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加州的Iron Ox公司让机器人种植蔬菜

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • A California company is using robots to grow plants in greenhouses that it says use 90 percent less water than traditional farms.
  • 加利福尼亚州一家公司正在使用机器人在温室里种植植物,该公司称,温室的用水量比传统农场少90%。
  • The company, Iron Ox, operates several greenhouses and has plans to expand.
  • 这家名为Iron Ox的公司经营着几个温室,并计划扩大规模。
  • It recently announced a new $50 million investment.
  • 该公司最近宣布了一项5000万美元的新投资。
  • The financing was led by Breakthrough Energy Ventures, a company established by Microsoft founder Bill Gates.
  • 这次融资是由微软创始人比尔·盖茨创立的突破能源投资基金牵头的。
  • At a 930-square meter center in Gilroy, California, Iron Ox uses a self-driving robot named Grover to transport containers of plants.
  • 在加利福尼亚州吉尔罗伊的一个930平方米的中心,Iron Ox 使用一个名为Grover的自动驾驶机器人来运输植物容器。
  • The large greenhouse uses hydroponics, a system designed to grow plants in materials other than soil, such as water.
  • 这个大型温室使用水培,这是一种旨在用土壤以外的材料(如水)种植植物的系统。
  • The company says each container, known as a module, carries 30 liters of water and about 70 seedlings as it moves.
  • 该公司表示,每个被称为模块的容器在移动过程中携带30升水和大约70棵幼苗。
  • Another machine uses robotic arms to lift the top of the plants out of the water.
  • 另一台机器使用机械臂将植物的顶部抬出水面。
  • This permits the roots to be inspected.
  • 这样就可以检查根部了。
  • Sensors also examine the water, measuring levels of nitrogen and acidity.
  • 传感器还会检测水中的氮含量和酸度。
  • Iron Ox claims the system uses 90 percent less water than traditional farms, as well as 90 percent less electricity than indoor farms using LED lights.
  • Iron Ox声称,该系统比传统农场少用90%的水,比使用LED灯的室内农场少用90%的电。
  • LED stands for light emitting diode, which produces light up to 90 percent more efficiently than regular lights.
  • LED是发光二极管的缩写,其发光效率比普通灯高出90%。
  • Sarah Osentoski is the company's senior vice president of engineering.
  • 萨拉·奥森托斯基是该公司负责工程的高级副总裁。
  • She told Reuters news agency she believes robots like these can help prepare for a more sustainable future.
  • 她告诉路透社,她认为像这样的机器人会有助于为更可持续的未来做准备。
  • "I think it's a really exciting way we can move forward in agriculture right now," Osentoski said.
  • 奥森托斯基说:“我认为这是一种我们现在可以在农业上前进的非常令人兴奋的方式。”
  • "I really believe that we need to grow in a way that could feed the future of the world without hurting the Earth," she added.
  • 她补充说:“我真的认为,我们需要以一种既能养活世界的未来,又不会伤害地球的方式来实现增长。”
  • "So, a big part of our mission is to grow more with less."
  • “因此,我们的一个重要使命就是用更少的资源实现更多的增长。”
  • The company notes that in its greenhouses, any water not used can be pumped back into the system to be reused later.
  • 该公司指出,在温室里,任何没有用过的水都可以被抽回系统,供以后重复使用。
  • Agriculture is an important part of California's economy.
  • 农业是加利福尼亚州经济的重要组成部分。
  • But water usage has increasingly become a concern.
  • 但水的使用越来越成为一个令人担忧的问题。
  • The last major drought in 2012-2017 cut water for farmers, forced household usage limits and fueled deadly wildfires.
  • 上一次发生在2012-2017年的严重干旱导致农民缺水,迫使家庭限制用水,并引发了致命的野火。
  • Iron Ox currently grows Thai basil and strawberries and is working on cilantro, parsley, and tomatoes.
  • Iron Ox 目前种植泰国罗勒和草莓,并正在研究种植香菜、欧芹和西红柿。
  • The company plans to build a new 50,000-square-meter greenhouse in Lockhart, Texas.
  • 该公司计划在得克萨斯州洛克哈特新建一个5万平方米的温室。
  • There, the robots will be moving about 5,400 modules.
  • 在那里,机器人将移动大约5400个模块。
  • Iron Ox CEO Brandon Alexander told Reuters that building the company has been "an eye opener" for him and others.
  • Iron Ox首席执行官布兰登·亚历山大对路透社表示,建立这家公司让他和其他人“大开眼界”。
  • "I think we're now at a stage where most people understand that conditions are only getting worse," he said.
  • 他说:“我认为我们现在正处于一个大多数人都明白情况只会越来越糟的阶段。”
  • The system includes another inspection station that uses overhead cameras to capture three-dimensional (3D) images of the plant.
  • 该系统包括另一个检测站,该检测站使用空中摄像机捕捉植物的三维图像。
  • Scientists use this data to study crop production levels.
  • 科学家利用这些数据来研究农作物的产量。
  • "We want to give each plant exactly what it needs and nothing it doesn't," Alexander said.
  • 亚历山大说:“我们想给每一株植物提供它真正需要的东西,而不是它不需要的东西。”
  • After the sensors examine the plants, the system provides suggestions for what is missing.
  • 在传感器检查完植物后,系统就会为植物缺失的东西提供建议。
  • "What does that plant need that we're not giving it."
  • “那棵植物需要什么,而我们没有给它。”
  • Sarah Osentoski sees the robotic, indoor system expanding in the coming years to become a scalable model.
  • 萨拉·奥森托斯基认为,机器人室内系统在未来几年将会扩大,成为一种可扩展的模型。
  • "I think it's a really interesting way to bring modern technology in a controlled setting to agriculture.
  • 她说:“我认为这是一种非常有趣的方式,可以在可控的环境下将现代技术引入农业。
  • And it lets us do things that grow in ways that are really unique and different," she said.
  • 它让我们以真正独特和不同的方式实现增长。”
  • I'm Bryan Lynn.
  • 布莱恩·林恩为您播报。


