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  • Three people said Vietnam is preparing new rules to limit which social media accounts can publish news-related information.
  • 三名知情人士表示,越南正准备制定新规定,限制哪些社交媒体账户可以发布与新闻相关的信息。
  • Officials in the Southeast Asian country are aiming to take more control over news and information.
  • 这个东南亚国家的官员旨在加强对新闻和信息的控制。
  • Reuters news agency reports that the rules might be announced by the end of the year but details have not been finished.
  • 据路透社报道,这些规定可能会在今年年底前公布,但细节尚未敲定。
  • The rules would establish a legal basis for controlling the spread of news on services like Facebook and YouTube.
  • 这些规定将为控制脸书和YouTube等网站上的新闻传播奠定法律基础。
  • At the same time, two of the people Reuters spoke to added that the rules will place a notable amount of responsibility on the social media services to control their information.
  • 与此同时,路透社采访的两名知情人士还说,这些规定将会让社交媒体服务公司承担相当大的责任,以控制他们的信息。
  • The people who were the sources of the report asked to not be named because the discussions remain secret.
  • 为该报道透漏消息的人要求匿名,因为该讨论内容仍是机密。
  • Vietnam’s Ministry of Information and Communications and Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not answer requests for comment.
  • 越南信息通信部和外交部没有回复记者的置评请求。
  • One source said, “The government wants to fix what it sees as the 'news-lisation' of social media.”
  • 一位消息人士称,“政府想要解决它所认为的社交媒体的‘新闻化’问题。”
  • "News-lisation," or “báo hoá” in Vietnamese, is a term used by the officials to describe the misleading of users into thinking that social media accounts are official news sources.
  • “新闻化”,即越南语“báo hoá”,是官方使用的一个术语,用来描述误导用户认为社交媒体账户是官方新闻来源的行为。
  • The sources said government officials have been holding secret meetings with popular social media and internet firms.
  • 消息人士称,政府官员一直在与受欢迎的社交媒体和互联网公司举行秘密会议。
  • The meetings are to discuss with the companies on which kinds of accounts will be permitted to post news under the new rules.
  • 举行这些会议的目的是与这些公司讨论,根据新规定,哪些类型的账户将会被允许发布新闻。
  • The sources said officials would be able to order social media companies to ban accounts that break those rules.
  • 消息人士称,官员们将有权命令社交媒体公司封杀违反这些规定的账户。
  • Vietnam’s ruling Communist Party already highly censors media and permits little dissent.
  • 越南执政的共产党已经对媒体进行了严格的审查,几乎不允许有异议。
  • And the country has one of the world’s most severe policing of online behavior, including guidelines on how to act on social media.
  • 该国是世界上对网络行为监管最严格的国家之一,其中包括社交媒体上的行为准则。
  • Two sources with direct knowledge told Reuters that more rules on internet and social media websites would be introduced in late 2022 to early 2023.
  • 两名知情人士告诉路透社,更多关于互联网和社交媒体网站的规定将在2022年底至2023年初出台。
  • Young Vietnamese increasingly turn to social media for information.
  • 越南年轻人越来越多地从社交媒体上获取信息。
  • But websites have become the target of government efforts to restrict the flow of news from unofficial sources.
  • 但网站已经成为政府限制非官方新闻来源的目标。
  • Vietnam is a top-10 market for the social media site Facebook with 60 million to 70 million users, information from 2021 says.
  • 根据2021年的信息,越南是社交媒体网站脸书的前十大市场,拥有6000万到7000万用户。
  • Sources with information on the social media site said Vietnam produces about $1 billion in yearly revenue for the company.
  • 该社交媒体网站的消息人士称,越南为该公司创造了约10亿美元的年收入。
  • 2021 government estimates for social media sites show that YouTube has 60 million users in Vietnam and TikTok has 20 million.
  • 2021年,越南政府对社交媒体网站的估值显示,YouTube在越南有6000万用户,TikTok有2000万用户。
  • Twitter has smaller numbers.
  • 推特的用户较少。
  • Meta, the owner of Facebook, and Twitter did not comment.
  • 脸书的所有者Meta和推特均未予置评。
  • Alphabet, the owner of Google and Youtube, did not answer requests for comment.
  • 谷歌和Youtube的所有者Alphabet没有回复记者的置评请求。
  • TikTok said in a statement that it deals with violations based on law and its guidelines.
  • TikTok在一份声明中表示,它会根据法律和指导方针处理违规行为。
  • But it did not comment on the possible upcoming Vietnam regulations.
  • 但它没有对可能即将出台的越南法规发表评论。
  • The Vietnamese government had begun following a set of non-binding guidelines on what it considers a news service to be.
  • 越南政府已经开始遵循一套有关新闻服务的不具约束力的指导方针。
  • They included guidelines to tell the difference between “real” and “fake” news.
  • 其中包括区分“真实”和“虚假”新闻的指导方针。
  • The government warned that some social media sites included accounts that mislead users into thinking they are newspapers.
  • 越南政府警告称,一些社交媒体网站包含误导用户以为其是报纸的账号。
  • Those guidelines are expected to be included into the new rules, which will be binding.
  • 这些指导方针预计将被纳入具有约束力的新规定。
  • Sources told Reuters that the officials are also expected to create new rules that would require social media sites to immediately take down information considered harmful to national security.
  • 消息人士告诉路透社,官员们预计还将制定新规定,要求社交媒体网站立即删除被认为对国家安全有害的信息。
  • They would have to remove the illegal content within 24 hours.
  • 他们必须在24小时内删除非法内容。
  • The release of the new rules had been planned for July.
  • 新规定原计划在7月发布。
  • Sources told Reuters in April that the new rules showed the government’s dissatisfaction with social media sites’ ability to remove material considered unacceptable.
  • 4月,消息人士告诉路透社,新规定表明越南政府对社交媒体网站删除被认为不可接受的内容的能力感到不满。
  • The new rules will be carried out through amendments to the country’s main internet law.
  • 新规定将通过修改该国主要的互联网法来实施。
  • Vietnam in August also created new rules that will come into effect from October that will require technology companies to store users’ data locally and to set up local offices.
  • 越南在8月还制定了将于10月生效的新规定,该规定要求科技公司将用户数据存储在本地,并在当地设立办事处。
  • I’m Gregory Stachel.
  • 格雷戈里·施塔赫尔为您播报。


