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来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • World-famous music and movie star Olivia Newton-John has died at her home in southern California.
  • 世界著名音乐和电影明星奥莉维亚·纽顿-约翰在南加州的家中去世。
  • Her husband John Easterling appealed to the public in a message on Instagram and Facebook.
  • 她的丈夫约翰·伊斯特林在照片墙和脸书上发表声明告知公众这一消息。
  • “We ask that everyone please respect the family’s privacy during this very difficult time,” he wrote.
  • 他写道:“在这个非常困难的时期,我们请求大家尊重家人的隐私。”
  • The highly awarded Newton-John sold more than 100 million record albums during her career.
  • 获得最高奖项的纽顿-约翰在她的职业生涯中售出了超过1亿张唱片专辑。
  • From 1973-1983, she was among the world’s most popular entertainers.
  • 从1973年到1983年,她是世界上最受欢迎的艺人之一。
  • She had 14 top 10 singles in the United States alone and won four Grammys.
  • 仅在美国,她就有14首单曲进入前10名,并获得了4次格莱美奖。
  • Newton-John is perhaps most remembered for her performance in 1978’s wildly popular musical movie Grease.
  • 纽顿-约翰最令人难忘的可能是她在1978年广受欢迎的音乐电影《油脂》中的表演。
  • She stars as high school student Sandy, love interest of Danny, played by John Travolta.
  • 她饰演高中生桑迪,约翰·特拉沃尔塔饰演的丹尼的爱慕对象。
  • One song the two share in the film, You’re the One that I Want, sold more than 15 million copies.
  • 两人在这部电影中共同演唱的歌曲《You’re the One that I Want》销量超过1500万张。
  • “I was worried that at 29 I was too old to play a high school girl,” Newton-John told The Telegraph in 2017.
  • 2017年,纽顿-约翰在接受《每日电讯报》采访时说:“我担心29岁的我太老了,演不了高中女生。”
  • “Everything about making the film was fun, but if I had to pick a favorite moment, it was the transformation from what I call Sandy 1 to Sandy 2.
  • “拍这部电影的每一件事都很有趣,但如果非要我挑一个最喜欢的瞬间,那就是从我所谓的桑迪1到桑迪2的转变。
  • I got to play a different character and wear different clothes, and when I put on that tight black outfit to sing You’re the One That I Want, I got a very different reaction from the guys on the set.”
  • 我要扮演一个不同的角色,穿不同的衣服,当我穿上那件紧身黑色服装来演唱《You’re the One that I Want》时,我得到了与剧组截然不同的反应。”
  • Physical, Newton-John’s biggest single, came out in 1981.
  • 纽顿-约翰最热门的单曲《Physical》于1981年发行。
  • The energetic, sexy dance song was hugely popular, holding the number-one position on Billboard’s hit list for 10 weeks straight.
  • 这首充满活力、性感的舞曲大受欢迎,连续10周位居“公告牌”热门歌曲排行榜榜首。
  • Later, the music industry magazine named Physical the song of the year.
  • 后来,音乐行业杂志将《Physical》评为年度最佳歌曲。
  • A video linked to the song won a Grammy, as well.
  • 与这首歌相关的一段视频也获得了格莱美奖。
  • In later years of her career, Newton-John became more likely to make the news because of her private life.
  • 在她职业生涯的最后几年,由于她的私生活,纽顿-约翰更有可能成为新闻人物。
  • In 1992, she faced loss and sickness.
  • 1992年,她面临着失落和疾病。
  • Her father died and she was diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • 她的父亲去世了,她被诊断出患有乳腺癌。
  • Three years later, she and actor Matt Lattanzi, with whom she shared a daughter, ended their marriage.
  • 三年后,她和演员马特·拉坦齐离婚,两人育有一女。
  • And a years-long relationship with cameraman Patrick McDermott ended mysteriously, when he went missing during a 2005 fishing trip in California.
  • 2005年,摄影师帕特里克·麦克德莫特在加利福尼亚州钓鱼时失踪,她和他长达数年的恋情神秘结束。
  • “He was lost at sea, and nobody really knows what happened,” Newton-John told Australia’s 60 Minutes in 2016.
  • 2016年,纽顿-约翰在接受澳大利亚《60分钟》节目采访时说:“他在海上失踪了,没有人知道到底发生了什么。”
  • “It’s human to wonder. But you know, those are the things in life you have to accept and let go,” she said.
  • 她说:“好奇是人的本性。但你知道,这些都是生活中你必须接受和放手的东西。”
  • Newton-John also wrote a book, Gaia: One Woman’s Journey, about her battle with cancer and the loss of her father.
  • 纽顿-约翰还写了一本书,《盖亚:一个女人的旅程》,讲述了她与癌症的斗争和失去父亲的故事。
  • Newton-John married John Easterling in 2008.
  • 纽顿-约翰于2008年与约翰·伊斯特林结婚。
  • She became involved in several causes, serving as a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations Environment Program and as a national spokeswoman for the Children’s Health Environmental Coalition.
  • 她参与了多项事业,担任过联合国环境规划署的亲善大使和儿童健康环境联盟的全国发言人。
  • She also founded the Olivia Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Center in Melbourne, Australia.
  • 她还在澳大利亚墨尔本创立了奥莉维亚·纽顿-约翰癌症和健康中心。
  • Newton-John was born in Britain to Irene Born and Brin Newton-John.
  • 纽顿-约翰出生于英国,母亲是艾琳·玻恩,父亲是布林·纽顿-约翰。
  • Her mother’s father was Nobel Prize-winning physicist Max Born.
  • 她外祖父是诺贝尔奖获得者物理学家马克斯·玻恩。
  • The Newton-Johns moved to Australia when Olivia was 5, but she returned to England in her teens and lived with her mother after her parents separated.
  • 奥莉维亚5岁时,纽顿-约翰一家搬到了澳大利亚,但她在十几岁时回到了英国,在父母分居后与母亲住在一起。
  • She had early dreams of becoming an animal doctor.
  • 她很早曾梦想成为一名动物医生。
  • After winning singing competitions in high school, she decided on a career in music instead.
  • 但在高中赢得歌唱比赛后,她决定从事音乐事业。
  • I'm Caty Weaver.
  • 凯蒂·韦弗为您播报。


