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  • Twitter has placed temporary restrictions on the number of tweets, or posts, users can look at each day.
  • 推特对用户每天可以查看的推文(即帖子)的数量进行了临时限制。
  • The company also established a new rule requiring people to have a Twitter account in order to read tweets on the messaging service.
  • 该公司还制定了一项新规定,要求人们必须拥有推特账户才能阅读该即时通讯服务平台上的推文。
  • Company chief Elon Musk noted the recent changes in a series of tweets.
  • 该公司首席执行官埃隆·马斯克在一系列推文中指出了最近的变化。
  • He explained the restrictions were an attempt to cut down on "scraping," in which businesses take huge amounts of publicly available data from large online sites.
  • 他解释说,这些限制措施是为了减少“抓取”行为,即企业从大型网站上获取大量公开可用的数据。
  • Musk said the temporary limits aim to fight "extreme levels" of scraping and other data collection that can affect Twitter's system performance.
  • 马斯克表示,临时限制措施旨在打击可能会影响推特系统性能的“极端水平”的抓取和其他数据收集。
  • The Twitter chief announced the changes July first.
  • 这位推特首席执行官于7月1日宣布了这些变化。
  • He said Twitter users who pay for a "verified" account were limited to reading 6,000 tweets per day.
  • 他说,付费注册“认证”账户的推特用户每天最多只能阅读6000条推文。
  • Users with unverified accounts were limited to 600 tweets per day, while new unverified accounts could read 300 per day.
  • 拥有未经验证账户的用户每天最多只能阅读600条推文,而未经验证的新账户每天可以阅读300条推文。
  • A few days earlier, Musk had announced the rule requiring users to have a Twitter account to look at tweets.
  • 几天前,马斯克宣布了一项规定,要求用户必须拥有推特账户才能查看推文。
  • He described that move as a "temporary emergency measure."
  • 他将此举描述为“临时紧急措施”。
  • Musk said third-party data-collection activity was so severe it was "degrading service for normal users."
  • 马斯克表示,第三方数据收集活动非常严重,以致于“降低了对普通用户的服务质量”。
  • In the past, Musk has heavily criticized artificial intelligence (AI) companies for using publicly available information on the Twitter service to collect data for their businesses.
  • 过去,马斯克曾严厉批评人工智能公司利用推特上的公开信息为其业务收集数据。
  • Musk even tweeted a promise to "take legal action against those who stole our data & look forward (to) seeing them in court."
  • 马斯克甚至发推文承诺“对那些窃取我们数据的人采取法律行动,并期待在法庭上见到他们。”
  • After the Twitter policy faced wide criticism online, Musk later announced higher limits.
  • 在推特的政策在网上遭到广泛批评后,马斯克后来宣布了更高的限制。
  • He said verified accounts could read 10,000 tweets and unverified accounts could see 1,000.
  • 他说,经过验证的账户可以阅读1万条推文,未经验证的账户只能阅读1000条推文。
  • Users with new unverified accounts can now read 500 tweets daily.
  • 拥有未经验证的新账户的用户现在每天可以阅读500条推文。
  • Neither Twitter nor Musk answered requests for comment on the changes from reporters from the Associated Press and Reuters.
  • 推特和马斯克都没有回应美联社和路透社记者对这些变化的置评请求。
  • Musk is also chief of electric carmaker Tesla and space company SpaceX.
  • 马斯克还是电动汽车制造商特斯拉和太空公司SpaceX的首席执行官。
  • The restrictions are the latest in a series of changes made by Musk since he bought Twitter for $44 billion last year.
  • 这些限制措施是马斯克自去年以440亿美元收购推特以来所做的一系列改变中的最新一项变化。
  • He also dismissed about 75 percent of the company's workforce soon after taking control.
  • 他还在接管公司后不久解雇了大约75%的员工。
  • He said the move was necessary to make Twitter more effective and increase profits.
  • 他说,此举对于提高推特的效率和增加利润是必要的。
  • When first announced, the changes caused up to 7,500 people to report problems using Twitter, the website Downdetector said.
  • Downdetector网站表示,最初宣布这些变化时,多达7500人报告使用推特时出现了问题。
  • That is a relatively small number considering the messaging service has more than 200 million users worldwide.
  • 考虑到该即时通讯服务平台在全球拥有超过2亿用户,这是一个相对较小的数字。
  • But the changes did result in the #TwitterDown showing up on social media in some parts of the world.
  • 但这些变化确实导致了#TwitterDown话题出现在世界一些地区的社交媒体上。
  • The higher limit for verified accounts is part of an $8-per-month subscription service Musk launched earlier this year.
  • 对已验证账户的更高限制是马斯克今年早些时候推出的每月8美元订阅服务的一部分。
  • Musk also sought to remove bans from some kinds of content that had been restricted on Twitter.
  • 马斯克还试图解除对推特上某些限制内容的禁令。
  • He said he was acting to protect the free speech of users.
  • 他说,他这么做是为了保护用户的言论自由。
  • However, some advertisers reduced their business with Twitter following the policy changes.
  • 然而,在政策变化后,一些广告商减少了与推特的业务往来。
  • That meant a loss in earnings for the social media site.
  • 这意味着这家社交媒体网站的收益出现了损失。
  • The latest changes at Twitter came as Facebook owner Meta prepares to launch a new service that appears to be positioned to directly compete with Twitter.
  • 推特的最新变化正值脸书的母公司Meta准备推出一项新服务平台之际,该平台似乎将与推特直接竞争。
  • That service, called Threads, is expected to begin service on Thursday.
  • 这个名为Threads的服务平台预计将于周四开始提供服务。
  • A listing for Threads has appeared on Apple's App Store.
  • 苹果应用程序商店里已经出现了Threads。
  • The listing describes the service as a "text-based conversation app" that is linked to Meta-owned Instagram.
  • 列表形容Threads是一款与Meta旗下的Instagram相关联的“基于文本的对话应用”。
  • Users of Instagram will be able to keep their user names and follow the same accounts on Threads, the App Store listing suggested.
  • 苹果应用程序商店里的列表显示,Instagram的用户将能够保留他们的用户名,并在Threads上关注相同的账户。
  • Meta did not answer requests for comment about the new service.
  • Meta没有就这项新服务的置评请求做出回应。
  • Matt Navarra is a technology industry expert and advisor to social media companies.
  • 马特·纳瓦拉是一位科技行业专家,也是社交媒体公司的顾问。
  • He told The Associated Press he thinks the new Meta product is launching at the right time – when many Twitter users are not happy with Musk's continuing changes.
  • 他告诉美联社,他认为新的Meta产品推出的时机正好,因为许多推特用户对马斯克不断的变化感到不满。
  • Navarra said Threads presents the chance for Twitter users "to jump to a platform that can give (users) many of the things that they want Twitter to continue to be," but that it no longer is.
  • 纳瓦拉说,Threads为推特用户提供了一个机会,让他们“可以跳转到一个可以为用户提供他们希望推特继续提供的许多东西”,但现在推特已经不再提供了。
  • I'm Bryan Lynn.
  • 布莱恩·林恩为您播报。


