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  • Food prices around the world increased when Russia invaded Ukraine last year partly because Ukraine is a big grain exporter.
  • 去年俄罗斯入侵乌克兰时,世界各地的食品价格上涨,部分原因是乌克兰是一个粮食出口大国。
  • Ukrainian farmers left their fields to either fight in the war or go to safer places.
  • 乌克兰农民离开他们的田地,要么参战,要么去更安全的地方。
  • In many places, food production stopped.
  • 在许多地方,粮食生产停止了。
  • Before the war, Ukraine was the fourth-largest corn exporter and fifth largest wheat exporter.
  • 战前,乌克兰是全球第四大玉米出口国和第五大小麦出口国。
  • Much of the grain went to poor countries in Africa and the Middle East.
  • 大部分粮食都运往非洲和中东的贫穷国家。
  • But grain production will take years to get back to normal once the war ends.
  • 但一旦战争结束,粮食生产将需要数年时间才能恢复正常。
  • Experts say it might take decades.
  • 专家表示,这可能需要几十年的时间。
  • More than 20 experts told the Reuters news agency that it would take years to fix the damage to the place once called "Europe's breadbasket."
  • 20多名专家告诉路透社,这个曾经被称为“欧洲粮仓”的地方需要数年时间才能修复损失。
  • Andrii Povod is one of the Ukrainian farmers who stopped working when the war started.
  • 安德烈·波沃德是战争开始时停止工作的乌克兰农民之一。
  • When the army recaptured Kherson in November, he returned to his land.
  • 当军队在11月重新夺回赫尔松州时,他回到了自己的土地上。
  • He found everything in ruins.
  • 他发现一切都变成了废墟。
  • Two tractors were gone.
  • 两辆拖拉机不见了。
  • Most of the wheat was missing.
  • 大部分小麦都不见了。
  • All 11 buildings used to store crops and machinery were destroyed.
  • 用于储存农作物和机器的11座建筑物全部都被毁。
  • "For our region, it's a very big problem. This good soil, we cannot reproduce it," he said.
  • 他说:“对我们这个地区来说,这是一个非常大的问题。我们无法再造这么肥沃的土壤”。
  • Scientists who study soil and agriculture in Ukraine have said at least 10.5 million hectares of farmland has been damaged by the war.
  • 研究乌克兰土壤和农业的科学家表示,至少有1050万公顷的农田在战争中被破坏。
  • That is 25 percent of Ukraine's farmland.
  • 这相当于乌克兰农田总面积的25%。
  • Tanks rolling over the land have compressed the soil, the scientists said.
  • 科学家表示,坦克在地面上滚动,压缩了土壤。
  • Shelling has hurt the small organisms that enrich the soil.
  • 炮击伤害了肥沃土壤的小微生物。
  • And mining, digging and explosions might have destroyed some farmland completely.
  • 埋雷、挖掘和爆炸可能会彻底摧毁一些农田。
  • Sviatoslav Baliuk is the head of the Ukrainian Soil Institute.
  • 斯维亚托斯拉夫·巴利克是乌克兰土壤研究所的负责人。
  • He said the war could reduce Ukraine's production by 10 to 20 million tons.
  • 他表示,战争可能会使乌克兰的粮食产量减少1000万吨到2000万吨。
  • Ukraine's agriculture ministry chose not to comment to Reuters about long-term soil damage and harm to the farming.
  • 乌克兰农业部没有就长期的土壤破坏和对农业造成的损害向路透社发表评论。
  • Beyond the fields and soil, Povod and many other farmers lost equipment and storage buildings that will be costly to replace.
  • 除了田地和土壤,波沃德和其他许多农民还失去了设备和仓库,而更换这些设备和仓库的成本将很高。
  • Andriy Vadaturskyi is the head one of Ukraine's largest grain producers.
  • 安德烈·瓦达图尔斯基是乌克兰最大的谷物生产商之一的负责人。
  • He said farmers need financial help.
  • 他说,农民需要财政援助。
  • Today, he noted, there is a problem of high prices, but there is food ready to ship out of Ukraine's ports on the Black Sea.
  • 他指出,目前存在食品价格高企的问题,但乌克兰在黑海港口有随时可以运出的食品。
  • He said in one year, the situation could be much worse.
  • 他说,一年后,情况可能会更糟。
  • There could be "a shortage of food."
  • 可能会出现“食物短缺”。
  • A working group of scientists created by the Ukrainian government estimated it would take $15 billion to remove the mines and make the soil healthy again.
  • 乌克兰政府成立的一个科学家工作组估计,清除地雷并使土壤恢复健康需要150亿美元。
  • Baliuk said it could be done in three years or in 200 years depending on how badly the soil is damaged.
  • 巴利克说,根据土壤破坏的严重程度,这可能在三年内完成,也可能在200年内完成。
  • Joseph Hupy studies soil and land at Purdue University in the U.S. state of Indiana.
  • 约瑟夫·胡皮在美国印第安纳州普渡大学研究土壤和土地。
  • He has written about the effects of war on farmland.
  • 他曾写过有关战争对农田的影响的文章。
  • He told Reuters that some land in Ukraine might have been changed so much from explosions that it cannot be farmed again.
  • 他告诉路透社,乌克兰的一些土地可能因为爆炸而发生了巨大变化,以致于无法再耕种。
  • Naomi Rintoul-Hynes studies soil at Canterbury Christ Church University in Britain.
  • 娜奥米·林图尔·海因斯在英国坎特伯雷大学研究土壤。
  • She said that the lead from ammunition can contaminate the soil so much that plants grown there can be harmful for humans.
  • 她说,弹药中的铅会严重污染土壤,以致于在那里生长的植物可能会对人类有害。
  • The problems do not end with the soil, mines and other land damage.
  • 这些问题不仅限于土壤、矿山和其他土地破坏。
  • The war destroyed roads and railways that get crops to market.
  • 战争摧毁了将农作物运往市场的公路和铁路。
  • The Kyiv School of Economics said in October that it might cost more than $35 billion to rebuild roads and other transportation lines.
  • 基辅经济学院在10月份表示,重建道路和其他交通线路可能需要超过350亿美元。
  • Caitlin Welsh studies food security at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.
  • 凯特琳·威尔士在华盛顿特区的战略与国际问题研究中心研究粮食安全问题。
  • She said people think once the war is over, food production will restart.
  • 她说,人们认为一旦战争结束,粮食生产就会重新开始。
  • "With Ukraine, just repairing the infrastructure is going to take a really long time," Welsh said.
  • 威尔士说:“在乌克兰,光是修复基础设施就需要很长时间”。
  • In addition, some of the farmers are running out of money.
  • 此外,一些农民的钱快花光了。
  • Dmitry Skornyakov, leads HarvEast, a Ukrainian farming company.
  • 德米特里·斯科尔尼亚科夫是乌克兰农业公司HarvEast的负责人。
  • He said farmers have enough money right now, because they had a good year just before the war started.
  • 他说,农民现在有足够的钱,因为他们在战争开始的前一年收成很好。
  • However, he said, half the farmers will have serious financial problems if the war goes into 2024.
  • 然而,他说,如果战争持续到2024年,一半的农民将会面临严重的经济问题。
  • "The future," he said, "is from grey to dark at the moment."
  • “未来,”他说,“目前是从灰色走向黑暗。”
  • I'm Dan Friedell. And I'm Caty Weaver.
  • 丹·弗里德尔、凯蒂·韦弗为您共同播报。


