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  • All right, now to Sri Lanka, where the Parliament is meeting today after several lawmakers have called for the president to step down amid an economic crisis there.
  • 好,现在来看看斯里兰卡的情况。斯里兰卡今天召开议会,此前几名议员呼吁总统在经济危机中下台。
  • The president, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, his entire Cabinet resigned on Sunday as food, medicine and fuel shortages have triggered these countrywide protests.
  • 由于食品、药品和燃料短缺引发了全国范围的抗议活动,总统戈塔巴亚·拉贾帕克萨的整个内阁于周日辞职。
  • Security forces fired tear gas and water cannons at these protesters marching on the president's home.
  • 安全部队向在总统家游行的抗议者发射了催泪瓦斯、水炮。
  • Vandana Menon is a reporter with The Print.
  • 范达娜·梅农是The Print的记者。
  • She's in Colombo, Sri Lanka, following this story.
  • 她位于斯里兰卡的科伦坡,正在追踪这条新闻。
  • Vandana, tell us about these protests. What are you seeing?
  • 范达娜,跟我们说说这些抗议情况。 你看到了什么?
  • Hi. I've never seen total unity like this before. It's like a mini Arab Spring in Sri Lanka.
  • 嗨。我从没见过如此团结的场面。就像斯里兰卡的小型阿拉伯之春。
  • People spontaneously broke curfew on Sunday to protest, as did members of the opposition.
  • 周日,人们自发打破宵禁进行抗议,反对派成员也是如此。
  • But yesterday, on Monday, it was very clear that the curfew was over because the streets were completely full of protesters, especially at major traffic junctions.
  • 但昨天,也就是周一,很明显宵禁已经结束,因为街道上到处都是抗议者,尤其是在主要交通路口。
  • Cars were passing by, sounding their horns in support.
  • 汽车驶过,鸣笛表示支持。
  • Some people even got out of their vehicles to join the protest.
  • 一些人甚至下车参加了抗议活动。
  • People didn't seem to mind the traffic congestion at all.
  • 人们似乎根本不在乎交通拥挤。
  • The most popular slogans are ones calling President Gotabaya Rajapaksa a thief and asking him to go home.
  • 最热门的口号是称总统戈塔巴亚·拉贾帕克萨是小偷,并要求他回家。
  • And it's mostly young people and middle-class people who were out on the streets protesting.
  • 主要是年轻人和中产阶级走上街头抗议。
  • The soaring inflation and the shortages in the country - what's been the impact of that?
  • 该国不断飙升的通货膨胀和物品短缺——造成了什么影响?
  • Oh, there's a huge fuel crisis, and you can see vehicles queuing up at petrol stations.
  • 哦,现在有一场巨大的燃油危机,你可以看到汽车在加油站排队。
  • Hospitals have had to stop surgeries last week because of power cuts and shortages of medicines.
  • 由于停电和药品短缺,医院上周不得不停止手术。
  • Exams are canceled because students don't have paper.
  • 由于学生没有试卷,考试被取消了。
  • There are severe shortages in milk, milk powder, sugar, rice.
  • 牛奶、奶粉、糖、大米严重短缺。
  • When the curfew was announced on Saturday afternoon - it came into effect at around 6 p.m. - there was panic-buying, and shelves and grocery stores were empty.
  • 当周六下午宣布宵禁时(大约在下午6点生效),人们恐慌地抢购,货架和杂货店空无一物。
  • People seem to prefer accepting payments in U.S. dollars or Indian rupees over Sri Lankan rupees.
  • 比起斯里兰卡卢比,人们似乎更愿意接受美元或印度卢比。
  • That's how bad the currency is doing.
  • 这就是货币的糟糕表现。
  • How has the government responded to these demonstrations?
  • 政府如何回应这些示威活动?
  • Members of the opposition have been joining the demonstrations.
  • 反对派成员一直在参加示威活动。
  • But on Sunday, 26 Cabinet ministers resigned, except the prime minister, Mahinda Rajapaksa, and his brother, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa.
  • 但周日,除了总理马欣达·拉贾帕克萨和他的兄弟总统戈塔巴亚·拉贾帕克萨之外,有26名内阁部长辞职。
  • Yesterday the president invited all members of Parliament to apply for any ministerial position.
  • 昨天总统邀请所有国会议员申请任何部长级职位。
  • The people seem to be unhappy about this, and several Sri Lankans have told me that the changes in the Cabinet seem cosmetic.
  • 人们似乎对此很不高兴,一些斯里兰卡人告诉我,内阁的变动只是表面现象。
  • Another popular slogan last evening was, resignation does not mean reassignment, which is what the government seems to be doing.
  • 昨晚另一个流行的口号是,辞职并不意味着重新分配,这似乎是政府正在做的事情。
  • Ali Sabry, the justice minister, was sworn in as finance minister yesterday, but he's already submitted his resignation today, just one day into the job.
  • 司法部长阿里·萨布里昨天宣誓就任财政部长,但他今天已经递交了辞呈,这是他上任的第一天。
  • Considering the inflation, the shortages, the demonstration, any indication at all that President Rajapaksa will step down?
  • 考虑到通货膨胀、物资短缺、示威活动,是否有迹象表明拉贾帕克萨总统将下台?
  • No, he seems to be holding on quite firmly.
  • 没有,他似乎牢牢地掌握着权力。
  • His party, the SLPP, lost majority last night when 42 members of Parliament decided to go independent.
  • 他的政党, 斯里兰卡人民阵线党(SLPP), 昨晚失去了多数席位,此时,42名议会成员决定独立。
  • But Parliament has reconvened today.
  • 但议会今天再次召开会议。
  • Let's see what happens. The Rajapaksas are a very political - a powerful political family, and they won in a landslide in 2020. So let's see what happens.
  • 让我们看看会发生什么。 拉贾帕克萨家族是一个非常有政治影响力的家族,他们在2020年赢得了压倒性的胜利。让我们看看会发生什么。


