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  • The American space agency NASA has chosen the astronaut crew that will carry out a planned test mission around the moon next year.
  • 美国航空航天局已经选定了将于明年执行一项计划中的绕月测试任务的宇航员。
  • The trip is part of NASA's Artemis program, which aims to land the next Americans on the moon.
  • 这次旅行是美国航空航天局阿尔忒弥斯计划的一部分,该计划旨在让下一批美国人登上月球。
  • Four astronauts will take part in the flight, which NASA is officially calling Artemis II.
  • 有四名宇航员参加这次飞行,美国航空航天局正式称这次飞行为阿尔忒弥斯2号。
  • Artemis II, planned for late 2024, will send the astronauts on NASA's Orion spacecraft on a 10-day trip around the moon.
  • 计划于2024年底发射的“阿尔忒弥斯2号”将会让宇航员乘坐美国航空航天局的猎户座飞船绕月飞行10天。
  • The aim of the mission is to test all Orion's systems with human astronauts in place.
  • 这项任务的目的是在有人类宇航员的情况下测试猎户座飞船的所有系统。
  • Last December, Orion completed another test flight with no astronauts on board.
  • 去年12月,猎户座飞船完成了另一次没有宇航员的试飞。
  • During that test mission, called Artemis I, the spacecraft traveled more than 2.2 million kilometers around the moon and back.
  • 在那次名为“阿尔忒弥斯1号”的测试任务中,飞船绕月飞行了220多万公里。
  • After the flight, NASA reported the Orion spacecraft had performed above the agency's expectations.
  • 飞行结束后,美国航空航天局报告说,猎户座飞船的表现超出了该机构的预期。
  • If Artemis II is successful, a third mission, Artemis III, will be launched aiming to land astronauts on the surface of the moon.
  • 如果“阿尔忒弥斯2号”成功,第三次任务“阿尔忒弥斯3号”将发射,目标是将宇航员送上月球表面。
  • That effort – which NASA has said will include the first woman and person of color – is expected to take place in the coming years.
  • 美国航空航天局曾表示,这一计划将包括第一名女性和有色人种,预计将会在未来几年进行。
  • It would be the first moon landing by astronauts since NASA's Apollo 17 mission in 1972.
  • 这将会是自1972年美国航空航天局阿波罗17号任务以来,宇航员首次登月。
  • In announcing its choices for Artemis II, NASA named the first woman and first African American to be included on a lunar mission.
  • 在宣布“阿尔忒弥斯2号”的人选时,美国航空航天局任命了第一位参加登月任务的女性和第一位非裔美国人。
  • One of the astronauts is Christina Koch, who will serve as Mission Specialist 1.
  • 克里斯蒂娜·科赫是其中一名宇航员,她将担任1号任务专家。
  • She is a 44-year-old engineer who holds the record for the longest continuous spaceflight by a woman.
  • 她是一名44岁的工程师,保持着女性连续太空飞行时间最长的纪录。
  • She also took part in NASA's first three all-female spacewalks.
  • 她还参加了美国航空航天局的前三次全女性太空行走。
  • Koch will be joined by Victor Glover.
  • 维克托·格洛夫将加入科赫的行列。
  • He is a 46-year-old U.S. Navy pilot who has carried out four spacewalks.
  • 他是一名46岁的美国海军飞行员,已经进行了四次太空行走。
  • Glover, who will serve as the mission's pilot, will be the first Black astronaut ever chosen for a moon mission.
  • 格洛夫将担任此次任务的飞行员,他将成为有史以来第一位被选中执行月球任务的黑人宇航员。
  • Also, part of the crew will be 47-year-old Jeremy Hansen, a colonel in the Royal Canadian Air Force, who will serve as Mission Specialist 2.
  • 此外,47岁的加拿大皇家空军上校杰里米·汉森将担任2号任务专家。
  • Former U.S. Navy fighter pilot Reid Wiseman, also 47, will serve on Artemis II as the mission commander.
  • 同样47岁的前美国海军战斗机飞行员里德·怀斯曼将在“阿尔忒弥斯2号”任务中担任指挥官。
  • "The Artemis II crew represents thousands of people working tirelessly to bring us to the stars," NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said in announcing the choices.
  • 美国航空航天局局长比尔·纳尔逊在宣布这些人选时表示:“‘阿尔忒弥斯2号’机组人员代表了成千上万不知疲倦地工作的人,他们将把我们带上太空。”
  • "This is humanity's crew," he added.
  • “这是人类的宇航员,”他补充道。
  • Koch said to cheers from the crowd, "Am I excited? Absolutely. But my real question is: 'Are you excited?'" she added.
  • 科赫在人群的欢呼声中说:“我兴奋吗?绝对兴奋。但我真正的问题是:‘你兴奋吗?’”她补充说。
  • The Canadian Space Agency got a seat on the flight because of its work with NASA on developing robotic arms and space station equipment.
  • 加拿大航天局在这次飞行任务中获得了一席之地,因为它与美国航空航天局合作开发了机械臂和空间站设备。
  • Hansen said he is thankful Canada is going to be part of the mission.
  • 汉森说,他对加拿大将参与这项任务表示感谢。
  • "We are going to the moon together. Let's go!" he said.
  • “我们要一起去月球,我们走吧!”他说。
  • Artemis II is expected to reach a point more than 370,000 kilometers away from Earth.
  • “阿尔忒弥斯2号”预计将到达距离地球超过37万公里的地方。
  • The traditional low-Earth orbit of the International Space Station is about 400 kilometers above Earth's surface.
  • 传统的国际空间站近地轨道位于地球表面上方约400公里处。
  • I'm Bryan Lynn.
  • 布莱恩·林恩为您播报。


