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  • Forgive and forget, that may be out of the question for the White House after President Biden is reportedly prepping a backup plan with the expectation.
  • 据报道,拜登总统正在准备一项“备用计划”,因此,“既住不咎”对白宫来说是不可能的。
  • His 400 billion dollar student loan handout plan will get shot down later this month by the supreme court.
  • 他的4000亿美元助学贷款发放计划将在本月晚些时候被最高法院否决。
  • Here to react is Carrie Severino, president of JCN.
  • 下面是司法危机网络总裁凯莉·塞韦里诺的回应。
  • Carrie great to see you.
  • 凯莉,很高兴见到你。
  • So what do you expect it looks like the Biden administration is preparing for the supreme court to strike down the program.
  • 那么看来拜登政府正在为最高法院否决该项目做准备。
  • Is that what you expect from the supreme court.
  • 这是你对最高法院的期望吗。
  • I think that based on the arguments that seems likely.
  • 我认为基于这些论点,这似乎是可能的。
  • It was a clear majority of the justices who recognized this plan for what it is, a real power grab by the executive branch to try to just disburse money from the treasury without congress having allowed it to.
  • 绝大多数法官都认识到这个计划的本质,这是行政部门真正的权力攫取,试图在没有国会允许的情况下从财政部支出资金。
  • Now the congress did say in a state of emergency following 911 that you could try to make people whole by helping modify student debt terms in the wake of an emergency.
  • 即使国会确实说过在911之后的紧急状态下,可以试着通过辅助修改紧急情况后的学生债务条款来安抚人们。
  • But what they've done here is so much beyond, what that statute contemplated.
  • 但他们所做的远远超出了法令的规定。
  • At the time they argued it, they thought it was only going to cost 400 billion dollars now estimates are up to 100 trillion dollars now.
  • 在他们争论的时候,他们认为这只需要花费4000亿美元,而现在估计是100万亿美元。
  • Because people are going to behave logically and take out extra loans.
  • 因为如果人们的行为合乎逻辑,就会拿到额外的贷款。
  • I think the supreme court realizes that's not actually what the constitution allows.
  • 我认为最高法院意识到了这实际上是宪法所不允许的。
  • The only question in my mind is whether they'll say that these are the right people to bring the case, it's kind of an in the weeds issue, but whether the particular people bringing this case have standing or not.
  • 我脑子里唯一的问题是,他们是否会说这些人是提起诉讼的合适人选,这是一个悬而未决的问题,但提起诉讼的特定人群是否有诉讼资格呢。
  • Even if they don't, I think the plan itself is ultimately doomed legally one way or the other.
  • 即使他们不这样做,我认为在法律上该计划本身最终也会以某种方式失败。
  • Here's just a reminder, the student loan plan by President Biden suggests 43 million people are eligible up to 20 000 in debt relief 400 billion as you mentioned in total.
  • 提醒一下,拜登总统的学生贷款计划表明,4300万人有资格获得高达2万美元的债务减免,正如你提到的总额为4000亿美元。
  • Congress has the power of the purse, I guess the question is, you know, the question of one of emergency.
  • 国会有付钱的权力,我想问题是紧急情况的问题之一。
  • Can an executive do this in a moment of an emergency.
  • 行政机构在紧急情况下能做到这一点吗?
  • But they've already said the pandemic is over, right, they said that emergency is over so I've undercut their own argument.
  • 但是他们已经说新冠结束了,紧急情况也结束了,所以我削弱了他们自己的论点。
  • Yeah it's emergency when they want it to be and not when they don't, if they're talking about the border they say that's not an emergency.
  • 是的,当他们需要的时候是紧急情况,当他们不想的时候就不是紧急情况,如果谈论边境问题,他们会说这不是紧急情况。
  • If they're talking about student let debt relief, they're saying it is.
  • 如果他们说的是学生贷款减免,那就会是紧急情况。
  • But it also, you know, the statute says you can make people whole and this is something justice courses brought up on the arguments.
  • 但是,法规说可以使人全身而退,这是司法课程在辩论中提出的。
  • This is going way beyond making people whole, this is not just making up for, you know, the time it was hard to pay when everything was shut down.
  • 这不仅仅是为了让人们全身而退,不仅仅是为了弥补,当一切都停止运行时,人们很难支付这笔钱。
  • This is saying you get free rides here and that's something, you know, it's kind of telling the president was promising this, long before he decided to use Covid as his excuse.
  • 意思是你在这可以免费乘车这件事,是很重要的,这像是在告诉总统早在他决定用新冠作为借口之前就承诺过这一点。
  • So he wants to do this for a long time, it's not just about Covid.
  • 所以他早就想做这件事了,不仅仅是关于新冠。
  • All right, Carrie Severino, thank you so much, we'll be watching, thanks.
  • 好了,凯莉·塞韦里诺,非常感谢,我们会继续关注的,谢谢。