All right, now to Sri Lanka, where the Parliament is meeting today after several lawmakers have called for the president to step down amid an economic crisis there.


The president, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, his entire Cabinet resigned on Sunday as food, medicine and fuel shortages have triggered these countrywide protests.


Security forces fired tear gas and water cannons at these protesters marching on the president's home.


Vandana Menon is a reporter with The Print.

范达娜·梅农是The Print的记者。

She's in Colombo, Sri Lanka, following this story.


Vandana, tell us about these protests. What are you seeing?

范达娜,跟我们说说这些抗议情况。 你看到了什么?

Hi. I've never seen total unity like this before. It's like a mini Arab Spring in Sri Lanka.


People spontaneously broke curfew on Sunday to protest, as did members of the opposition.


But yesterday, on Monday, it was very clear that the curfew was over because the streets were completely full of protesters, especially at major traffic junctions.


Cars were passing by, sounding their horns in support.


Some people even got out of their vehicles to join the protest.


People didn't seem to mind the traffic congestion at all.


The most popular slogans are ones calling President Gotabaya Rajapaksa a thief and asking him to go home.


And it's mostly young people and middle-class people who were out on the streets protesting.


The soaring inflation and the shortages in the country - what's been the impact of that?


Oh, there's a huge fuel crisis, and you can see vehicles queuing up at petrol stations.


Hospitals have had to stop surgeries last week because of power cuts and shortages of medicines.


Exams are canceled because students don't have paper.


There are severe shortages in milk, milk powder, sugar, rice.


When the curfew was announced on Saturday afternoon - it came into effect at around 6 p.m. - there was panic-buying, and shelves and grocery stores were empty.


People seem to prefer accepting payments in U.S. dollars or Indian rupees over Sri Lankan rupees.


That's how bad the currency is doing.


How has the government responded to these demonstrations?


Members of the opposition have been joining the demonstrations.


But on Sunday, 26 Cabinet ministers resigned, except the prime minister, Mahinda Rajapaksa, and his brother, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa.


Yesterday the president invited all members of Parliament to apply for any ministerial position.


The people seem to be unhappy about this, and several Sri Lankans have told me that the changes in the Cabinet seem cosmetic.


Another popular slogan last evening was, resignation does not mean reassignment, which is what the government seems to be doing.


Ali Sabry, the justice minister, was sworn in as finance minister yesterday, but he's already submitted his resignation today, just one day into the job.


Considering the inflation, the shortages, the demonstration, any indication at all that President Rajapaksa will step down?


No, he seems to be holding on quite firmly.


His party, the SLPP, lost majority last night when 42 members of Parliament decided to go independent.

他的政党, 斯里兰卡人民阵线党(SLPP), 昨晚失去了多数席位,此时,42名议会成员决定独立。

But Parliament has reconvened today.


Let's see what happens. The Rajapaksas are a very political - a powerful political family, and they won in a landslide in 2020. So let's see what happens.

让我们看看会发生什么。 拉贾帕克萨家族是一个非常有政治影响力的家族,他们在2020年赢得了压倒性的胜利。让我们看看会发生什么。


重点单词   查看全部解释    
spontaneously [spɔn'teiniəsli]


adv. 自发地,自生地,自然产生地

cabinet ['kæbinit]


n. 橱柜,内阁
adj. 私人的

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

slogan ['sləugən]


n. 标语,口号

tear [tiə]


n. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯

protest [prə'test]


n. 抗议,反对,声明
v. 抗议,反对,申明

indication [.indi'keiʃən]


n. 表示,指示,象征

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

unhappy [ʌn'hæpi]


adj. 不快乐的,不高兴的

powder ['paudə]


n. 粉,粉末,细雪,火药
vt. 洒粉于,使





