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  • All right, our corrupt Justice Department doesn't just launch investigations into their political enemies, they actively protect their political friends.
  • 好吧,我们腐败的司法部不仅调查他们的政敌,还积极保护他们的政治朋友。
  • While the rest of the world on Monday was paying attention to the Durham report, an IRS whistleblower investigating Hunter Biden told congress that he and his quote entire investigation team were removed from their open investigation into Hunter's taxes.
  • 周一,当全世界都在关注达勒姆的报告时,一名调查亨特·拜登的国税局举报人告诉国会,他和整个调查小组都从对亨特税收的公开调查中被除名了。
  • The whistleblowers lawyers insist the DOJ's actions are retaliatory against their client and may violate federal law in other words.
  • 举报人的律师坚称,司法部的行动是对他们当事人的报复,换句话说,可能违反了联邦法律。
  • The department of justice is punishing a government employee for investigating the president's son and doing it while we were all distracted with the Durham report.
  • 司法部因一名政府雇员调查总统的儿子惩罚了他,而我们都被达勒姆的报告分散了注意力。
  • New York post columnist Miranda Devine is the author of the Laptop from Hell and she joins us now.
  • 《纽约邮报》专栏作家米兰达·迪瓦恩是《来自地狱的笔记本电脑》一书的作者,她现在将加入我们。
  • Miranda, I thought there was a protection for whistleblowers.
  • 米兰达,我以为对告密者是有保护的。
  • Well clearly not, and we've seen this over and over with other whistleblowers from the FBI, people like Steve Friend who basically suffer greatly from trying to be honest and trying to bring some accountability to these agencies.
  • 显然不是这样的,我们已经从联邦调查局的其他举报人那里一次又一次地看到了这一点,像史蒂夫·弗兰德这样的人基本上因为诚实而遭受了巨大的痛苦,并给这些机构带来一些责任。
  • But look, I think this is worse than retaliation against a whistleblower.
  • 但我认为这比报复举报人更糟糕。
  • This is obstruction of justice, this is the Department of Justice intervening in a very sensitive case, being Hunter Biden, the tax case against Hunter Biden, the son of the president.
  • 这是妨碍司法公正,司法部干预了一个非常敏感的案件,即亨特·拜登,针对总统之子亨特·拜登的税务案件。
  • And we have been told for nine on three years that this Department of Justice was so honorable and Merrick Garland was so perfect that this was going to be an arm’s length independent investigation and that Joe Biden prides himself on allowing it all to go the course without any interference.
  • 三年来,我们一直被告知司法部是如此可敬,梅里克·加兰是如此完美,这将是一项独立调查,乔·拜登凭借允许一切调查工作不受任何干扰,顺利开展而自豪。
  • Right.
  • 是的。
  • And that has been a complete lie, and what you've seen here is, as soon as there's a whistleblower that comes out of that investigation, the IRS whistleblower who has a tale to tell of interference by the department of justice when they try to charge Hunter Biden on these tax cases in the states in which they happened.
  • 这是一个彻头彻尾的谎言,你现在发现了,一旦调查中出现了举报人,当他们试图在这些税务案件发生的州起诉亨特·拜登时,国税局举报人就会遭到司法部的干预,。
  • Suddenly as soon as he gets immunity to be able to testify, Wushka comes in the Department of Justice and completely wipes out that investigation team.
  • 突然间,乌什卡刚获得了作证的豁免权,就进入了司法部,彻底除名了那个调查小组。
  • It's absolutely stunning, Miranda, it gives you a lack of faith, it makes you pessimistic that we will ever see any type of accountability, even on the smallest of charges.
  • 这太令人震惊了,米兰达,这让你失去了信心,让你悲观地认为我们永远不会看到任何形式的问责制,即使是最小的指控。
  • This isn't even what the story is about, not tax evasion, the story is about the corruption, the potential corruption of the President of the United States.
  • 这甚至不是这篇报道的主题,不是逃税,这篇报道是关于腐败,美国总统潜在的腐败。
  • And we can't even get accountability on the smallest of charges.
  • 我们甚至连最微不足道的指控都做不到问责。
  • Miranda Devine, always great to see you.
  • 米兰达·迪瓦恩,很高兴见到你。


All right, our corrupt Justice Department doesn't just launch investigations into their political enemies, they actively protect their political friends.


While the rest of the world on Monday was paying attention to the Durham report, an IRS whistleblower investigating Hunter Biden told congress that he and his quote entire investigation team were removed from their open investigation into Hunter's taxes.


The whistleblowers lawyers insist the DOJ's actions are retaliatory against their client and may violate federal law in other words.


The department of justice is punishing a government employee for investigating the president's son and doing it while we were all distracted with the Durham report.


New York post columnist Miranda Devine is the author of the Laptop from Hell and she joins us now.


Miranda, I thought there was a protection for whistleblowers.


Well clearly not, and we've seen this over and over with other whistleblowers from the FBI, people like Steve Friend who basically suffer greatly from trying to be honest and trying to bring some accountability to these agencies.


But look, I think this is worse than retaliation against a whistleblower.


This is obstruction of justice, this is the Department of Justice intervening in a very sensitive case, being Hunter Biden, the tax case against Hunter Biden, the son of the president.


And we have been told for nine on three years that this Department of Justice was so honorable and Merrick Garland was so perfect that this was going to be an arms length independent investigation and that Joe Biden prides himself on allowing it all to go the course without any interference.




And that has been a complete lie, and what you've seen here is, as soon as there's a whistleblower that comes out of that investigation, the IRS whistleblower who has a tale to tell of interference by the department of justice when they try to charge Hunter Biden on these tax cases in the states in which they happened.


Suddenly as soon as he gets immunity to be able to testify, Wushka comes in the Department of Justice and completely wipes out that investigation team.


It's absolutely stunning, Miranda, it gives you a lack of faith, it makes you pessimistic that we will ever see any type of accountability, even on the smallest of charges.


This isn't even what the story is about, not tax evasion, the story is about the corruption, the potential corruption of the President of the United States.


And we can't even get accountability on the smallest of charges.


Miranda Devine, always great to see you.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
hunter ['hʌntə]


n. 猎人,猎犬,猎马,搜寻者 Hunter: 亨特(姓

evasion [i'veiʒən]


n. 逃避,藉口,偷漏(税)

accountability [ə,kauntə'biləti]


n. 可说明性;有义务;有责任

obstruction [əb'strʌkʃən]


n. 障碍,妨碍,闭塞

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

employee [.emplɔi'i:]


n. 雇员

sensitive ['sensitiv]


adj. 敏感的,灵敏的,易受伤害的,感光的,善解人意的

immunity [i'mju:niti]


n. 免疫,免疫性,免除

violate ['vaiəleit]


vt. 违犯,亵渎,干扰,侵犯,强奸

honorable ['ɔnərəbl]


adj. 光荣的,可敬的,尊敬的





