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来源:21st英语网 编辑:clover   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Risking health for appearance
  • 医美乱象该“整形”了
  • Zhou Chuna, a 15-year-old online personality known as Xiaona, shared her experience of cosmetic surgery on the internet recently and caused a lot of discussion.
  • 15岁的周楚娜(网名“小娜”)近日在网上分享了做整容手术的经历,引起网友热议。
  • According to Workers Daily, Zhou started getting cosmetic surgery at the age of 13 and has since spent about 4 million yuan on more than 100 surgeries.
  • 据《工人日报》报道,周楚娜从13岁开始做整容手术,至今已经花费400多万元,做过100多次手术。
  • Although Zhou's case is rare, more younger people in China are undergoing cosmetic surgery, Xinhua reported on Aug 31.
  • 据新华社8月31日报道,虽然周楚娜的情况很罕见,但越来越多的中国年轻人正在接受整容手术。
  • A medical beauty industry white paper released by iResearch Global said that 19 percent of Chinese medical beauty consumers in 2020 were aged 18 or under.
  • 据艾瑞咨询发布的医疗美容行业白皮书称,在2020年中国医疗美容消费者中,19%的消费者年龄在18岁或以下。
  • During the summer holidays, double eyelid surgery is common among students.
  • 暑假期间,双眼皮手术在学生群体中比较常见。
  • Other popular cosmetic surgeries among Chinese young people include liposuction and nose jobs, according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
  • 据国际美容整形外科学会称,其他的整容手术也受到中国年轻人欢迎,包括抽脂手术和隆鼻手术。
  • While many beauty clinics claim that being more physically attractive gives people an advantage in society, failed cases of cosmetic surgery are common to see.
  • 虽然很多美容诊所声称,人的外表更有吸引力,在社会上就会更占优势,但整容失败的案例比比皆是。
  • According to Xinhua, an underage girl surnamed Zhang had double eyelid surgery, but she couldn't open her eyes after surgery due to errors made during the operation.
  • 据新华社报道,一名姓张的未成年女性接受了双眼皮手术,但手术出现失误,导致她在术后无法睁眼。
  • Moreover, Xinhua pointed out that there is furious competition within the medical beauty industry to gain more teenage customers.
  • 此外,新华社指出,为了吸引更多的青少年客户,医疗美容行业竞争非常激烈。
  • Some businesses use slogans like “Only by becoming prettier can you be more loved” to spread “appearance anxiety”.
  • 一些企业使用诸如“只有变漂亮,才能更受欢迎”的广告语来传播“容貌焦虑”。
  • And many beauty centers advertise directly to teenagers,
  • 据新华社报道,许多美容中心直接向青少年打广告,
  • encouraging them to “make some changes and let your classmates be amazed by your beauty in the new semester”, reported Xinhua.
  • 鼓励他们“做出一些改变,在新学期用你的美貌惊艳你的同学。”
  • Some clinics mislead their clients by stating low costs.
  • 还有一些诊所以低价误导客户。
  • One internet user said she saw an advertisement for a 15 yuan treatment for pimples but the beautician gave her a year's treatment plan which cost 8,000.
  • 一位网友表示,她看到一则广告,宣传15元治疗青春痘,但美容师给她提供的一年治疗方案,价格高达8000元。
  • More concerning, a large number of beauty care institutions actually operate illegally.
  • 更令人担忧的是,大量的美容机构实际上在非法经营。
  • Global Times reported that China has about 13,000 beauty centers, with 15 percent offering treatments they aren't licensed to do.
  • 据《环球时报》报道,中国约有1.3万家美容中心,其中15%的机构提供未经许可的美容服务。
  • Many experts have said it's improper for teenagers to undergo cosmetic surgery.
  • 许多专家表示,青少年不适合进行整容手术。
  • Teenagers tend to be more vulnerable to advertisement and social pressure, not to mention their level of physical maturity.
  • 青少年往往更容易受到广告和社会压力的影响,更不用说他们的身体还没发育成熟。
  • Given these factors, many are calling for stricter regulations on the beauty industry when it comes to the treatment of teenagers.
  • 鉴于这些因素,许多人呼吁在对待青少年的问题上,美容业应实行更严格的规定。


Risking health for appearance


Zhou Chuna, a 15-year-old online personality known as Xiaona, shared her experience of cosmetic surgery on the internet recently and caused a lot of discussion. According to Workers Daily, Zhou started getting cosmetic surgery at the age of 13 and has since spent about 4 million yuan on more than 100 surgeries.


Although Zhous case is rare, more younger people in China are undergoing cosmetic surgery, Xinhua reported on Aug 31.


A medical beauty industry white paper released by iResearch Global said that 19 percent of Chinese medical beauty consumers in 2020 were aged 18 or under.


During the summer holidays, double eyelid surgery is common among students. Other popular cosmetic surgeries among Chinese young people include liposuction and nose jobs, according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.



While many beauty clinics claim that being more physically attractive gives people an advantage in society, failed cases of cosmetic surgery are common to see. According to Xinhua, an underage girl surnamed Zhang had double eyelid surgery, but she couldnt open her eyes after surgery due to errors made during the operation.


Moreover, Xinhua pointed out that there is furious competition within the medical beauty industry to gain more teenage customers.


Some businesses use slogans likeOnly by becoming prettier can you be more lovedto spreadappearance anxiety”. And many beauty centers advertise directly to teenagers, encouraging them tomake some changes and let your classmates be amazed by your beauty in the new semester”, reported Xinhua.


Some clinics mislead their clients by stating low costs. One internet user said she saw an advertisement for a 15 yuan treatment for pimples but the beautician gave her a years treatment plan which cost 8,000.


More concerning, a large number of beauty care institutions actually operate illegally. Global Times reported that China has about 13,000 beauty centers, with 15 percent offering treatments they arent licensed to do.


Many experts have said its improper for teenagers to undergo cosmetic surgery. Teenagers tend to be more vulnerable to advertisement and social pressure, not to mention their level of physical maturity. Given these factors, many are calling for stricter regulations on the beauty industry when it comes to the treatment of teenagers.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
plastic ['plæstik, plɑ:stik]


adj. 塑料的,可塑的,造型的,整形的,易受影响的

operate ['ɔpəreit]


v. 操作,运转,经营,动手术

tend [tend]


v. 趋向,易于,照料,护理

rare [rɛə]


adj. 稀罕的,稀薄的,罕见的,珍贵的

aesthetic [i:s'θetik]


adj. 美学的,审美的,有美感的
n. (复

attractive [ə'træktiv]


adj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的

mislead [mis'li:d]


vt. 误导,使产生错误印象,欺骗,使误入歧途

appearance [ə'piərəns]


n. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

claim [kleim]


n. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物