World-famous music and movie star Olivia Newton-John has died at her home in southern California.


Her husband John Easterling appealed to the public in a message on Instagram and Facebook.


We ask that everyone please respect the familys privacy during this very difficult time,” he wrote.


The highly awarded Newton-John sold more than 100 million record albums during her career.


From 1973-1983, she was among the worlds most popular entertainers.


She had 14 top 10 singles in the United States alone and won four Grammys.


Newton-John is perhaps most remembered for her performance in 1978’s wildly popular musical movie Grease.


She stars as high school student Sandy, love interest of Danny, played by John Travolta.


One song the two share in the film, Youre the One that I Want, sold more than 15 million copies.

两人在这部电影中共同演唱的歌曲《Youre the One that I Want》销量超过1500万张。

I was worried that at 29 I was too old to play a high school girl,” Newton-John told The Telegraph in 2017.


Everything about making the film was fun, but if I had to pick a favorite moment, it was the transformation from what I call Sandy 1 to Sandy 2.


I got to play a different character and wear different clothes, and when I put on that tight black outfit to sing Youre the One That I Want, I got a very different reaction from the guys on the set.”

我要扮演一个不同的角色,穿不同的衣服,当我穿上那件紧身黑色服装来演唱《Youre the One that I Want》时,我得到了与剧组截然不同的反应。”

Physical, Newton-Johns biggest single, came out in 1981.


The energetic, sexy dance song was hugely popular, holding the number-one position on Billboards hit list for 10 weeks straight.


Later, the music industry magazine named Physical the song of the year.


A video linked to the song won a Grammy, as well.


In later years of her career, Newton-John became more likely to make the news because of her private life.


In 1992, she faced loss and sickness.


Her father died and she was diagnosed with breast cancer.


Three years later, she and actor Matt Lattanzi, with whom she shared a daughter, ended their marriage.


And a years-long relationship with cameraman Patrick McDermott ended mysteriously, when he went missing during a 2005 fishing trip in California.


He was lost at sea, and nobody really knows what happened,” Newton-John told Australias 60 Minutes in 2016.


Its human to wonder. But you know, those are the things in life you have to accept and let go,” she said.


Newton-John also wrote a book, Gaia: One Womans Journey, about her battle with cancer and the loss of her father.


Newton-John married John Easterling in 2008.


She became involved in several causes, serving as a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations Environment Program and as a national spokeswoman for the Childrens Health Environmental Coalition.


She also founded the Olivia Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Center in Melbourne, Australia.


Newton-John was born in Britain to Irene Born and Brin Newton-John.


Her mothers father was Nobel Prize-winning physicist Max Born.


The Newton-Johns moved to Australia when Olivia was 5, but she returned to England in her teens and lived with her mother after her parents separated.


She had early dreams of becoming an animal doctor.


After winning singing competitions in high school, she decided on a career in music instead.


I'm Caty Weaver.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
grease [gri:s]


n. 兽脂,油脂
vt. 用油脂涂,上油,促进

separated ['sepəreitid]


adj. 分居;分开的;不在一起生活的 v. 分开;隔开

energetic [.enə'dʒetik]


adj. 精力旺盛的,有力的,能量的

reaction [ri'ækʃən]


n. 反应,反作用力,化学反应

privacy ['praivəsi]


n. 隐私,隐居,秘密

performance [pə'fɔ:məns]


n. 表演,表现; 履行,实行
n. 性能,本

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

sandy ['sændi]


adj. 沙,含沙的,沙色的,不稳固的 Sandy n.

goodwill ['gud'wil]


n. 善意,亲切,友好; 商誉,信誉。

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟





