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  • We return now to the COP 26 climate change conference in Glasgow, Scotland,
  • 我们现在回到在苏格兰北部格拉斯哥举行的COP26会议上,
  • where leaders are trying to reach new agreements and commitments toward reducing emissions and slowing the impacts of global warming.
  • 各国领导人正试图达成新的协议和承诺,以减少排放和减缓全球变暖的影响。
  • William Brangham is there for us all week.
  • 威廉·布兰汉姆整个星期都在那里等着我们。
  • In his report tonight, he looks at key questions about getting enough help to the world's most vulnerable nations.
  • 在今晚的报告中,他探讨了向世界上最脆弱的国家提供足够帮助的关键问题。
  • On the bustling streets of Dhaka, Mohammad Nirob is part of what's becoming the biggest migration inside Bangladesh.
  • 在达卡熙熙攘攘的街道上,穆罕默德·尼罗布参与了孟加拉国境内最大规模移民活动的一部分。
  • Seven years ago, the 45-year-old had to leave his wife and four kids behind in their village over 100 miles away to come here and earn money.
  • 七年前,45岁的他不得不把妻子和四个孩子留在100多英里外的村子里,来到这里挣钱。
  • Why? His prior life and livelihood had been washed away by ever-increasing floods, ones that are getting worse in a warming world.
  • 为什么? 他以前的生活和生计已经被频发的洪水冲毁了,而在全球变暖的情况下,洪水变得越来越严重。
  • I had run a business before. But the business is no more now.The shops, the houses have been devoured by the river.
  • 我以前做过生意。 但是现在生意已经不存在了。商店和房子都被河水吞没了。
  • For more than half the year, our house was submerged two to three times a month.
  • 一年大半年的时间里,我们的房子每个月都要被淹没两三次。
  • When the high tide happened and the river water flowed into our house, it restricted our movements, our lives.
  • 当涨潮的时候,河水流进我们的房子,它可能会限制我们的行动,我们的生活。
  • Climate refugees like Nirob are partly why Dhaka is one of the fastest growing cities in the world
  • 像尼罗布这样的气候难民在一定程度上解释了为什么达卡是世界上发展最快的城市之一,
  • and why Bangladesh represents one of the great cruelties of climate change.
  • 也解释了为什么孟加拉国是气候变化最残酷的国家之一。
  • Those that have done little to cause the problem are paying the biggest price.
  • 那些几乎没有造成问题的国家正在付出最大的代价。
  • Bangladesh emits less than half of 1 percent of the global greenhouse gases that are warming the planet,
  • 孟加拉国的温室气体排放量还不到全球温室气体排放量的1%,而全球温室气体正在使地球变暖,
  • but suffers disproportionately from that warming.
  • 但孟加拉国的温室气体排放量却不成比例地受到全球变暖的影响。
  • This low-lying country has always been vulnerable to flooding,
  • 这个地势低洼的国家一直很容易受到洪水的影响,
  • but climate change has intensified storms, pushed saltwater further inland and now driven an estimated 10 million people from their homes.
  • 但气候变化加剧了暴风雨,将咸水进一步推向内陆,现在估计有1000万人被迫离开家园。
  • The 170 million people in my country are the most climate-aware people in the whole world.
  • 我们国家的1.7亿人是全世界对气候最敏感的人。
  • Saleemul Huq is the director of the International Center for Climate Change And Development at the Independent University of Bangladesh.
  • Saleemul Huq是孟加拉国独立大学国际气候变化与发展中心的主任。
  • He's in Glasgow for COP 26. He's been to every one of these summits.
  • 他在格拉斯哥参加 COP 26会议。他说,这些峰会他都参加过。
  • Does that explain all the gray hair on top of your head?
  • 这能解释你头顶上那么多灰白的头发吗?
  • Indeed.Indeed. The gray hair is one indicator.
  • 是的。确实如此。白发是一个指标。
  • Huq says the people of his country are following the talks in Scotland closely.
  • Huq 说,他的国家人民正在密切关注在苏格兰举行的会谈。
  • Poor people in the poor countries of the world feel the climate change problem is a problem of injustice.
  • 世界上贫穷国家的穷人认为气候变化问题是一个不公正的问题。
  • It's not about environment. It's not about politics.
  • 这与环境无关。这与政治无关。
  • It's about rich people polluting the atmosphere and making victims of poor people, who did not pollute the atmosphere.