A California company is using robots to grow plants in greenhouses that it says use 90 percent less water than traditional farms.


The company, Iron Ox, operates several greenhouses and has plans to expand.

这家名为Iron Ox的公司经营着几个温室,并计划扩大规模。


It recently announced a new $50 million investment.


The financing was led by Breakthrough Energy Ventures, a company established by Microsoft founder Bill Gates.


At a 930-square meter center in Gilroy, California, Iron Ox uses a self-driving robot named Grover to transport containers of plants.

在加利福尼亚州吉尔罗伊的一个930平方米的中心,Iron Ox 使用一个名为Grover的自动驾驶机器人来运输植物容器。

The large greenhouse uses hydroponics, a system designed to grow plants in materials other than soil, such as water.


The company says each container, known as a module, carries 30 liters of water and about 70 seedlings as it moves.


Another machine uses robotic arms to lift the top of the plants out of the water.


This permits the roots to be inspected.


Sensors also examine the water, measuring levels of nitrogen and acidity.


Iron Ox claims the system uses 90 percent less water than traditional farms, as well as 90 percent less electricity than indoor farms using LED lights.

Iron Ox声称,该系统比传统农场少用90%的水,比使用LED灯的室内农场少用90%的电。

LED stands for light emitting diode, which produces light up to 90 percent more efficiently than regular lights.


Sarah Osentoski is the company's senior vice president of engineering.


She told Reuters news agency she believes robots like these can help prepare for a more sustainable future.


"I think it's a really exciting way we can move forward in agriculture right now," Osentoski said.


"I really believe that we need to grow in a way that could feed the future of the world without hurting the Earth," she added.


"So, a big part of our mission is to grow more with less."


The company notes that in its greenhouses, any water not used can be pumped back into the system to be reused later.


Agriculture is an important part of California's economy.


But water usage has increasingly become a concern.


The last major drought in 2012-2017 cut water for farmers, forced household usage limits and fueled deadly wildfires.


Iron Ox currently grows Thai basil and strawberries and is working on cilantro, parsley, and tomatoes.

Iron Ox 目前种植泰国罗勒和草莓,并正在研究种植香菜、欧芹和西红柿。

The company plans to build a new 50,000-square-meter greenhouse in Lockhart, Texas.


There, the robots will be moving about 5,400 modules.


Iron Ox CEO Brandon Alexander told Reuters that building the company has been "an eye opener" for him and others.

Iron Ox首席执行官布兰登·亚历山大对路透社表示,建立这家公司让他和其他人“大开眼界”。

"I think we're now at a stage where most people understand that conditions are only getting worse," he said.


The system includes another inspection station that uses overhead cameras to capture three-dimensional (3D) images of the plant.


Scientists use this data to study crop production levels.


"We want to give each plant exactly what it needs and nothing it doesn't," Alexander said.


After the sensors examine the plants, the system provides suggestions for what is missing.


"What does that plant need that we're not giving it."


Sarah Osentoski sees the robotic, indoor system expanding in the coming years to become a scalable model.


"I think it's a really interesting way to bring modern technology in a controlled setting to agriculture.


And it lets us do things that grow in ways that are really unique and different," she said.


I'm Bryan Lynn.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

controlled [kən'trəuld]


adj. 受约束的;克制的;受控制的 v. 控制;指挥;

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

expanding [iks'pændiŋ]



announced [ə'naunst]



established [is'tæbliʃt]


adj. 已被确认的,确定的,建立的,制定的 动词est

expand [iks'pænd]


v. 增加,详述,扩展,使 ... 膨胀,

inspection [in'spekʃən]


n. 检查,视察

breakthrough ['breik.θru:]


n. 突破

drought [draut]


n. 干旱