The American space agency NASA has chosen the astronaut crew that will carry out a planned test mission around the moon next year.


The trip is part of NASA's Artemis program, which aims to land the next Americans on the moon.


Four astronauts will take part in the flight, which NASA is officially calling Artemis II.


Artemis II, planned for late 2024, will send the astronauts on NASA's Orion spacecraft on a 10-day trip around the moon.


The aim of the mission is to test all Orion's systems with human astronauts in place.


Last December, Orion completed another test flight with no astronauts on board.


During that test mission, called Artemis I, the spacecraft traveled more than 2.2 million kilometers around the moon and back.


After the flight, NASA reported the Orion spacecraft had performed above the agency's expectations.


If Artemis II is successful, a third mission, Artemis III, will be launched aiming to land astronauts on the surface of the moon.


That effort – which NASA has said will include the first woman and person of color – is expected to take place in the coming years.


It would be the first moon landing by astronauts since NASA's Apollo 17 mission in 1972.


In announcing its choices for Artemis II, NASA named the first woman and first African American to be included on a lunar mission.


One of the astronauts is Christina Koch, who will serve as Mission Specialist 1.


She is a 44-year-old engineer who holds the record for the longest continuous spaceflight by a woman.


She also took part in NASA's first three all-female spacewalks.


Koch will be joined by Victor Glover.


He is a 46-year-old U.S. Navy pilot who has carried out four spacewalks.


Glover, who will serve as the mission's pilot, will be the first Black astronaut ever chosen for a moon mission.


Also, part of the crew will be 47-year-old Jeremy Hansen, a colonel in the Royal Canadian Air Force, who will serve as Mission Specialist 2.


Former U.S. Navy fighter pilot Reid Wiseman, also 47, will serve on Artemis II as the mission commander.


"The Artemis II crew represents thousands of people working tirelessly to bring us to the stars," NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said in announcing the choices.


"This is humanity's crew," he added.


Koch said to cheers from the crowd, "Am I excited? Absolutely. But my real question is: 'Are you excited?'" she added.


The Canadian Space Agency got a seat on the flight because of its work with NASA on developing robotic arms and space station equipment.


Hansen said he is thankful Canada is going to be part of the mission.


"We are going to the moon together. Let's go!" he said.


Artemis II is expected to reach a point more than 370,000 kilometers away from Earth.


The traditional low-Earth orbit of the International Space Station is about 400 kilometers above Earth's surface.


I'm Bryan Lynn.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
continuous [kən'tinjuəs]


adj. 连续的,继续的,连绵不断的

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

victor ['viktə]


n. 胜利者 Victor: 维克托(男子名)

crew [kru:]


n. 全体船员,全体乘务员,(一组)工作人员

traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

pilot ['pailət]


n. 飞行员,领航员,引航员
vt. 领航,驾

humanity [hju:'mæniti]


n. 人类,人性,人道,慈爱,(复)人文学科

administrator [əd'ministreitə]


n. 管理人,行政官

flight [flait]


n. 飞行,航班
n. 奇思妙想,一段楼

commander [kə'mɑ:ndə]


n. 司令官,指挥官