Twitter has placed temporary restrictions on the number of tweets, or posts, users can look at each day.


The company also established a new rule requiring people to have a Twitter account in order to read tweets on the messaging service.


Company chief Elon Musk noted the recent changes in a series of tweets.


He explained the restrictions were an attempt to cut down on "scraping," in which businesses take huge amounts of publicly available data from large online sites.


Musk said the temporary limits aim to fight "extreme levels" of scraping and other data collection that can affect Twitter's system performance.


The Twitter chief announced the changes July first.


He said Twitter users who pay for a "verified" account were limited to reading 6,000 tweets per day.


Users with unverified accounts were limited to 600 tweets per day, while new unverified accounts could read 300 per day.


A few days earlier, Musk had announced the rule requiring users to have a Twitter account to look at tweets.


He described that move as a "temporary emergency measure."


Musk said third-party data-collection activity was so severe it was "degrading service for normal users."


In the past, Musk has heavily criticized artificial intelligence (AI) companies for using publicly available information on the Twitter service to collect data for their businesses.


Musk even tweeted a promise to "take legal action against those who stole our data & look forward (to) seeing them in court."


After the Twitter policy faced wide criticism online, Musk later announced higher limits.


He said verified accounts could read 10,000 tweets and unverified accounts could see 1,000.


Users with new unverified accounts can now read 500 tweets daily.


Neither Twitter nor Musk answered requests for comment on the changes from reporters from the Associated Press and Reuters.


Musk is also chief of electric carmaker Tesla and space company SpaceX.


The restrictions are the latest in a series of changes made by Musk since he bought Twitter for $44 billion last year.


He also dismissed about 75 percent of the company's workforce soon after taking control.


He said the move was necessary to make Twitter more effective and increase profits.


When first announced, the changes caused up to 7,500 people to report problems using Twitter, the website Downdetector said.


That is a relatively small number considering the messaging service has more than 200 million users worldwide.


But the changes did result in the #TwitterDown showing up on social media in some parts of the world.


The higher limit for verified accounts is part of an $8-per-month subscription service Musk launched earlier this year.


Musk also sought to remove bans from some kinds of content that had been restricted on Twitter.


He said he was acting to protect the free speech of users.


However, some advertisers reduced their business with Twitter following the policy changes.


That meant a loss in earnings for the social media site.


The latest changes at Twitter came as Facebook owner Meta prepares to launch a new service that appears to be positioned to directly compete with Twitter.


That service, called Threads, is expected to begin service on Thursday.


A listing for Threads has appeared on Apple's App Store.


The listing describes the service as a "text-based conversation app" that is linked to Meta-owned Instagram.


Users of Instagram will be able to keep their user names and follow the same accounts on Threads, the App Store listing suggested.


Meta did not answer requests for comment about the new service.


Matt Navarra is a technology industry expert and advisor to social media companies.


He told The Associated Press he thinks the new Meta product is launching at the right time – when many Twitter users are not happy with Musk's continuing changes.


Navarra said Threads presents the chance for Twitter users "to jump to a platform that can give (users) many of the things that they want Twitter to continue to be," but that it no longer is.


I'm Bryan Lynn.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
measure ['meʒə]


n. 措施,办法,量度,尺寸
v. 测量,量

announced [ə'naunst]



restricted [ris'triktid]


vt. 限制,约束 adj. 受限制的,有限的,保密的

effective [i'fektiv]


adj. 有效的,有影响的

established [is'tæbliʃt]


adj. 已被确认的,确定的,建立的,制定的 动词est

compete [kəm'pi:t]


vi. 竞争,对抗,比赛

severe [si'viə]


adj. 剧烈的,严重的,严峻的,严厉的,严格的

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

collection [kə'lekʃən]


n. 收集,收取,聚集,收藏品,募捐