Three people said Vietnam is preparing new rules to limit which social media accounts can publish news-related information.


Officials in the Southeast Asian country are aiming to take more control over news and information.


Reuters news agency reports that the rules might be announced by the end of the year but details have not been finished.


The rules would establish a legal basis for controlling the spread of news on services like Facebook and YouTube.


At the same time, two of the people Reuters spoke to added that the rules will place a notable amount of responsibility on the social media services to control their information.


The people who were the sources of the report asked to not be named because the discussions remain secret.


Vietnam’s Ministry of Information and Communications and Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not answer requests for comment.


One source said, “The government wants to fix what it sees as the 'news-lisation' of social media.”


"News-lisation," or “báo hoá” in Vietnamese, is a term used by the officials to describe the misleading of users into thinking that social media accounts are official news sources.

“新闻化”,即越南语“báo hoá”,是官方使用的一个术语,用来描述误导用户认为社交媒体账户是官方新闻来源的行为。

The sources said government officials have been holding secret meetings with popular social media and internet firms.


The meetings are to discuss with the companies on which kinds of accounts will be permitted to post news under the new rules.


The sources said officials would be able to order social media companies to ban accounts that break those rules.


Vietnam’s ruling Communist Party already highly censors media and permits little dissent.


And the country has one of the world’s most severe policing of online behavior, including guidelines on how to act on social media.


Two sources with direct knowledge told Reuters that more rules on internet and social media websites would be introduced in late 2022 to early 2023.


Young Vietnamese increasingly turn to social media for information.


But websites have become the target of government efforts to restrict the flow of news from unofficial sources.


Vietnam is a top-10 market for the social media site Facebook with 60 million to 70 million users, information from 2021 says.


Sources with information on the social media site said Vietnam produces about $1 billion in yearly revenue for the company.


2021 government estimates for social media sites show that YouTube has 60 million users in Vietnam and TikTok has 20 million.


Twitter has smaller numbers.


Meta, the owner of Facebook, and Twitter did not comment.


Alphabet, the owner of Google and Youtube, did not answer requests for comment.


TikTok said in a statement that it deals with violations based on law and its guidelines.


But it did not comment on the possible upcoming Vietnam regulations.


The Vietnamese government had begun following a set of non-binding guidelines on what it considers a news service to be.


They included guidelines to tell the difference between “real” and “fake” news.


The government warned that some social media sites included accounts that mislead users into thinking they are newspapers.


Those guidelines are expected to be included into the new rules, which will be binding.


Sources told Reuters that the officials are also expected to create new rules that would require social media sites to immediately take down information considered harmful to national security.


They would have to remove the illegal content within 24 hours.


The release of the new rules had been planned for July.


Sources told Reuters in April that the new rules showed the government’s dissatisfaction with social media sites’ ability to remove material considered unacceptable.


The new rules will be carried out through amendments to the country’s main internet law.


Vietnam in August also created new rules that will come into effect from October that will require technology companies to store users’ data locally and to set up local offices.


I’m Gregory Stachel.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
restrict [ri'strikt]


vt. 限制,约束

source [sɔ:s]


n. 发源地,来源,原始资料

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

severe [si'viə]


adj. 剧烈的,严重的,严峻的,严厉的,严格的

comment ['kɔment]


n. 注释,评论; 闲话
v. 注释,评论

illegal [i'li:gəl]


adj. 不合法的,非法的
n. 非法移民



adj. 被允许的 v. 允许(permit的过去分词)

dissent [di'sent]


n. 异议 v. 持异议

release [ri'li:s]


n. 释放,让渡,发行
vt. 释放,让与,准

alphabet ['ælfəbit]


n. 字母表,基本原理(元素),符号系统