  • 它讲的是富人污染大气,让没有污染大气的穷人成为受害者。
  • And that's just wrong.It's immoral.
  • 这是错误的。这是不道德的。
  • One reason for that inequality is the failures of the world's richest countries to fully deliver on a promised $100 billion a year starting in 2020 to help poorer countries adapt to climate change.
  • 造成这种不平等的一个原因是,世界上最富有的国家未能充分兑现从2020年开始每年提供1000亿美元的承诺,以帮助较贫穷的国家适应气候变化。
  • While many argue that sum was far too little, the wealthier nations aren't even on track to hit that goal.
  • 虽然许多人认为这笔钱太少了,但较富裕的国家甚至没有走上实现这一目标的轨道。
  • In 2019, they provided about $80 billion, up only 2 percent from the year before.
  • 2019年,他们提供了约800亿美元,仅比前一年增长了2%。
  • It's not a huge amount of money.
  • 这不是一大笔钱。
  • The rich countries together could have figured out how to do it, how to provide it.They didn't.
  • 如果富国团结在一起,本可以想出如何做到这一点,如何提供它。他们却没有。
  • Each country decided for themselves, what is my fair share of this amount?
  • 每个国家自己决定,我在这笔金额中出多少份额是公平的?
  • And that's it. And the rest has to come from other people.
  • 仅此而已。剩下的就得靠别人了。
  • So that, to me, is no way to run a show. You know, they were just not serious.
  • 所以,对我来说,这不是表演的方式。你知道,他们只是不认真。
  • Speaking in Glasgow last week, America's climate envoy, John Kerry, said developed nations will hit the $100 billion mark next year, but, he added.
  • 上周在格拉斯哥发表讲话时,美国气候特使约翰·克里说,发达国家明年将达到1000亿美元大关,但他补充说。
  • No government in the world has enough money to effect this transition.
  • 世界上没有哪个政府有足够的资金来实现这一转变。
  • The distribution of these funds has also been unequal.
  • 这些资金的分配方式也是不平等的。
  • One analysis showed that, as of 2019, just 18 percent of the money in the Green Climate Fund, one of the ways these climate dollars get dispersed, went to the poorest nations.
  • 另一项分析显示,截至2019年,绿色气候基金只有18%的资金流向了最贫穷的国家,这是这些气候资金分配的方式之一 。
  • Over 60 percent went to middle-income countries, like India and Mexico.
  • 其中超过60%流向了中等收入国家,如印度和墨西哥。
  • I stand before you, fellow leaders of our nations, neither as a scientist, nor as an environmental expert, but as a citizen of our beautiful planet, and, more specifically, as an island boy facing reality.
  • 我站在你们面前,我们各国的领导人,不是作为一名科学家,也不是作为一名环境保护专家,而是作为我们美丽星球的公民,更具体地说,作为一个面对现实的小岛男孩。
  • Frustrated and sometimes despairing voices from developing nations have been heard throughout COP 26.
  • 来自发展中国家的沮丧的声音,有时甚至是绝望的声音,在COP26会议上不绝于耳。
  • The Maldives is challenged in -- from every single corner, and it is happening, and it is happening now.
  • 马尔代夫面临挑战-来自世界每个角落,而且正在发生,现在正在发生。
  • Mohamed Nasheed is the former president of the Maldives, and now speaker of Parliament.
  • 穆罕默德·纳希德是马尔代夫前总统,现任议会议长。
  • Twelve years ago, to protest the damage his low-lying country was experiencing, he famously staged a cabinet meeting underwater.
  • 12年前,为了抗议低洼国家正在遭受的严重破坏,他筹划了一次著名的水下内阁会议。
  • His country has to spend half its national budget adapting to climate change.
  • 他说,他的国家不得不花费一半的国家预算来适应气候变化。
  • If the planet heats about 1.5 degrees, that's a death sentence on the people of the Maldives.
  • 如果地球温度升高约1.5摄氏度,那就是对马尔代夫人民的死刑判决。
  • The Maldives and many low-lying islands and many coastal areas will find it difficult to survive, and we will have large amounts of people on the move, many climate refugees.
  • 马尔代夫和许多低洼岛屿,以及许多沿海地区会发现很难生存,我们预计会有大量的人在流动,许多是气候难民。
  • And I think the instability that would create would be far worse than addressing the issue right now.
  • 我认为,由此产生的不稳定将比现在解决这个问题糟糕得多。



