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来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • International refugee laws ban the return of people to countries where their lives may be in danger.
  • 国际难民法禁止将人遣返到他们可能会面临生命危险的国家。
  • But refugees, aid groups and Thai officials themselves say Thailand still sends thousands of people who fled violence by Myanmar's military back home.
  • 但难民、援助组织和泰国官员表示,泰国仍将数千名逃离缅甸军方暴力冲突的人遣送回国。
  • Since its takeover of the country last year, Myanmar's military has killed more than 1,700 people and arrested more than 13,000.
  • 自去年缅甸军方接管缅甸以来,其已经杀害了1700多人,逮捕了1.3万多人。
  • The military has also tortured children, women and men.
  • 缅甸军方还拷打儿童、妇女和男人。
  • The refugees are now unsure of their future.
  • 难民们现在对自己的未来充满了不确定。
  • Many live on both sides of the river dividing the two countries, as fighting continues in Myanmar.
  • 许多人生活在两国分界的河流两岸,因为缅甸的战斗仍在继续。
  • Hay is a young woman from Myanmar.
  • 海是一名来自缅甸的年轻女子。
  • She and her family now live in the tall grasses near the river on the Thai border.
  • 她和她的家人现在住在泰国边境河边的高高的草丛里。
  • Like thousands of others, Hay left her village for neighboring Thailand after the military's takeover.
  • 像其他成千上万的人一样,海在缅甸军方接管政府后离开了她的村庄,前往邻国泰国。
  • Returning to Myanmar would place her and her family at risk of death.
  • 被遣送回缅甸会让她和她的家人面临死亡的风险。
  • But that is what Thai officials tell them to do at least once a week, she told The Associated Press.
  • 她告诉美联社,但这是泰国官员告诉他们每周至少做一次的事情。
  • The Thai government does not want to hurt its relationship with Myanmar's ruling military.
  • 泰国政府不想损害其与执政的缅甸军方的关系。
  • "When they told us to go back, we cried and explained why we can't go back home," Hay said.
  • 海说:“当他们让我们回去时,我们哭着解释我们不能回家的原因。”
  • "Sometimes we cross back to the Myanmar side of the river. But I have not returned to the village at all."
  • “有时我们会穿过河回到缅甸一侧。但我根本没回过村子。”
  • Sally Thompson leads The Border Consortium, which provides aid to Myanmar refugees in Thailand.
  • 萨利·汤普森是边境联盟的负责人,该联盟为在泰国的缅甸难民提供援助。
  • "You can't keep going back and forth across the border," she said.
  • 她说:“你不能一直在边境上来回奔波”。
  • "You've got to be somewhere where it's stable… And there is absolutely no stability in Myanmar at the moment."
  • “你必须去一个稳定的地方,而缅甸目前绝对不稳定。”
  • Thailand has not signed on to the United Nations Refugee Convention.
  • 泰国尚未签署《联合国难民公约》。
  • It claims Myanmar's refugees return home voluntarily.
  • 它声称缅甸难民是自愿回国的。
  • Thailand also says it has followed international laws that say that people must not be returned to a country where they would face torture, punishment or harm.
  • 泰国还表示,它遵守了国际法。国际法规定,不得遣返人们回到他们可能会面临酷刑、惩罚或伤害的国家。
  • "As the situation on the Myanmar side of the border improved," Thai officials helped citizens voluntarily return to Myanmar, said the spokesperson for Thailand's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • 泰国外交部发言人表示,“随着泰缅边境缅甸一侧局势的改善”,泰国官员帮助公民自愿返回缅甸。
  • Thousands of people from Myanmar have sought refuge in Tak province.
  • 数以千计的缅甸人在达克省寻求庇护。
  • The governor there said many crossed illegally when there was no fighting.
  • 那里的省长表示,许多人在没有发生战斗的情况下非法越境。
  • "We had to send them back as the laws said," the governor said.
  • 该省长说:“我们不得不按照法律规定将他们遣送回国”。
  • "When they faced the threats and crossed here, we never refused to help them."
  • “当他们面临威胁,越境来到这里时,我们从未拒绝过帮助他们。”
  • The international refugee agency UNHCR says that 48,000 people have fled to neighboring countries since the Myanmar military's takeover.
  • 国际难民机构联合国难民事务高级专员公署表示,自缅甸军方接管政权以来,已有4.8万人逃往邻国。
  • The agency says Thai government sources estimate around 17,000 have sought safety in Thailand.
  • 该机构表示,据泰国政府的消息来源估计,大约有1.7万人在泰国寻求安全。
  • But the Thai-Myanmar Border Command Center reports that only around 2,000 are currently living in Thailand.
  • 但泰缅边境指挥中心报告称,目前只有大约2000人生活在泰国。
  • Those fleeing the fighting between the Myanmar military and ethnic minority groups must wade across the rivers dividing the two countries.
  • 那些逃离缅甸军方与少数民族之间战斗的人必须涉水穿过两国分界的河流。
  • They carry belongings and babies on top of their shoulders.
  • 他们肩上扛着行李和婴儿。
  • They must live in crowded, poorly kept shelters made from plastic covering and bamboo.
  • 他们必须住在拥挤、简陋的由塑料覆盖物和竹子制成的庇护所里。
  • Refugees and aid groups say that when fighting stops, Thai officials send them back.
  • 难民和援助组织表示,当战斗停止时,泰国官员会将他们送回缅甸。
  • Myanmar's military, meanwhile, continues to take over villages, burn homes and set land mines.
  • 与此同时,缅甸军方继续占领村庄、焚烧房屋和埋设地雷。
  • "I have seen some of them being forced to get in a car, get off at the river, and cross over to the other side," said Phoe Thingyan of the aid group the Overseas Irrawaddy Association.
  • 援助组织“海外伊洛瓦底江协会”的菲·提扬说:“我看到他们中的一些人被迫上车,在河边下车,然后穿过河流到对岸。”
  • Win is a 23-year-old student who lives on the Myanmar side of the river.
  • 温是一名23岁的学生,住在这条河的缅甸一侧。
  • He often crosses through chest-high water to get food from the Thai side.
  • 他经常穿过齐胸深的河从泰国一侧获取食物。
  • Then he goes back to his shelter in Myanmar, where he lives with around 300 other refugees.
  • 然后他回到他在缅甸的庇护所,在那里他和大约300名难民住在一起。
  • "I just want to go home," he said.
  • 他说:“我只想回家”。
  • "I do not want anything else."
  • “我不想要其他任何东西。”
  • I'm Dan Novak.
  • 丹·诺瓦克为您播报。


