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巴西总统因防疫不力 被指控多项罪名

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  • A Brazilian Senate committee investigating President Jair Bolsonaro submitted their findings today to the country's attorney general,
  • 调查总统贾尔·博尔索纳罗(Jair Bolsonaro)的巴西参议院委员会今天向该国总检察长提交了调查结果,
  • recommending the president face criminal charges for his handling of the pandemic.
  • 建议总统因处理疫情而面临刑事指控。
  • The inquiry is unprecedented and scathing,
  • 这项调查是史无前例的,也是严厉的,
  • accusing a sitting head of state of crimes against humanity for Brazil's COVID death toll, the second highest in the world. Here's Nick Schifrin.
  • 巴西新冠肺炎死亡人数居世界第二,指控在任国家元首犯下反人类罪。尼克·希夫林为您带来报道。
  • It is a memorial of grief, what activists call a shrine of shame, 600 tissues for more than 600,000 Brazilian lives lost.
  • 这是一个悲伤的纪念,活动人士称其为耻辱之地,600张纸巾代表60多万巴西人丧生。
  • Their posters ask, who is responsible for this tragedy?
  • 他们的海报问道,谁应对这场悲剧负责?
  • The Senate's answer, largely one man.
  • 参议院的答案基本上是一个人。
  • From the beginning, President Jair Bolsonaro opposed a nationwide lockdown,
  • 从一开始,总统贾尔·博尔索纳罗就反对在全国范围内进行封锁,
  • blocked mask mandates and social distancing requirements, and denied the virus' gravity.
  • 禁止佩戴口罩和保持社交距离的要求,并否认病毒的严重性。
  • In my case, given my athletic history, if I was to be infected, it would not necessarily concern me.
  • 以我为例,考虑到我的运动经历,如果我被感染了,我也不一定会担心。
  • I wouldn't feel anything other than at most a little cold or be under the weather.
  • 我最多也就是有点冷或者身体不舒服,什么都感觉不到。
  • He touted unproven therapies.
  • 他吹捧未经证实的疗法。
  • After testing positive, he called antimalarial hydroxychloroquine a cure and, just this week, disparaged vaccines with lies.
  • 在检测呈阳性后,他称抗疟药羟基氯喹是一种治愈方法,就在本周,他还用谎言贬低疫苗。
  • The reports from United Kingdom government officials suggest that they are completely vaccinated.
  • 英国政府官员的报告表明,他们已经完全接种了这种疫苗。
  • They are developing AIDS faster than what was expected.
  • 他们患艾滋病的速度比预期的要快。
  • Facebook and YouTube later took down this and other Bolsonaro videos.
  • Facebook和YouTube后来撤下了这段视频以及其他博尔索纳罗的视频。
  • While spraying that fire hose of falsehood, Bolsonaro told Brazilians to stop whining and pushed to reopen the economy.
  • 博尔索纳罗一边散播一个又一个谎言,一边告诉巴西人停止抱怨,并推动重启经济。
  • The collateral damage of the measures to fight the virus cannot be worse than the very illness.
  • 抗击病毒的措施所造成的附带损害不可能比疾病本身更严重。
  • Brazil ended up with the world's second highest official death toll, just after the U.S. Senator Omar Aziz led the inquiry.
  • 巴西的官方死亡人数位居世界第二,仅次于美国参议员奥马尔·阿齐兹领导的调查。
  • The presidency is an institution.
  • 总统职位是一种制度。
  • The presidency is not an office in a bar where you can say what you want while drinking beer and eating barbecue.
  • 总统职位不是酒吧里的办公室,你可以一边喝啤酒,一边吃烧烤,随心所欲地说出你想说的话。
  • Bolsonaro tells the Brazilian people about unfounded studies, when we ask to vaccinate the population.
  • 博尔索纳罗告诉巴西人民,我们要求接种疫苗,但这些研究是没有根据的。
  • A majority of the commission's members endorsed the report's recommendations
  • 该委员会的大多数成员支持该报告的建议,
  • to accuse Bolsonaro of crimes against humanity, inciting an epidemic, charlatanism, and misuse of public funds.
  • 指控博尔索纳罗犯有反人类罪,煽动疫情罪,诈骗罪和滥用公款罪。
  • The 1, 200-page document found Bolsonaro's government omitted
  • 这份长达1200页的文件发现,博尔索纳罗政府在抗击疫情的斗争中忽略了疫情,
  • and opted to act in a non-technical and reckless manner in the fight against the pandemic,
  • 并选择以非技术和不计后果的方式采取行动,
  • deliberately exposing the population to a concrete risk of mass infection in order to achieve herd immunity.
  • 故意让民众面临集体感染的具体风险,以实现群体免疫。
  • Today, the report was submitted to Brazil's Attorney General Augusto Aras.
  • 今天,这份报告被提交给了巴西总检察长奥古斯托·阿拉斯。
  • He is a Bolsonaro appointee and doesn't have to pursue charges.
  • 他是博尔索纳罗任命的,不需要起诉。
  • Bolsonaro himself has repeatedly dismissed the committee and its report as politically motivated.
  • 博尔索纳罗本人多次否认该委员会及其报告是出于政治动机。