We return now to the COP 26 climate change conference in Glasgow, Scotland, where leaders are trying to reach new agreements and commitments toward reducing emissions and slowing the impacts of global warming. William Brangham is there for us all week. In his report tonight, he looks at key questions about getting enough help to the world's most vulnerable nations.


On the bustling streets of Dhaka, Mohammad Nirob is part of what's becoming the biggest migration inside Bangladesh. Seven years ago, the 45-year-old had to leave his wife and four kids behind in their village over 100 miles away to come here and earn money. Why? His prior life and livelihood had been washed away by ever-increasing floods, ones that are getting worse in a warming world.


I had run a business before. But the business is no more now.The shops, the houses have been devoured by the river. For more than half the year, our house was submerged two to three times a month. When the high tide happened and the river water flowed into our house, it restricted our movements, our lives. Climate refugees like Nirob are partly why Dhaka is one of the fastest growing cities in the world and why Bangladesh represents one of the great cruelties of climate change. Those that have done little to cause the problem are paying the biggest price. Bangladesh emits less than half of 1 percent of the global greenhouse gases that are warming the planet, but suffers disproportionately from that warming. This low-lying country has always been vulnerable to flooding, but climate change has intensified storms, pushed saltwater further inland and now driven an estimated 10 million people from their homes.


The 170 million people in my country are the most climate-aware people in the whole world. Saleemul Huq is the director of the International Center for Climate Change And Development at the Independent University of Bangladesh. He's in Glasgow for COP 26. He's been to every one of these summits. Does that explain all the gray hair on top of your head? Indeed.Indeed. The gray hair is one indicator. Huq says the people of his country are following the talks in Scotland closely. Poor people in the poor countries of the world feel the climate change problem is a problem of injustice. It's not about environment. It's not about politics. It's about rich people polluting the atmosphere and making victims of poor people, who did not pollute the atmosphere. And that's just wrong.It's immoral.


One reason for that inequality is the failures of the world's richest countries to fully deliver on a promised $100 billion a year starting in 2020 to help poorer countries adapt to climate change. While many argue that sum was far too little, the wealthier nations aren't even on track to hit that goal. In 2019, they provided about $80 billion, up only 2 percent from the year before. It's not a huge amount of money. The rich countries together could have figured out how to do it, how to provide it.They didn't. Each country decided for themselves, what is my fair share of this amount? And that's it. And the rest has to come from other people. So that, to me, is no way to run a show. You know, they were just not serious.


Speaking in Glasgow last week, America's climate envoy, John Kerry, said developed nations will hit the $100 billion mark next year, but, he added. No government in the world has enough money to effect this transition. The distribution of these funds has also been unequal. One analysis showed that, as of 2019, just 18 percent of the money in the Green Climate Fund, one of the ways these climate dollars get dispersed, went to the poorest nations. Over 60 percent went to middle-income countries, like India and Mexico.


I stand before you, fellow leaders of our nations, neither as a scientist, nor as an environmental expert, but as a citizen of our beautiful planet, and, more specifically, as an island boy facing reality. Frustrated and sometimes despairing voices from developing nations have been heard throughout COP 26. The Maldives is challenged in -- from every single corner, and it is happening, and it is happening now. Mohamed Nasheed is the former president of the Maldives, and now speaker of Parliament.


Twelve years ago, to protest the damage his low-lying country was experiencing, he famously staged a cabinet meeting underwater. His country has to spend half its national budget adapting to climate change. If the planet heats about 1.5 degrees, that's a death sentence on the people of the Maldives. The Maldives and many low-lying islands and many coastal areas will find it difficult to survive, and we will have large amounts of people on the move, many climate refugees. And I think the instability that would create would be far worse than addressing the issue right now.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
analysis [ə'næləsis]


n. 分析,解析

migration [mai'greiʃən]


n. 移民,移往,移动

restricted [ris'triktid]


vt. 限制,约束 adj. 受限制的,有限的,保密的

protest [prə'test]


n. 抗议,反对,声明
v. 抗议,反对,申明

adapt [ə'dæpt]


vt. 使适应,改编
vi. 适应,适合

distribution [.distri'bju:ʃən]


n. 分发,分配,散布,分布

indicator ['indikeitə]


n. 指示器,指示剂
[计算机] 指示符

inland ['inlənd]


adj. 内陆的,国内的
adv. 内陆地

vulnerable ['vʌlnərəbl]


adj. 易受伤害的,有弱点的

cabinet ['kæbinit]


n. 橱柜,内阁
adj. 私人的