Forgive and forget, that may be out of the question for the White House after President Biden is reportedly prepping a backup plan with the expectation.


His 400 billion dollar student loan handout plan will get shot down later this month by the supreme court.


Here to react is Carrie Severino, president of JCN.


Carrie great to see you.


So what do you expect it looks like the Biden administration is preparing for the supreme court to strike down the program.


Is that what you expect from the supreme court.


I think that based on the arguments that seems likely.


It was a clear majority of the justices who recognized this plan for what it is, a real power grab by the executive branch to try to just disburse money from the treasury without congress having allowed it to.


Now the congress did say in a state of emergency following 911 that you could try to make people whole by helping modify student debt terms in the wake of an emergency.


But what they've done here is so much beyond, what that statute contemplated.


At the time they argued it, they thought it was only going to cost 400 billion dollars now estimates are up to 100 trillion dollars now.


Because people are going to behave logically and take out extra loans.


I think the supreme court realizes that's not actually what the constitution allows.


The only question in my mind is whether they'll say that these are the right people to bring the case, it's kind of an in the weeds issue, but whether the particular people bringing this case have standing or not.


Even if they don't, I think the plan itself is ultimately doomed legally one way or the other.


Here's just a reminder, the student loan plan by President Biden suggests 43 million people are eligible up to 20 000 in debt relief 400 billion as you mentioned in total.


Congress has the power of the purse, I guess the question is, you know, the question of one of emergency.


Can an executive do this in a moment of an emergency.


But they've already said the pandemic is over, right, they said that emergency is over so I've undercut their own argument.


Yeah it's emergency when they want it to be and not when they don't, if they're talking about the border they say that's not an emergency.


If they're talking about student let debt relief, they're saying it is.


But it also, you know, the statute says you can make people whole and this is something justice courses brought up on the arguments.


This is going way beyond making people whole, this is not just making up for, you know, the time it was hard to pay when everything was shut down.


This is saying you get free rides here and that's something, you know, it's kind of telling the president was promising this, long before he decided to use Covid as his excuse.


So he wants to do this for a long time, it's not just about Covid.


All right, Carrie Severino, thank you so much, we'll be watching, thanks.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
supreme [sju:'pri:m]


adj. 最高的,至上的,极度的

administration [ə'streiʃən]


n. 行政,管理,行政部门

pandemic [pæn'demik]


adj. 全国流行的 n. (全国或全世界范围流行的)疾

react [ri'ækt]


vt. 作出反应
vi. 起反应,起作用,反攻

promising ['prɔmisiŋ]


adj. 有希望的,有前途的

ultimately ['ʌltimitli]


adv. 最后,最终

statute ['stætju:t]


n. 法令,法规

branch [brɑ:ntʃ]


n. 分支,树枝,分店,分部
v. 分支,分岔

logically ['lɔdʒikli]


adv. 符合逻辑地,逻辑上地

particular [pə'tikjulə]


adj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的