JUDY WOODRUFF: A Brazilian Senate committee investigating President Jair Bolsonaro submitted their findings today to the country's attorney general, recommending the president face criminal charges for his handling of the pandemic.The inquiry is unprecedented and scathing, accusing a sitting head of state of crimes against humanity for Brazil's COVID death toll, the second highest in the world. Here's Nick Schifrin.

NICK SCHIFRIN: It is a memorial of grief, what activists call a shrine of shame, 600 tissues for more than 600,000 Brazilian lives lost. Their posters ask, who is responsible for this tragedy? The Senate's answer, largely one man. From the beginning, President Jair Bolsonaro opposed a nationwide lockdown,

blocked mask mandates and social distancing requirements, and denied the virus' gravity.

JAIR BOLSONARO, Brazilian President: In my case, given my athletic history, if I was to be infected, it would not necessarily concern me. I wouldn't feel anything other than at most a little cold or be under the weather.

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NICK SCHIFRIN: He touted unproven therapies. After testing positive, he called antimalarial hydroxychloroquine a cure and, just this week, disparaged vaccines with lies.

JAIR BOLSONARO: The reports from United Kingdom government officials suggest that they are completely vaccinated. They are developing AIDS faster than what was expected.

NICK SCHIFRIN: Facebook and YouTube later took down this and other Bolsonaro videos. While spraying that fire hose of falsehood, Bolsonaro told Brazilians to stop whining and pushed to reopen the economy.

JAIR BOLSONARO: The collateral damage of the measures to fight the virus cannot be worse than the very illness.

NICK SCHIFRIN: Brazil ended up with the world's second highest official death toll, just after the U.S. Senator Omar Aziz led the inquiry.

OMAR AZIZ, President, Brazilian Parliamentary Inquiry Committee: The presidency is an institution.The presidency is not an office in a bar where you can say what you want while drinking beer and eating barbecue. Bolsonaro tells the Brazilian people about unfounded studies, when we ask to vaccinate the population.

NICK SCHIFRIN: A majority of the commission's members endorsed the report's recommendations to accuse Bolsonaro of crimes against humanity, inciting an epidemic, charlatanism, and misuse of public funds. The 1, 200-page document found Bolsonaro's government omitted and opted to act in a non-technical and reckless manner in the fight against the pandemic, deliberately exposing the population to a concrete risk of mass infection in order to achieve herd immunity. Today, the report was submitted to Brazil's Attorney General Augusto Aras.He is a Bolsonaro appointee and doesn't have to pursue charges. Bolsonaro himself has repeatedly dismissed the committee and its report as politically motivated.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
immunity [i'mju:niti]


n. 免疫,免疫性,免除

unprecedented [ʌn'presidəntid]


adj. 空前的,前所未有的

document ['dɔkjumənt]


n. 文件,公文,文档
vt. 记载,(用文件

memorial [mi'mɔ:riəl]


adj. 纪念的,追悼的
n. 纪念碑(堂),

misuse [mis'ju:z]


vt. & n. 误用,滥用

senator ['senətə]


n. 参议员

criminal ['kriminl]


adj. 犯罪的,刑事的,违法的
n. 罪犯

virus ['vaiərəs]


n. 病毒,病原体

pursue [pə'sju:]


v. 追捕,追求,继续从事

institution [.insti'tju:ʃən]


n. 机构,制度,创立