International refugee laws ban the return of people to countries where their lives may be in danger.


But refugees, aid groups and Thai officials themselves say Thailand still sends thousands of people who fled violence by Myanmar's military back home.


Since its takeover of the country last year, Myanmar's military has killed more than 1,700 people and arrested more than 13,000.


The military has also tortured children, women and men.


The refugees are now unsure of their future.


Many live on both sides of the river dividing the two countries, as fighting continues in Myanmar.


Hay is a young woman from Myanmar.


She and her family now live in the tall grasses near the river on the Thai border.


Like thousands of others, Hay left her village for neighboring Thailand after the military's takeover.


Returning to Myanmar would place her and her family at risk of death.


But that is what Thai officials tell them to do at least once a week, she told The Associated Press.


The Thai government does not want to hurt its relationship with Myanmar's ruling military.


"When they told us to go back, we cried and explained why we can't go back home," Hay said.


"Sometimes we cross back to the Myanmar side of the river. But I have not returned to the village at all."


Sally Thompson leads The Border Consortium, which provides aid to Myanmar refugees in Thailand.


"You can't keep going back and forth across the border," she said.


"You've got to be somewhere where it's stableAnd there is absolutely no stability in Myanmar at the moment."


Thailand has not signed on to the United Nations Refugee Convention.


It claims Myanmar's refugees return home voluntarily.


Thailand also says it has followed international laws that say that people must not be returned to a country where they would face torture, punishment or harm.


"As the situation on the Myanmar side of the border improved," Thai officials helped citizens voluntarily return to Myanmar, said the spokesperson for Thailand's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Thousands of people from Myanmar have sought refuge in Tak province.


The governor there said many crossed illegally when there was no fighting.


"We had to send them back as the laws said," the governor said.


"When they faced the threats and crossed here, we never refused to help them."


The international refugee agency UNHCR says that 48,000 people have fled to neighboring countries since the Myanmar military's takeover.


The agency says Thai government sources estimate around 17,000 have sought safety in Thailand.


But the Thai-Myanmar Border Command Center reports that only around 2,000 are currently living in Thailand.


Those fleeing the fighting between the Myanmar military and ethnic minority groups must wade across the rivers dividing the two countries.


They carry belongings and babies on top of their shoulders.


They must live in crowded, poorly kept shelters made from plastic covering and bamboo.


Refugees and aid groups say that when fighting stops, Thai officials send them back.


Myanmar's military, meanwhile, continues to take over villages, burn homes and set land mines.


"I have seen some of them being forced to get in a car, get off at the river, and cross over to the other side," said Phoe Thingyan of the aid group the Overseas Irrawaddy Association.


Win is a 23-year-old student who lives on the Myanmar side of the river.


He often crosses through chest-high water to get food from the Thai side.


Then he goes back to his shelter in Myanmar, where he lives with around 300 other refugees.


"I just want to go home," he said.


"I do not want anything else."


I'm Dan Novak.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
violence ['vaiələns]


n. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行

border ['bɔ:də]


n. 边界,边境,边缘
vt. 与 ... 接

convention [kən'venʃən]


n. 大会,协定,惯例,公约

command [kə'mɑ:nd]


n. 命令,指挥,控制
v. 命令,指挥,支配

plastic ['plæstik, plɑ:stik]


adj. 塑料的,可塑的,造型的,整形的,易受影响的

voluntarily ['vɔləntərili]


adv. 自动地,以自由意志

stability [stə'biliti]


n. 稳定性,居于修道院

hay [hei]


n. 干草

minority [mai'nɔ:riti]


n. 少数,少数民族,未成年

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地





