland.


Being the world's largest wheat supplier, Russia could increase its export taxes.


That "would raise world grain prices as well as allow Russia to finance more of its military campaign in Ukraine," Evenett said.


He noted that Moscow already raised taxes this month.


The grain deal has faced problems since it was first put in place.


Russia pulled out briefly in November before rejoining and extending the deal.


In March and May, Russia would only renew the deal for 60 days, instead of 120.


The amount of grain shipped per month fell from a high of 4.2 million metric tons in October to over 2 million metric tons in June.


Inspections meant to ensure boats only carry grain and not weapons also have greatly slowed.


I'm Dan Novak.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
renew [ri'nju:]


v. 更新,重新开始

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

corridor ['kɔridɔ:]


n. 走廊

blockade [blɔ'keid]


n. 阻塞,封锁,阻碍物 v. 封锁,挡住

fertilizer ['fə:tilaizə]


n. 肥料

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

affect [ə'fekt]


vt. 影响,作用,感动

commodity [kə'mɔditi]


n. 商品,日用品

unwilling ['ʌn'wiliŋ]


adj. 不愿意的

explosion [iks'pləuʒən]


n. 爆炸,爆发,激增