Food prices around the world increased when Russia invaded Ukraine last year partly because Ukraine is a big grain exporter.


Ukrainian farmers left their fields to either fight in the war or go to safer places.


In many places, food production stopped.


Before the war, Ukraine was the fourth-largest corn exporter and fifth largest wheat exporter.


Much of the grain went to poor countries in Africa and the Middle East.


But grain production will take years to get back to normal once the war ends.


Experts say it might take decades.


More than 20 experts told the Reuters news agency that it would take years to fix the damage to the place once called "Europe's breadbasket."


Andrii Povod is one of the Ukrainian farmers who stopped working when the war started.


When the army recaptured Kherson in November, he returned to his land.


He found everything in ruins.


Two tractors were gone.


Most of the wheat was missing.


All 11 buildings used to store crops and machinery were destroyed.


"For our region, it's a very big problem. This good soil, we cannot reproduce it," he said.


Scientists who study soil and agriculture in Ukraine have said at least 10.5 million hectares of farmland has been damaged by the war.


That is 25 percent of Ukraine's farmland.


Tanks rolling over the land have compressed the soil, the scientists said.


Shelling has hurt the small organisms that enrich the soil.


And mining, digging and explosions might have destroyed some farmland completely.


Sviatoslav Baliuk is the head of the Ukrainian Soil Institute.


He said the war could reduce Ukraine's production by 10 to 20 million tons.


Ukraine's agriculture ministry chose not to comment to Reuters about long-term soil damage and harm to the farming.


Beyond the fields and soil, Povod and many other farmers lost equipment and storage buildings that will be costly to replace.


Andriy Vadaturskyi is the head one of Ukraine's largest grain producers.


He said farmers need financial help.


Today, he noted, there is a problem of high prices, but there is food ready to ship out of Ukraine's ports on the Black Sea.


He said in one year, the situation could be much worse.


There could be "a shortage of food."


A working group of scientists created by the Ukrainian government estimated it would take $15 billion to remove the mines and make the soil healthy again.


Baliuk said it could be done in three years or in 200 years depending on how badly the soil is damaged.


Joseph Hupy studies soil and land at Purdue University in the U.S. state of Indiana.


He has written about the effects of war on farmland.


He told Reuters that some land in Ukraine might have been changed so much from explosions that it cannot be farmed again.


Naomi Rintoul-Hynes studies soil at Canterbury Christ Church University in Britain.


She said that the lead from ammunition can contaminate the soil so much that plants grown there can be harmful for humans.


The problems do not end with the soil, mines and other land damage.


The war destroyed roads and railways that get crops to market.


The Kyiv School of Economics said in October that it might cost more than $35 billion to rebuild roads and other transportation lines.


Caitlin Welsh studies food security at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.


She said people think once the war is over, food production will restart.


"With Ukraine, just repairing the infrastructure is going to take a really long time," Welsh said.


In addition, some of the farmers are running out of money.


Dmitry Skornyakov, leads HarvEast, a Ukrainian farming company.


He said farmers have enough money right now, because they had a good year just before the war started.


However, he said, half the farmers will have serious financial problems if the war goes into 2024.


"The future," he said, "is from grey to dark at the moment."


I'm Dan Friedell. And I'm Caty Weaver.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
weaver ['wi:və]


n. 织布者,织工

institute ['institju:t]


n. 学会,学院,协会
vt. 创立,开始,制

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

machinery [mə'ʃi:nəri]


n. (总称)机器,机械

remove [ri'mu:v]


v. 消除,除去,脱掉,搬迁
n. 去除

corn [kɔ:n]


n. 谷物,小麦,玉米
v. 形成(颗粒状),

strategic [strə'ti:dʒik]


adj. 战略的,重要的,基本的

addition [ə'diʃən]


n. 增加,附加物,加法

storage ['stɔridʒ]


n. 贮藏,存储,保管,保管费,仓库,[计]存储器

comment ['kɔment]


n. 注释,评论; 闲话
v. 注释,评论





